cashier hates Archives - Page 3 of 4 - I Hate Working In Retail


27 Photos That Will Anger Retail Workers Every Time

1. Hilarious graffiti on the display unit you just cleaned.

Hilarious graffiti on the display unit you just cleaned.

2. Hangers that no longer face the same way.

Hangers that no longer face the same way.

3. A pile of damaged goods that someone has helpfully forgotten to put in any order whatsoever.

A pile of damaged goods that someone has helpfully forgotten to put in any order whatsoever.

4. Stock room boxes that are about to fall over in 30 seconds.

Stock room boxes that are about to fall over in 30 seconds.

5. A returns receipt that has been ripped up before being presented to you.

A returns receipt that has been ripped up before being presented to you.

6. The new rota, which inevitably doesn’t give anyone Friday off.

The new rota, which inevitably doesn't give anyone Friday off.

7. Money that’s been crumpled up before being handed to you, because it’s not like you’ve got anything better to do anyway.

Money that's been crumpled up before being handed to you, because it's not like you've got anything better to do anyway.

8. Someone else’s rubbish, just casually left on your display shelves.

Someone else's rubbish, just casually left on your display shelves.

9. Toilet paper that your customers have helpfully thrown near the bin instead of putting it inside.

Toilet paper that your customers have helpfully thrown near the bin instead of putting it inside.

10. A holiday rota that doesn’t actually give anyone any holiday.

A holiday rota that doesn't actually give anyone any holiday.

11. Your first attempt at gift wrapping this holiday season, which you know looks bad but you can’t work out how to fix.

Your first attempt at gift wrapping this holiday season, which you know looks bad but you can't work out how to fix.

12. An entire aisle of goods that needs to be rearranged because someone thought it’d be funny to play a hilarious prank on you.

An entire aisle of goods that needs to be rearranged because someone thought it'd be funny to play a hilarious prank on you.

13. A stock room piled so high that you won’t be able to get everything out on the shop floor unless you can literally time travel.

A stock room piled so high that you won't be able to get everything out on the shop floor unless you can literally time travel.

14. Customers who either can’t read or think it’s perfectly polite to speak on the phone throughout their entire interaction with you.

Customers who either can't read or think it's perfectly polite to speak on the phone throughout their entire interaction with you.

15. A changing room full of unfolded, inside-out, make-up stained clothes that someone tried on but decided they ~didn’t like~.

A changing room full of unfolded, inside-out, make-up stained clothes that someone tried on but decided they ~didn't like~.

16. A display counter you spent all morning folding, unfolded.

A display counter you spent all morning folding, unfolded.

17. The shoe area, after an indecisive child and its impolite parents have tried on every specimen without returning them to their rightful places.

The shoe area, after an indecisive child and its impolite parents have tried on every specimen without returning them to their rightful places.

18. A returns receipt which you can’t argue with, even though processing it is going to be a massive pain.

A returns receipt which you can't argue with, even though processing it is going to be a massive pain.

19. Fake money, which you discovered at the end of the day when you were cashing up the tills.

Fake money, which you discovered at the end of the day when you were cashing up the tills.

20. Clothes left on the floor. Just on the floor.

Clothes left on the floor. Just on the floor.

21. This ground-breaking, and not at all passive aggressive, strategy that your manager left in your staff room.

This ground-breaking, and not at all passive aggressive, strategy that your manager left in your staff room.

22. Your pen, mid-way through a stock check.

Your pen, mid-way through a stock check.

23. These green beans which a customer helpfully abandoned in the nappy area of the shop.

These green beans which a customer helpfully abandoned in the nappy area of the shop.

24. An tin of food that was probably opened by a screaming child but will definitely have to be cleared up by you.

An tin of food that was probably opened by a screaming child but will definitely have to be cleared up by you.

25. A shoe box that someone decided to sit on before returning to your shop.

A shoe box that someone decided to sit on before returning to your shop.

26. A display which you just spent half an hour constructing, only for a child to run into it and ruin everything.

A display which you just spent half an hour constructing, only for a child to run into it and ruin everything.

27. And a box of upwards facing security tags that are about to make you bleed.

And a box of upwards facing security tags that are about to make you bleed.

Sourced from


Customer Service: Why you should be nicer to retail workers.


At some stage in an individuals lives, there will come a time where you have a testing job in customer service. Whether it be serving Happy Meals to ungrateful children crying about the toy they got, or patiently biting your tongue while yet another customer gripes at you about something that is out of your control, many customer service and retail jobs may not always be the absolute highlight of our days.

Now we all have bad days – there’s been times I’ve rolled my eyes at terrible customer service, and times I’ve been on the receiving end of rude or tired customers. Either way, it’s not fun. But here’s a list of reasons why we should try and remember to be nice to retail workers. After all, they probably already got 99 problems, and yours is just another one.

1) Retail workers could also be doing better things with their day.

You might be annoyed you have to ruin your Sunday by going grocery shopping, so when the checkout chick (or dude) is scanning your items, you’re probably rolling your eyes, checking your watch and snorting impatiently through flared nostrils. “How are you today?” The checkout assistant will ask in a monotone voice. That monotone isn’t anything to do with you so don’t take it personally. While you’re probably annoyed you’ve wasted an hour of your time buying mundane things like toilet paper and washing powder, this assistant has probably already scanned those items numerous times over the last few hours and is ready to go home. After all, who willingly wants to be spending their Sundays serving cranky people who are mad that the weekend is almost over? No one.

