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Retail and Service Workers Share Their Crazy Customer Stories

Sure, we’ve all had our fair share of bad (or even horrible) customer service experiences. There’s even an annual list of the top 10 consumer complaints that ranks which areas of the marketplace we find most frazzling in any given year.

But what about tales from the other side of the counter? We asked our readers who work in the restaurant, retail or service industry to share their worst “crazy customer” stories. We chuckled, guffawed and sat with our mouths wide open as we read through your submissions, then we picked our 12 favorites.

Poke and Sniff
Reader remotecandy says: “I was shopping in the meat department … when I noticed a woman picking up various packages of meat, poking holes in the wraps and sniffing each package before she put the package back where she got it. I was not only appalled, but was disgusted … I notified the meat department manager and he talked to this woman … She lost it, calling the meat manager every name in the book, and proceeded to randomly poke holes in meat packages that she had no intention of buying. Because the store security people couldn’t handle this woman, they called the police, but the woman made it out of the store just in the nick of time.”

Fishy Business
Reader Bballxlovex25 says: “A customer ordered anchovies on a pizza from our pizza place. She called back after receiving her delivery order to complain. She stated that she ordered anchovies on her pizza and received fish. We told her that anchovies were indeed fish and that was what she ordered. She proceeded to yell that she, “Did not want these f***ing fish!” on her pizza. Her son proceeded to tell her that she ordered anchovies and that they were fish. She threatened the manager by saying she was going to beat up the manager’s mother and husband.”

No, It’s Your Fault!
Reader AJH89 says:
“I work at a restaurant and this lady and a little boy, about four or five, came in to eat. The little boy sat down with his mom and peed in his pants. The lady told me it was my fault because I did not tell her that the little boy looked liked he needed to go to the bathroom. She wanted us to give her dinner [for] free. I could not believe it.”

(Chicken) Bills
Reader Gerrydee1 says: “As a young girl right out of school, I worked in the Customer Relations Department of Sears-Roebuck in Philadelphia. This was the mail order division. My job was to handle complaints via letter from customers and route them to the correct place for their problems to be solved. I received a note from a farmer that said his latest sale from the catalog of poultry … included some dead on arrival. My supervisor told me to write him back and asked him to send the bills from the sale indicating how many, and we would gladly replace them … A package arrived with my name on it soon. It smelled funny even before I opened it. When I did, the dope sent me the actual bills (beaks) from the poor little chickens. It smelled to high heaven and freaked me out.”

She’s “Wheely” Crazy

Reader JCDIFFEY says: “[This] lady came into our station for full service lube and oil change and wanted her tires rotated. She returned about two hours later, went to her car and came inside the shop, really mad. She wanted all the wheels with the design on them to all FACE UP. [We] tried to explain, the first time you drive the car [they] will change and [will] not be the same. She refused to pay the bill unless we corrected the problem. We pulled the car on the rack and made all the wheels look the same. She paid bill and departed a happy customer. We let her drive it off the rack.”

What a Gas
Reader TLWidner32824 says: “I had a customer (guest) come into one of my stores at MGM Studios, Orlando with armfuls of merchandise to purchase. She laid her stuff on my counter and whipped out a Mobil gas card to pay for her purchases. I kindly told her that Mobil cards are good for Mobil gas stations to buy gas and products. She could not understand why she could not use her gas card. Even after explaining and re-explaining, she still did not get it. She left, as that was her only ‘form of payment.'”

Too Much “O” in the H2O
Reader PANJO says: “While running my family’s restaurant in NYC, I had a customer call me over one time to her table … She holds a glass of water that the busboy had brought over when she sat down, and asks in very grave tone, ‘Do you see what I see?’ Being in the restaurant business, I figured maybe there was lipstick on the glass [or] something had fallen in it, but … I couldn’t see anything … She said, ‘I can’t believe you can’t see, but there is way too much oxygen in the water!'”

Guess That’s Not What He Wanted to Hear
Reader Chrisandkim04 says: “I had an older gentleman who had purchased his glasses from one of our companies eight years ago. He came in all upset, because his glasses had broken … He proceeded to tell me his story [about] how he bought the glasses several years ago and how he had never had a problem with them until now … His dog got a hold of his glasses and chewed them up beyond recognition … I explained that the frame was no longer being made and in order to get him a new pair he would have to see the doctor … He flipped out. He threw the remaining fragments of his glasses at me and kicked his chair at my other associate.”

