August 2014 - Page 4 of 14 - I Hate Working In Retail


Retail is Evil. Why I gave up my dead end job

The End signpost - why i gave up my job

It felt like I had just been hit by a train.

Her comment had blindsided me to such an extent that I stood there, open mouthed, struggling to comprehend what I had just heard.

Her eyes staring at me intently; her ignorance was astounding but yet I couldn’t respond. I was rendered speechless.

I glanced over at my colleague who gave me the slightest shake of his head. He too couldn’t believe it.

5 months of hard work, insane shift patterns, putting our bodies on the line and for what?


I looked at the metal bar just inches from my left hand. My fingers twitched; I felt an overwhelming urge to pick it up and teach her a lesson.

This is why I gave up my job.

Phase one – Incompetence

My previous job, as I have mentioned before wasn’t exactly a bundle of joy.

I worked for one of the nation’s largest retailers, one of those stores where it’s small enough to know everybody inside but large enough that you felt as though your identity has been stripped and all you’ve been left with is a number.

The laughter factory as I liked to call it, with a touch of irony.

My job title was technically a general assistant, or sales assistant. Basically I was a minimum wage monkey that wasn’t being fed enough bananas.

I accepted a change in position just before Christmas that was supposed to be temporary. They needed people to help with the refurbishment, and when asked, I happily accepted.

It seemed better than serving customers. To be honest punching myself in the face was a better option than that.

If you’ve ever worked retail then you will know exactly what I mean.

The trouble being this job was the worst experience of my working life. They expected us to work 5×12 hour nightshifts in a row. To stay behind even longer if the work wasn’t completed.

“We’ll give you night pay” they said.

“We’ll give you extra days off” they said.

For those 5 months I was underpaid by at least £100 per month. When you’re on minimum wage that is a lot of money but I suppose you can’t reason with incompetence.

I stuck at it. I wish I hadn’t. I simply lacked courage.

Every day I pondered whether I should ask to be transferred back so I could stand in front of the unwelcome gaze that is the general public. It was a tough one but I always told myself that it will all be over soon. These insane shift patterns will be replaced with normality and this nightmare will surely end.

I was half right.

Phase two – Slave labour

Okay, the nightshifts ended and I started working with a new guy. My initial feeling of relief was short lived as while I was happy to be working day shifts, the amount of work we were expected to do was nothing short of brutality.

For 5 days a week between the hours of 8am and 6pm we were basically labourers.

The actual guys that were being paid £200 a day to do a lot of the work were astounded by what we had to do. They couldn’t believe it, especially as we weren’t being sufficiently compensated for our efforts.

We were given a task of clearing out a large room full of metalwork. That previous sentence doesn’t convey how much metalwork this room contained.

It was ridiculous. Tons and tons of the stuff, literally 2 weeks solid work. We had to clear it out, tidy it up and put it all back again. If it sounds a bit pointless then you’ll be right. It was.

During this time my colleague and I would both injure our backs, cut our hands and arms on broken glass, suffer badly bruised legs and all because they had trouble finding worthwhile jobs for us to do.

To be fair our manager at the time would check in on us and he was genuinely thankful for what we were doing. The trouble started when he left for another store 2 days before the end of the job.

One of the senior management team, we’ll call her The Dragon; took over until end of our contract. She was someone who I had a good working relationship with. I genuinely didn’t mind that she was now my temporary boss.

Surely she had been paying attention to the work we were doing?

Phase three – The confrontation

I paused.

Time slowed down while I imagined myself picking up the bar and beating her in the face with it. Her assistant, a pathetic weasel of a man, would be next. I never trusted him, and I would later be proved right with my instincts.

But I am not a violent, nor a stupid person.

“You’ve hardly done any work”

Her words were so lethal. In my whole working life I had never heard such ignorance. The first time she had even been to this room in weeks and she dared to question our work ethic.

Not to mention the sheer amount of floor space we had created.

