confessions Archives - Page 5 of 8 - I Hate Working In Retail


The Evil Monsters Who Make Working Customer Service A Nightmare


1. The person who insists the back-room is the size of Texas.Dude, it’s probably a 30 square foot room with like 6-10 boxes, two of which are full of clothes hangers. So no, believe it or not we don’t have a medium sized, pewter colored version of that shirt lying around in the back. However, we have no qualms with wasting five minutes playing on our phones while we halfheartedly“double-check” for you. Come to think of it, this person is as much a blessing as they are an annoyance, because sometimes you needan impromptu break, and their adamant request that you search for a non-existent product provides one.

2. Epic mess makers. It’s unclear how some people do this, but if unfolding and carelessly throwing clothes were an Olympic sport, there would be some top prospects in every retail store across the globe. Their rejected items are often found in sloppy piles of unfolded shirts, discarded pants, hangers and boxes carelessly tossed aside. I know customers aren’t obligated with tidiness, but the only people who chaotically discard stuff are lazy jerks and folks who’ve never experienced working retail.

3. Thieves. This isn’t my store or my personal belongings but c’mon. Realistically I’d never even considering intervening directly, but if you’re creeping around or blatantly stuffing Blu-rays into your backpack, I feel obligated to inform security or whatever, and it’s just trouble that most employees don’t feel like enduring. We know that we’re supposed to care, it’s just hard to sometimes.

4. The person who doesn’t seem to know where they’re shopping.Why don’t we sell marble flooring? Well, mainly because this is a grocery store… I’ll never understand why people are shocked to find that a particular place doesn’t carry all of their random needs. You can’t expect Blockbuster Video to have a wide array of vacuums, or H&M to have Taco Shells and detergent. It’s frustrating when people get irritated at you, for working in a place that obviously can’t fulfill their absurd requests.

5. The people who know it’s your job to ask if they’re “finding everything alright,” but still get rude about it. It’s common courtesy and basic customer service. If employees could, many would let the customers approach them for help, and only offer assistance to those who visibly need it. It’s just not that big of a big deal. Yes, we know multiple staff members asking the same question over a short period of time can have the feel of pesky Internet popups, but that’s part of how these people earn a living, which brings me to the next nightmare…

6. The customer who treats you crappy because they know you’re WORKING, thus, forced to take their disrespect and nonsense. One time, while working retail I actually had this exchange with a customer:

Customer: Where are those humidifiers you guys have on clearance?
Me: Oh, they were actually right in this very spot, but they sold out yesterday.
Customer: Well what aisle are your time machines on.
Me: Excuse me?
Customer: Do you have a time machine so I can go back to yesterday, or are you giving me useless information about a product you no longer have?

Is this dry humor? Perhaps that would explain why he wants to moisten the air with a humidifier. I laughed uneasily, thinkingmaybe this dude was joking. He wasn’t. He wore a smug look and while I wanted to smack him in the face, then direct him to the extensive Band-Aid assortment on aisle 4, I bit my tongue and apologized for being out of humidifiers. All because bills and responsibilities made retaining that job a necessity.

7. Cheap schemers. No, I don’t have the authority to give you a 90% discount because the box has a crease on it. No, this pack of batteries that you found isolated and blatantly misplaced in the candy section aren’t 50 cents. Employees know the difference between confused folks and shysters trying to take advantage of that customer’s-always-right mumbo-jumbo.

8. The people who think the place you work at is your entire life.They expect you to know every sale item listed in the ad, or have photographic memory of the entire inventory. Statements like, I’m looking for a universal remote you guys advertised a few weeks or months or years ago. I don’t remember the brand or model or price, but it was black and had buttons.” are the absolute worst.

9. The DJ. Okay, so there isn’t an actual DJ, but stores often have music playing on a loop, and boy can it get annoying. The 298,059th time you hear Hey There Delilah your sanity plummets – that’s a fact – the scientist said so. Yes, the same scientist from The Scientist by Coldplay, which also proves that even a beloved song by a cherished band isn’t exempt from the negative effects of constant repetition. At the grocery store I worked at during high school, Possession by Sarah McLachlan violated my ears an inappropriate number of times. To this day, hearing that song immediately prompts me to put things in plastic bags while wearing a fake smile.