Not Worth the Argument
Reader Bgk9876 says: “A customer wanted to return a canteen which she had recently purchased. When I asked her why she wanted to to return it she said it leaked. After inspecting the canteen, [I] noticed [it had] a hole in the center big enough to put your index finger in. When this was pointed out to the customer, she responded by saying, ‘Well, that’s not where it leaks.’ She got a full refund.”

She Did What??
Reader WAYDOWNTOWN2 says: “A woman came into the restaurant drunk, and when asked to leave she hiked her skirt up, squatted down and proceeded to pee in the middle of the dining room. “Oh yeah, she was arrested.”

The Wrong End of Things
Reader Marcanewman1 says: “I spent many years in drug stores and had many ‘confused customers.’ A few — ‘Why didn’t the direction label say take the foil off the suppository first, it really hurt?’ ‘I choked, why didn’t the instructions say take the pill with water?’ ‘Why didn’t the label say Insert in rectum, I swallowed it ?’ [This] customer orally took a suppository with the foil on it!”

Pizza Pain
Reader Bnchudson says:
“I work for a restaurant that has a website for people to place online orders. I had a customer who placed their order online for one size then yelled at us because she had [accidentally] ordered a bigger size and thought we had purposely changed her ticket. When we showed her the original copy she still didn’t believe it. We then even offered to remake it for her at no additional cost, and she flipped out saying she had already paid for the larger size (which she was shown she had not) and deserved a refund of her money as well. Needless to say she left with no refund and the smaller size.”

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These 27 Cashiers Reveal The Worst Thing a Customer Has Done to Them

via Flickr – Mike Mozart
Found On AskReddit

1. A Magical Guilt Trip

One lady tried to pay for $400 of groceries with her sister’s maxed-out card, said “well, it’s not mine, anyway…” then when I couldn’t do anything about it, lined her kids up and said “We’re not eating this week because of this man.”

2. Incorrect Change

As soon as you close the drawer and the receipt prints out –

“OH wait I didn’t mean to give you that 10, I had a 5, can I just get my 10 back and give you this 5? Just open the drawer, give me that 10 bill and I’ll give you this 5. Oh nevermind I have a 20, give me two tens and a five for the 20 and we’ll be even.”

No you absolutely cannot quick change me, I’m not an idiot.

3. No Receipt, No Return

Threatening to call the police after you don’t like our return policy which requires a receipt.

4. The Belt Play By Play

I had this customer once where he would put his items on the belt one by one, look at the price, tell me the price, then say whether it’s expensive or not. THEE most annoying shit in the world, especially when there was a lot of people waiting in line….and I can see the damn price on the computer.

5. The Check-Out Line Is Not A Storage Area

Set some stuff down by the register then go walk around and pick out more stuff. Get all of the shit you want BEFORE you try to pay for it.

6. Yes, Because EVERYONE Does

People with a full cart of groceries saying “Can you believe I only came for milk (or bread) LOL??”

7. This Cash Register Makes Change, Not Time

Spending 20 minutes trying to find exact change when they could easily pay with what they’re holding. Especially when they’re holding up the line. Just give me the fucking money, it takes like 5 seconds for me to give you change back.

8. Dad Jokes

Handing me a $50 or $100 bill, saying, ‘I just printed it this morning!’ HARDIE FUCKING HAR HAR. They must think they’re so clever.

9. You’re Cheating And Everyone Knows It

People who insist on using the express lane with way more than the limit.

10. Lie About Pricing

“Over there it said it was blah blah price.” Walk over and it’s not.

11. Attempts At Haggling

I worked in a small natural food store and people complained about the prices all the time. “YOU KNOW THEY SELL THIS DOWN THE STREET FOR $1 LESS?”


12. Check Writers

I always hated people paying with a check and not having anything filled out while I ring every item up, and then I get to watch them fill in the date, the name of the store, ask me the total, etc. while the line backs up…

13. They’re Actually Destroying Things

Let their kids mash on shit.

14. Please, Please, Just Remember

When you finish ringing them out and they remember they have a coupon. I’d have to return everything and do another transaction.

15. Closed Means I Want To Go Home

My “Checkstand is closed” sign is up, light is off, I explain my register is closed, and the customer ignores me completely and puts their shit on my belt anyways.

This happened to me once and I have hated this woman ever since. She didn’t even look at me. She just literally had her nose in the air the whole time. Like she was hot shit. Fuck you lady. I scanned your most expensive item twice. “Whoops.”

16. Just Handle Your Belongings

Leaving their personal coffee mug/other drinking cup in the basket for me to deal with.

17. And Other Things That Didn’t Happen

Customer buys $900 TV

Customer: I would like to pay in pennies.