This all happened in the space of a few seconds before she uttered her next gem.

“I want all this completed in 2 days”

“No” I responded, venomously. “It cannot be done. We’ve been doing this for 2 weeks and you have no idea how much work this is”

“(Assistant) and I could do this easily. You have no excuses.” She said.

I glanced again at my colleague who I could tell was doing his utmost to remain calm and silent.

“You will stay out here and you will not go inside the store for any reason. You will tell (assistant) when you go for a break, and you will tell him when you return”

Thanks for reminding me, I thought to myself. It’s been a while since I felt like a child.

Later that day in what I can only assume was an attempt to strip us of our dignity, she had her assistant come upstairs and take away our phones (which were essential in our role) and to inform me that I would spend the next week in the staff kitchen ‘pot washing.’

“Oh it’s like that is it?” I asked.

He smirked. I punched the box next to me in a fit of rage.

Phase four – Interrogation

I took that week off sick. You see all that hard work had caused my sciatica to flare up and I needed time off for a rest. The fact it coincided with my ‘pot wash’ week was just a spot of good luck.


Anyway, I had spoken with my colleague not long after our little confrontation and he suggested that I take a week off sick, to screw them over.

I wasn’t totally sure if he was serious or not, but I commended him on his creativity.

You see there was a slight problem with this.

On my return from my totally legitimate back injury, I was summoned into The Dragons office. I would say Dragons Den but sadly I wasn’t going to get any money here.

“So how’s your back?” She asked.

Oh much better now thanks, not great but I’ll manage” I replied.

“So I’ve been informed that you told (colleague) that you were going to skive off last week”

Now I’ll be honest here, I did not expect that.

She stared at me, looking for a sign of weakness, something she could latch on to.

I refused to show any.

Firstly I didn’t say such a thing, so I can only assume someone overheard our conversation and added 2 and 2 together to get 4.1, but this is irrelevant. In her eyes I was guilty.

My mouth was dry. I could feel my heart forcing its way out of my chest.

Our eyes were locked in a stare down straight out of WWE. She wasn’t flinching and neither was I.

Seconds passed.

It felt a bit awkward, but to hell with it. I’m not letting her win.

More seconds passed. The tension was increasing and I felt I needed to end it.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“I see” She replied. “So are you saying this person lied?”

“I have no idea. I just can’t remember such a conversation”.

Take that Dragon.

She must have sensed I wasn’t backing down so she moved on. She would inform me I would spend the next 2 weeks doing pot washing and then I would work under her as a ‘security guard’. I put that in brackets because I wouldn’t actually have any responsibility.

In her words;

“You will keep an eye out for thieves and then report back to security. You will not speak to anyone at any time or you will face disciplinary action”.

I had two lovely words for her, but I kept quiet. I had other ideas.

Phase five – The end

A couple of days passed while I gave it a bit of thought, (not the job offer, stuff that) and I finally decided that I couldn’t work for this person and this company any longer. I handed in my notice and I had never felt so relaxed and relieved in a very long time.

Yes the final two weeks of my job involved a lot of pot washing and sticking my fingers in various half eaten pies, but I didn’t care. I was free.

I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do but that’s it, no idea how to get started but it was OK. This was a watershed moment in my life and I knew I would never go back to the hell that is retail.

Almost 6 months on and I do not regret a second of my decision. I gave up my job and it was the best thing I have ever done.

If you’re in a job now where you are under appreciated or are being treated with a total lack of respect, please consider your options. Get out if you can. It doesn’t matter if you give up that industry altogether or simply just try your luck at a different company.

Your dignity and your happiness/health are the most important things you will ever have.

Sourced from


35 Things Only People Who Work Shifts Will Understand

1. Getting annoyed when your friends aren’t around to go to the pub at 2 p.m. on Tuesday.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

“Are you sure you can’t get off early?”