10. The inventor(s) of Black Friday. Consumers are the real inventors of Black Friday, so curse them. Curse them and their willingness to trample one another to death for a $200 flat screen. If ever caught in an apocalyptic warzone of sorts, I will refer back to my days working Black Friday at Target to survive.

11. Last minute shoppers. The time a store closes is NEVER the time that the employees are able to go home, so by shopping 2 minutes before the doors are shut, you’re prolonging their stay even further. Technically you’re not doing anything wrong by choosing to enter when the store is still open, but there’s a common courtesy/unwritten rule that hopes most people would be considerate of such violations. Imagine I went to you right before bedtime and injected Red Bull and coffee directly into your veins? You’d be awake for hours. Yes, partly because a crazy guy stabbed you with a syringe full of caffeinated beverages, but also the caffeine’s lasting effects! When you go in a place at 9:59, that’s scheduled to close at 10:00, you’re jamming a needle into the life of all those employees.


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18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most horrifying thing they’ve ever found in their fast food. Here are the grotesque results.


1. Submitted by Trisha C. Mokosh (Facebook)

“I found a spider in my sandwich, and it was still moving. That was about 35 years ago. Have never gone back.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food
Magnolia Pictures

2. Submitted by Emilyk33

“I’ll never forget it: I found a half-smoked Marlboro cigarette in my fries.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food
Paramount Pictures

3. Submitted by Pakinui Berryman (Facebook)

“Found a ginger pube in my garden salad.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

4. Submitted by Morgan Bredde (Facebook)

“My brother found a lung in his food. Brought it to school for extra credit.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

5. Submitted by Kate Fischer (Facebook)

“When I was 10 I bit into my burger and crunched down on something hard and then spat it out into my hand. It was a bolt – like, of nuts and bolts. I can still remember the look on the manager’s face when we showed her. They gave me free ice cream for a year.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

6. Submitted by Joanna Briggs (Facebook)

“I found shards of glass in my salad.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food
20th Century Fox

7. Submitted by Carla Takako Capers (Facebook)

“There was a tooth in my fries.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

8. Submitted by Ashley Breiland (Facebook)

“I didn’t quite finish a salad that I had ordered, so I took the leftovers home. My boyfriend started to eat it and stopped all the sudden and pulled a chunk of a razor out of his mouth. We took it back to the place, and they were good enough to admit that a piece of the chopper they use for lettuce broke off and matched the piece that he had bit in to. Thankfully he chewed carefully that day.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

9. Submitted by Marion Chase (Facebook)

“I was once served a roast beef sandwich with a live worm inside.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

10. Submitted by victoriaf404ce7f44

“I was eating out once, and we brought the food home – I was only about 6, and it was when they had newly introduced their popcorn chicken. I bit right into a staple – a big one that, like, holds carpeting in place. I am now a vegetarian.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

11. Submitted by Madison Elaine Hurtado (Facebook)

“One time I found a fake nail in my fettuccine Alfredo pasta.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

12. Submitted by Roni Johnson (Facebook)

“The last time my husband and I went for fast food, there was a pube sticking straight up out of my mashed potatoes. It was like it had been placed there, as opposed to it just maybe falling in somehow.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

13. Submitted by Christy Casper (Facebook)

“About 15 years ago at a fast food place in Michigan, my grandma’s sausage biscuit came with a wad of hair, as if someone emptied their hairbrush onto the food.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

14. Submitted by Abriana Marie Thompson (Facebook)

“A lady I know once found rubber gloves in her burger.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

15. Submitted by pieclops

“When I was 7 I went to a fast food place with my grandma, minding my own business, not asking for any trouble. I ordered my chicken nuggets, bit in, and BAM, there was a TOOTH inside my freaking nugget I never ate a chicken nugget again.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food
Focus Features

16. Submitted by Mariah Masell (Facebook)

“I found a wood chip in my taco once. That was pretty gross.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

17. Submitted by DeAnna Hall (Facebook)

“When I was a little child, my family and I went to out for fast food. Something told me to open my burger before eating it, and when I did I found a wad of chewed up gum right smack in the middle of it.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food

18. Submitted by Julie Lynch (Facebook)

“My husband once bought a pie from a milk bar in Melbourne, and when he bit into it he saw that it was full of maggots.”