Me: 0.01, 0.02…

6 hours later…

Me: 374.54, 374.55…

Customer: Oh this is taking too long, I’ll just use my credit card.


Customer: Problem?

18. Everyone’s An Expert

Giving unwarranted business advice – “you really should….” the business has been running for 15 years. I really dont think I need to take your advice.

19. Do You Even Know How Gross This Is?

Licking your finger then grabbing your bills and handing them to me. Like I don’t want to fucking touch your saliva.

20. Am I The Only One Who Gives A $hit About The Rules?!

When people ask if they can use a coupon after it expired because they forgot… Then my managers accept it anyway. What’s the point of having an expiration date if you’re just going to override it? Like it’s your responsibility to keep track of that shit. It’s two dollars off, you’ll live.

21. Go To A Pawn Shop

Returning clearly worn-off tools way past 30 days and expecting a refund without receipt.

22. The Price Is The Price

When I ring a customer up and they are a couple dollars short and act like they don’t have to pay it. ugh.

23. Wanting Special Treatment

Tell me how long they’ve been coming into the store when something doesn’t go their way. Say an item doesn’t ring up on sale. “I’ve been coming here for 20 years!” Really? Because I’ve lived here my whole life, and I remember when they built this fucking place 10 years ago. Even if they had been coming for 20 years, it’s not as though that’s a magical phrase that means they just get whatever they want instantly.

Or they’ll say “Oh, the other cashier just always does it for me.” in regards to scanning a store rewards card or getting a discount (Both against policy). Well, cool. They can lose their job, but I’m not losing mine, and if the other cashier is always so helpful and gives you whatever you want why didn’t you just go to them?

24. It’s One Penny

I saw a lady at the self checkout today, start a scene because her beansprouts were 99 cents but it’s supposed to be 98 cents, like pennies don’t exist in Canada anymore. I understand principles but this is just stupid. Oh and fuckers that price match the world.

25. It’s Wal-Mart…

One customer argued with me for twenty minutes over a 60 cent coupon for an item she didn’t want, forcing me to apologize to her and everyone else in line for her shitty behavior. When a manager didn’t show up for five minutes, even though I did everything in my power to summon these beings of middle management, she cursed me out and walked away, leaving me to cancel her order.

Another man forced me to say the phrase, “I’m sorry sir, but I can’t accept this coupon because you aren’t buying the proper brand of lube.” Who gets coupons for sexual lubricant anyway? And who buys that shit at Wal-Mart.

People get mad that their filthy, crumpled-up, torn, expired coupons worth less than a flee’s fart are not accepted by our system. They look at me like I’d just strangled their children. I fucking hate whoever came up with this idea of slips of paper that give you meaningless discounts for shit you don’t need.

TL:DR Coupons are Satan’s inventions.

26. The Endless Purses

When women with huge purses spend like a minute repacking their bags after the transaction is finished and I’m just standing there looking back and forth between her and a line of customers staring at us.

27. Why Did You Pick Them Up?

When they approach you, and hand you seven items they’ve decided they don’t want. I work in a home decor store, so item sizes range a lot

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Tis the season for the Great American Shopping Frenzy, also know as the Holiday/Christmas season (depending on the level of political correctness you maintain). We have made our lists, checked the sale circulars twice, but we often forget that even shoppers can be naughty, and I am here to tell you how to be nice.

Unless you have worked retail, you have no clue what we go through in those stores. Before I went back to school in my early 30’s to pursue my undergraduate degree, I worked in apparel retail for nearly 14 long and excruciating years, the bulk of that experience as a General Manager for companies like Gap, Express and NY&Co. Throughout those many holiday seasons working on the front lines, I have seen it all, and, after getting the hell out a few years back, I can’t help but notice customers haven’t gotten any better, and unfortunately some don’t even know what they are doing wrong.

So, don’t want to be an asshole customer this holiday season? Here is how:

Don’t Shop On Thanksgiving Day – Shopping on this day not only facilitates corporate greed, it makes you the biggest asshole of them all. This holiday was one of the last guaranteed days off in retail. Most retail employees work on all the major holidays, such as Labor Day, July Fourth, Memorial Day, etc. Now, employees are pretty much forced into work, since not many people actually “volunteer” to work this day. Many of those who work retail can not afford to take many days off, so having a day with family is evermore important on a holiday that celebrates togetherness and gratitude.


Don’t Correct The Holiday Greeting – If you have a problem with the saying “Happy Holidays,” which only serves to be cheerful, then the problem is with you, and not us. Many retailers went to the “Happy Holidays” mantra because it is all encompassing, non-religious, and includes the entire Bermuda Triangle of Holidays where countless souls of retail workers have been lost: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. So, if you are trying to put the Christ back in Christmas, do so at church or in your community, and not while shopping for socks at Target.