2. Having to kill massive amounts of time before anyone can come meet you to do anything.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

“Yeah, it’s cool that you can’t meet me until 8 p.m….even though I’m off at 12 and basically have to be asleep by 9 p.m.”

3. When you see tweets from people who are like, “Yay, so glad it’s FRIDAY!!!” you’re like YEAH WHATEVER.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

TLC / Via


4. Any song about Friday playing while you’re at work makes you want to cry.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

Well, I would like to get down with Friday, but I CANNOT.

5. Only being able to do your grocery shopping at the 24-hour Tesco, at 2 a.m.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

6. Those magnificent bags under your eyes.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

7. Wondering if you have a problem for drinking at 6 a.m. even though you technically just got off work.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

AMC / Via

8. Never knowing what day of the week it is.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

9. Being a killjoy on a Saturday night because you need to go home and sleep.


10. Being a killjoy on Saturday night because you now have to go to work.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

BBC / Via

11. Not even being out on a Saturday night because you’re at work.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

12. Having a bizarre eating schedule that means you’re ready for lunch at 9 a.m.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

13. And are ready for second dinner at 9 p.m.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

14. And it’s basically always SNACK O’CLOCK.

Bravo /

15. You feel personally victimised by the song “9-5”.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

20th Century Fox / Via

16. When a customer says to you, “Enjoy your weekend!” when you’re clearly working.

17. All of the inside jokes and WORK LOLZ happen when you’re out of the office, so you have no idea what anyone is talking about, ever.



“Oh, it must have been when you weren’t in.”

18. Missing all the big office parties (and every single night out) because you’re holding down the fort while everyone else has fun.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

19. Missing out on all the big family gatherings on holidays because you’re WORKING.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

20. When your grandma gives you shade when you arrive late for Christmas dinner because you were WORKING.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

21. When your mum makes passive-aggressive Facebook statuses about how great it was “having all the family together” for Sunday dinner and you were WORKING.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

22. Torturing yourself by checking Instagram when all of your friends are out and you’re WORKING.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

E! / Via

23. When you sign for a delivery and the postman totally judges you because it’s 4 p.m. and you’re still in your pyjamas and have major Sleep Face.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

24. Literally never seeing your significant other when they’re awake.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

25. When you hear people complain about being tired and you’re like, “I’VE BEEN UP SINCE 3 IN THE MORNING”.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

Disney / Via

26. Feeling like you exist in a parallel universe only inhabited by bored paramedics and miserable journalists.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

FOX / Via

27. When you see university students slobbing around town in sweatpants and desperately clutching Frappuccinos and you’re just like, “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TIRED EVEN IS, KID.”


28. Checking Twitter on your break and the only ones online are people with insomnia or Australians.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

29. Bank holidays are really just a slap in the face.


You have to BOOK THEM OFF unlike everyone else.

30. As are the Facebook photos of everyone’s AMAZING BBQ and MEGA-RELAXING WEEKEND.

31. When people totally don’t understand why you can’t just “change shifts” so you can come to their birthday party.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

NBC / Via Katy turned it into a big fun on stage party.

32. Feeling like a slob for sleeping until 3 p.m. even though you didn’t get home from work until 10 a.m.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

33. Trying to sleep when the rest of the world outside is 100% awake and SUPER LOUD.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

So many children crying! So many cars! So many people having their houses renovated! So much DIY! SO MUCH TALKING ON THE STREET.

34. Feeling like you work a lot harder than everyone else because it’s only YOU working on your shift.

Channel 4 /

“Can you cover for me while I head out for some food? OH, WAIT, I AM ALONE.”

35. You are always THAT friend who can never commit to anything because you don’t know your work schedule yet.

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

So lonely. :(

35 Things Only People Who Work Weird Hours Will Understand

Paramount Pictures / Via

Sourced from


Jokes That Make Customer Service People Hate You

Last month, I wrote a column about all the good men and women working service industry jobs and suffering under the tired “jokes” of customers who don’t have the vaguest conception of either comedy or things employees enjoy hearing while working. The column did pretty well, and I slept soundly that night, knowing hundreds of thousands of earnest workers had found a new hero.

