The Customers Who Would Not Take No For An Answer
Customers can be rude,obnixious and annoying. But sometimes they can be so painfully funny that you just have to sit back admire thier stupidity
Thank you to Martyb153 for sending this into us.

Decided to share one of the funniest moments I’ve had working in retail.
A few years ago I was working on the till and a customer came up to me with a toaster they had bought from us. Claiming it was faulty and it would burn the toast at every single setting. So rang for my manager and explained the situation and he took it through the back for testing.
Two minutes later my manager came back out with a piece of bread that was in the toaster at the lowest setting and it wasn’t burnt. It could still be considered bread it was that untouched. The customer wasn’t having any of it and still claimed that the toaster was burning on every setting. The manager went back and tried the toaster on several different settings and still it wasn’t burning the bread like the customer claimed. My manager told him that the toaster wasn’t faulty and gave it back to him.
I thought this was the end of it but two days later the customer was back with the toaster, this time with his wife still trying to claim the toaster was faulty. So I rang for my manager again and he explained how he tested the toaster and it wasn’t faulty. But this time the customer’s wife came with a piece of bread that had been in the toaster which hadn’t been burnt. And she was going about asking other customers if they would eat the toast. Everyone said yes which didn’t make the customer happy.
By this time I was trying to hold back a fit of laughter as this was one of the funniest things I’ve seen. Two customers trying to claim a toaster was faulty when it was working perfectly fine. So like last time my manager took the toaster into the back for testing and he took the customers through the back with them so he could see what he was doing to the toaster. So now there was my manager, two other members of staff and two customers all standing around a toaster waiting for it to make toast. And like last time they went through all the settings on the toaster and it wasn’t burning the toast. And yet the customers still tried to claim it was faulty.
In the end the customers realized that they weren’t going to get a refund and they took the toaster with them as they left the shop.
Even after all the years I’ve worked in retail those two visits from the customer and their toaster was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Two people claiming a toaster was faulty even though it was working properly. And then asking random people in the shop if they would eat toast that they had made in the toaster and everyone said yes
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