18 Horrifying Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food
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HOW to REALLY Piss off your Pharmacist

Don’t use the automated line — press zero to talk to us, especially on Monday morning.

Hand us your empty Rx bottle and inform us you’ll be back in a few minutes for your refill.

Wait until your prescription is paid for THEN hand us a manufacturer coupon.

Hand us a prescription dated several days ago and inform us that you need it right now.

Write a check at the register and take your time doing it like we have nothing else to do.

Act like you’re in a hurry to get your Rx filled THEN after you pay for it you’re no longer in a hurry.

Call and ask to talk to the pharmacist when your request or question can clearly be answered by the technician.

Ask us to ring up a bunch of crap with your prescription because you’re too damn lazy to use our automated check out up front.

Ask me to talk to your doctor on YOUR cell phone. Ewww!

Start talking to me or ask me a question when I’m clearly on the phone.

Ask me to fill another prescription of yours when you just paid for one and there are other people in line.

Ask me for an early refill on your narcotic and give me some bullcrap story. Really, we’ve heard them all.

Tell us there you don’t have new insurance and let us scramble around trying to figure out why your old insurance doesn’t work any more.

Ask me for pharmacy advice then not listen to me.

Ask me a question when I’m helping another patient.

Call the pharmacy and act like we’re the switchboard for the rest of the store.

Ask me to refill your narcotic early. Just don’t, ok?

Ask me to loan you some Percocet and tell me it’s ok because you’re bringing in an Rx from your doctor later in the week.

Write a check. Come on, it’s 2013. Use a debit card, you dolt.

Try to show me your rash, lesion, or wound. We really don’t want to see it.

Ask me why YOUR doctor hasn’t called back on your refill.

Tell me you know that “something” is absolutely true because your neighbor’s brother’s cousin said so.

Tell me you know what you read is absolutely true because you read it on the Internet.

Refer to brand medication as “the real stuff.”

Tell me all I have to do is “slap a label” on your medicine.

Write on your prescription. DON’T DO THAT.

Tell me your prescription is cheaper somewhere else. If that’s true, GO THERE.

Ask me where the bathroom is. Come on, the store is not that big. You can find it.

Tell me I “never work anymore” when I’ve been here 40+ hours a week.

Ask me for anything recommended by that quack Dr. Oz. The man is a loon.

Ask me for anything “homeopathic.”

Ask me for the “best” of anything. Of course we’re going to recommend the best. Duh.

Say you have to have brand because you’re allergic to generic.

Say you have to have brand because our generic “didn’t do anything” for you.

Say you must have a specific generic manufacturer.

Ask me for advice when you get your medication filled at our competitor across the street.

Ask me for something in the store that’s not pharmacy related, at all. No, I don’t know where the [insert anything non-pharmacy related here] is located.

Ask me for a kleenex, use it, then leave it on the counter.

Ask me to scan your club card AFTER the transaction is complete.

Hand me your Medicaid card while holding car keys for a Mercedes, Lexus, or some other fancy car. I drive an old beat-up Camry.

Hand me your Medicard card then come up to pay for your prescription later with a Starbucks in your hand.

Hand me your Medicaid card and act like that means we’re supposed to ignore all other pharmacy patrons and have your Rx ready in 30 seconds.

Call the pharmacy and ask to be transferred to another department. We’re NOT a switchboard.

Stare at me through the glass while I’m filling your prescription.

Go stand at the register and stare at me after I’ve told you it’s going to be 15-20 minutes before your Rx is ready. We have an expensive waiting room. USE IT.

Press zero to talk to the pharmacy when our automated line tells you we have an Rx ready for you. Just come and get it or don’t come and get it. We don’t need to hear from you. Either you pick it up, or if you don’t, we will return it to stock. DON’T BOTHER US.

Call to tell me you need an Rx filled that YOU know is already on auto-refill. OMgosh that’s annoying.

Authorize a refill to be picked up later in the day then show up in an hour to get it.

Keep calling the pharmacy WHEN I’ve TOLD YOU I WILL CALL YOU when your refill is authorized.

Ask me to fill a prescription for you on the spot because you’re a prescriber and you need a Z-pack while you’re in town.

Ask me to break the law for you in any way as a favor. I’m not going to lose my job for you, sorry.

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