Did I mention I dreamed hundreds of thousands of earnest workers called me a hero?

But some were not so pleased. Some said it is a small, bad man who takes offense to customers cracking harmless jokes. How could I suggest murdering such customers, they asked, and then they explained how they lived their lives like Zen masters, undeterred by the passing indignities of manual labor. In response, I did the only thing I could:

I had a dream where those mean commenters were processed into hamburger and eaten by an angry giant

Then I woke up and wrote this sequel. Here are five more horrible, cliched jokes that workers have to hear every day, and how I think those workers should be allowed to react in a just world.

#5. Saying “It’s Good. I Printed It This Morning” to a Cashier Checking Large-Denomination Bills

Even in today’s world of automatic debits and swiping money chips lodged in your urethra (I’m beta-testing that right now), people still pay for things in cash. And sometimes that cash comes in large denominations: $20s, $50s, and even $100s. Now, I’m not sure if you know this, but if you’re a cashier and your drawer doesn’t add up at the end of your shift, some employers take the difference out of your pay. Other employers fire you. That’s why accepting a counterfeit $100 in place of a real one would be a bit problematic for cashiers. And beyond that, some businesses have trained their employees to always check for the various official markings of higher-denomination bills, so cashiers do it because, y’know, it’s their job.

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“Yes, a picture of Nicolas Cage giving Benjamin Franklin a reach-around … this one’s good!”

But don’t let that stop you from making a great joke! If you’re an exceptionally funny person, when this happens to you, you’ll wait until the moment the cashier inspects your bill and say …

“Don’t worry. It’s good. I printed it this morning!”

Get it? No, he’s not saying he works for the United States Treasury Department; he means it’s fake. It’s a counterfeit bill. So actually when he’s saying “don’t worry,” if it were true, the cashier should totally be worrying. So it’s funny because it’s true. Wait, I mean it’s funny because it’s not true. Wait a minute. It’s not in any way funny, and if you do it, I hope that cashier drops the bill in alarm and instantly has security restrain you while she calls the police, advising that she caught the fake-$50 bandit and obtained a full confession.

#4. Telling Your Server, “Oh, That’s Just What I Wanted!” After Being Informed What the Restaurant Is Out Of

Brand X Pictures/Stockbyte/Getty 

So have you ever gone to a restaurant and, instead of getting the specials, the server tells you what they actually don’t have? Yeah, it’s a bit of a drag, but I think that’s a pretty stand-up policy. Better than letting you get your hopes up. But y’know, whether it’s a good policy or not, your server sure as hell is not the one who made it. He or she just works for a place that says “Tell the customers up front when the kitchen has taken some things off the menu.”

But again, a good consumer is always on the lookout for the perfect opportunity to deliver a top quality zinger out of a mundane situation. So once your server says, “Sorry, but we’re not serving pork chops today,” the perfect thing for you to say is …

“Oh, great! That’s just what I was gonna order!”

George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty 
“Get it? You’re a huge disappointment to me!”

This punchline is a little more subtle than our first one. See, the joke here is: “Feel like a dick, you shitty server. You’ve let me down!” Yeah, when you write it out, it kind of doesn’t seem that hilarious, and yet that’s the joke. This is not to be mistaken for when you actually were going to order an item they’re out of and you mumble something like “Oh, that’s what I was going to order, I think I need another minute.” That’s just a normal thing to say. This is just, man, I don’t know, but it happens. So if your server replies, “Really? But I think you’d better order a sense of humor or, I don’t know, functional genitalia,” then you kind of had it coming.