Don’t Knock On The Front Door 1 Minute Before Opening Time – Employees know it is almost opening time, and they are aware of your presence since you have been giving the stare of death for about 10 minutes. There is a lot to do to get a store ready for opening time, including having a small rally with your employees to kick off the day and communicate any important information (propaganda). You knocking and staring is not cute and only causes a disruption, and makes us hate you even more.


Don’t Run In 1 Minute To Closing Time – Closing Hours are not suggestions, and while many retailers will allow you to come in right up until closing time, it doesn’t mean you should meander and browse for another 45 minutes.  You do realize these employees not only need to clean up, from the day’s mess, but are under strict time constraints to do so? Do you know how hard it is to refold a table of pocket tee’s with you picking through them? If you come in right at closing, make it a quick in and out situation, because the employees would like to make it out by 2am.


No, We Can’t Open Another Register – I know it seems silly that there can be a wretched line of people with only a few register open. Unfortunately, being a raging bitch about the line to the cashier will not help you. You think we haven’t thought of opening another register already?

Understand this: large companies tell the store exactly how much payroll they can spend, and it is up to each store to apply that payroll as effectively as possible within those limits. This means everything from cashiers, to management, to stock, and sales. And, if they don’t consistently hit those payroll targets, they will lose their jobs. So, the next time you are annoyed, trust that there really is not much they can do at the store level, and instead you can smile and try to empathize with the cashiers as they are standing at that register, ringing up sales for hours at a time. You think your feet hurt from walking the mall? Try standing in one spot for 8 hours asking every other asshole out there to open a credit card that you know is all lies filled with a crazy high APR that will completely offset the meager 15% you saved.


Don’t Make Major Life Decisions While Checking Out – The price is the same as it was on the sign ten minutes ago, and as the one on the price tag. Can’t decide on a color? What were you doing in line for the past 10 minutes? Forgot your coupon at home? So did everyone else. Move it or lose it.


No, We Don’t Have a Public Restroom – And, no you cannot use the one in the back. Why? First, if you come to the back, we have to stand there while you piss/poop/both, which means we are also listening to you, much to our chagrin. Secondly, it takes an employee off the floor/register. Lastly, someone has to clean it there, and, well, customers are gross. Use the public restroom in the mall.


If We Are Out Of Stock, We Are Out Of Stock – Yes, I know it is frustrating, but once we are out, we are out until the next shipment comes in, and most likely, we don’t know if what you need will be coming. You asking me a second time, or better yet, another employee, will not make it magically appear. Next time try Amazon.


Don’t Ever Swear At The Staff – I can’t count on both hands the amount of times I had to kick customers out of a store, and in some instances, call the police. There is a lot of crap retail workers have to put up with, but once that line is crossed, it’s “Bye Felicia” for you. Freedom of speech is protected on public property, but in the store, you are on private property, and therefore can be removed. I mean, do you really think saying nasty things to an employee will get you anywhere?


Leave The Kids At Home – This is not a daycare center, and we will not watch your kids. However, if you MUST take your toddler with you, please keep it in a stroller or on a leash, because when that mannequin topples on him or her, it’s going to hurt like a bitch, and it will not be our fault. Also, other customers will hate you, too.


Don’t Fight With Other Customers – Although, when you do, it is entertainment for us. I have seen women physically fight one another over pajama sets and velour track suits to the point of losing acrylic nails and false eyelashes, and it is hilarious. But seriously, don’t fight.


You’re Not The Only One – As in, there are 100 other customers who are in the store too. If you want a personal shopper, go to Bloomingdale’s, otherwise be patient and share.


Don’t Be Disappointed on Christmas Eve – Stores will undoubtedly be out of stock with only slim-pickings left. And, all of those slim-pickings will be heavily discounted and thrown out to the vultures. Stores will be a disaster and busy. Employees will have reached the end of their line and no longer give two shits about you. The store will close at 6 and you will need to get the fuck out. This was probably the only day of the year I would walk around and tell customers they had to check out immediately. Employees have families too, you know. You need a gift? Should have though about that before 10 minutes ago.


So, in conclusion, I recognize that this list is harsh, but so are customers, and unfortunately most employees have to shut their mouths to avoid termination or disciplinary action. So this Holiday Season as you are shopping, smile and be understanding of the struggle retail employees go through. And, if you do any of these things listed above, you can trust me when I say: We are totally talking shit about you in the backroom and over those Madonna inspired headset we are wearing.



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