17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses
1. You compulsively fold items that are ruining the appearance of a display.
You’re not happy until the display looks like this, tbh.
2. You fold your clothes at home like this:
3. You’ll even use a clipboard…
4. … or paper fold your clothes.
5. You smile – and sometimes greet – random people without realizing it.

NBC / Via jamesfrancossmile.tumblr.com
6. When you’re at a bookstore, you put books back in the correct section.
Even if you’re not the one who initially pulled it out.
8. And you’ll even make sure the spacing is just right.
9. Oh, and you do the same thing at home.
Omar Villegas / Buzzfeed
Be honest, there’s one hanger that’s killing you right now.
10. When you take a certain size off the rack, you put it back where you got it.
It’s not rocket science, right?!
11. You try not to show up right before closing time. If you do, you feel terrible about it.

Marvel / Via gif-database.tumblr.com
12. If you find an item that doesn’t face the right way, you fix it. Retail heaven looks like this:
13. You die inside when people can’t bag your items correctly.
14. When you’re finished trying stuff on in the dressing room, you put everything back on hangers before you exit.

The WB / Via demetria-lovatos-warrior.tumblr.com
And the person working the dressing room will love you for it.
15. When you enter the store, you wait to see if the associates greet you within 10 seconds.

Paramount / Via reactiongifs.com
You don’t really want to chat, you just want to see if they’ll do it.
16. After you try on a pair of shoes, you put them back the way you got them.
17. And if you return something, you always make sure you didn’t leave anything behind.
Why do you do it? Because you’ve been there.

Lionsgate / Via hungergamesmania.tumblr.com
And it’s your little way of telling your fellow retail workers: I feel your pain.
Sourced from buzzfeed.com
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