#3. Ordering a “Tall Blonde” at Starbucks and Then Adding … Anything

Kris Connor/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Have you been to Starbucks? Of course you have. No one’s strong enough to resist their subliminal advertising messages encoded into the Norah Jones and Arcade Fire CDs. So as you well know, Starbucks does this thing where they call a “small” a “tall.” This shouldn’t be too surprising to you because they also call a cup of “charred, burned axle grease” a cup of “coffee.”

Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Starts your morning right and helps the gears in your industrial generator fire smoothly!

What you might not know about Starbucks, though, is that they make a coffee referred to as a “blonde.” You can see where this is going. All over this great land of ours, there are men craving an overpriced and decidedly mellow small cup of coffee who can’t wait to proclaim …

“Give me a tall blonde!!!”

And then they wink or say “hubba hubba” or do absolutely anything to indicate they’re talking about a sexy lady!

This isn’t funny. It will never be funny. If you think this is funny, there’s an excellent chance no woman will ever want to talk to you, tall, short, blonde, or otherwise. Say “tall blonde, please,” and nothing else, or learn to drink a stronger coffee instead of one made from the tears of dewinged fairies.


#2. Saying “Hey, I Didn’t Order This!” When Your Check Comes


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The fun thing about this list is that if you are a very talented “restaurant comic,” you can conceivably use two of these jokes on the same person. So let’s set the scene: You started your meal with entry #4, where you made your server feel silly for telling you they were out of pork chops. Then what? Well, I’m guessing you spent the next 40 minutes using the ketchup to make some great blood-based joke or arranged your food in the shape of a face and made it talk while you did silly voices. You were a pretty cool customer, but unfortunately your server really missed some of your best material. Fear not, because even if your server is desperately avoiding you while shivering from third degree douche chills in the kitchen, he or she has to come back to you at least one more time. That’s right. They have to give you the check. And when they do, you can say …


“What? I didn’t order this!”


Hemera Technologies/
And be sure to make the appropriately horrified face so you can really sell it.


If you’re this customer’s server, may I suggest you pull up a chair and explain in detail that he has entered an establishment where food is exchanged for money.


“No, no, I know,” he’ll say.


“But then why are you talking about ‘ordering’ something that comes as evidence of the amount you owe for what you’ve already ordered?”


“Well, it was a joke,” he’ll say.


“A joke? Oh, I see. So in your ‘joke’ you’re playing a pretend game where the check is also like a food item you could order?”


“I guess …”


“And you’re saying you didn’t order this, because you don’t want to pay it.”




“OK,” you’ll say. “Thank you for explaining that joke to me. I get it now, because it was a check and not food, but you pretended it was sort of like food and, therefore, should have only been brought to you if you had ordered it. OK. Very good.”


And that is how you deliver the old reverse douche chill!


#1. Asking for Awesome Absurd Items When Asked “Anything Else I Can Get You?”


David De Lossy/Photodisc/Getty Images


Very often, when you’re dealing with a considerate employee, they will do more than the bare minimum. That’s why, after they answer your question or bring you your check or provide the service you requested, they’ll ask, “Can I get you anything else?” But just because they’re being polite and considerate, don’t let that stop you from making a shitty joke. It’s just too good, y’know? I mean, you can reply …


“Yeah, a million dollars!” or


“How about a date with a Playboy playmate!” or


“Some functional genitalia!” (if they’re Cracked’s Felix Clay)


And of course, if a hot waitress is asking the question, then how can you not say …


“Yeah, how about your phone number.”….this joke is actually so overdone that I stuck it in my forthcoming novel just as an example of a character’s cringeworthy behavior.


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And then you can watch a little more of her life essence slip away.


It might be tempting to make an easy joke, but you should find a way to make new things sound tempting. Things like not being a humorless clod wasting everyone’s time. And don’t give me that “Oh, I’m just trying to brighten their day” bullshit. If you really wanted to do that, you’d say, “Nope. I’m all good here. Thank you very much.” That works much better.

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