2) Retail workers have to smile and act like the customer is always right. Even when they are clearly not. 

Ahh this one is an old favourite. ‘The customer is always right!’ Whoever coined that phrase is clearly wrong. Any retail worker that’s good at their job, knows there is nothing more infuriating than a know-it-all customer acting like they are superior.

Scenario: A lady came storming up to me in my workplace (a cinema) the other day.
“Do you enjoy making people wait out in the cold? You opened the doors late today!”
Regardless of the fact I’m not God so I don’t have control over the weather, nor am I Satan who would receive enjoyment out of making people suffer, I had to politely let her know we open our doors at 9.45 am. She was complaining to me inside at 9.46am.
“Well you should advertise that!” She replied huffily. I pointed towards the door where I said it was indeed written down.
“WE ALL CHECKED, NONE OF US SAW IT!” She shrieked, her face bright red.
In this case the customer is wrong. But you have to nod along, pretend you lied about the opening times being on the door and try and serve her with a smile that probably looks more like a grimace.

3) Retail workers have to deal with cranky people ALL DAY.

Following on from the above point, sometimes there are days, where every person in the city is in a bad mood, and they just happen to enjoy taking it out on the poor soul working behind the counter. Okay this may be a slight exaggeration, but working in retail or customer service can sometimes make you feel like you’ve got a flashing neon sign above your head stating: “Please yell at me. Call me a moron. Throw any other insults my way. Blame me for everything that’s going wrong in your day. No, seriously, that’s what I’m here for.” 

That’s a very big flashing neon sign.

Would you personally want to keep smiling, talking to and dealing with a person who’s blatantly rude to you and probably just insulted you because they’re having a rough day? I’m going to take a wild guess and assume probably not. So there’s no reason to take it out on the wrong person. They may be getting paid to help you, but their pitiful wage does not even begin to cover all the panadol they’ll need for the headache cranky customers are giving them.


4) Retail workers do not make the rules/prices:

Things are always going to be too expensive no doubt. When taking a family to the movies (2 adults, 2 kids), you’re already looking at $50 and that’s not including popcorn or drinks.

Just like I don’t decide what time doors open at the residence where I’m working, I also don’t decide on prices. In fact 9 out of 10 times, I’m probably feeling bad about charging you what seems like a ludicrous amount of money. And here’s another tip: complaining to me, and then demanding me to tell my boss to change prices is still not going to work. My boss gives about as much fucks as you give about how long it took me to get out of bed that morning. Which is none.

If you’re going to a shoe shop to buy a new pair of heels, you’re probably going to expect to be spending a bit of money. You won’t be going up to the counter, having the shoes scanned, and then upon hearing the price,  throw a tantrum that would make a two year old proud. Because you know when you purchase those shoes, it’s hardly the fault of the person serving you. If you want to blame anyone, blame the designer. Or you know, yourself for buying the shoes. Likewise if you go to the movies don’t blame the random person behind the candy bar for the price of a bag of Malteasers. Chances are they already agree with you that $6 a bag is ridiculous, and chances are they are also secretly thinking you’re a moron for not stopping at the Woolies up the road first and buying a $3 bag. Just sayin’. The staff are not food nazi’s. If you buy your confectionary from another place and then go into the cinema, I’m not going to go all Gandalf on you and not let you pass.

5) When you can, help make their job easier.

Is it necessary to tip you popcorn over the floor? I don’t think so. Is it really hard to put your used tissues in the bin on your way out instead of leaving them for someone else to clean up?  I mean, really. That’s just gross.

When you walk through a clothes store, and you’re rifling through shirts and one falls, does it make you feel better just casually kicking it under the rack for a worker to find later? DOES IT? DOES IT REALLY?  Is it worth yelling at a worker because something doesn’t fit you/something broke/something was manufactured wrong etc? It may be a good way to release your own personal rage, but chances are you just made someone else angry or feel like shit.

I used to also work at Factorie, a clothing store. One time a lady came up with me, furious her new jumper had a hole in it.
“WHAT IS THIS?” She yelled, shaking it in my face.
Biting my tongue to stop myself from pointing out the obvious (‘It looks like a jumper to me’), I told her she could exchange it. She did, and was about as ungracious as Amanda Bynes is to the rest of humanity. Handy tip: The people at the clothing stores don’t make the clothes, nor design them. The damage to your new jumper was NOT DONE ON PURPOSE. How about a polite ‘thanks for your help’ and everyone can be on their merry way.

Customer service workers aren’t peasants put on earth to listen to your griping, deal with your anger, and politely agree with your insults. Do not underestimate the simple gesture of kindness and what a polite ‘thank you’ or smile can do to turn someone’s day around.

Article by Tahlia Pritchard who has been working in customer service jobs for about five years too many. You can watch her daily mental breakdowns after a shift at the cinema unfold on her twitter. 

Sourced from


23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True

1. You take out hundreds of pieces of jewelry for the customer and they almost always go with the first piece they looked at.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Warner Bros. Entertainment / Via

Oh, you want the stud earrings? The very first pair we looked at two hours ago? Right. Let me just wrap those up for you.

2. Or worse, they try on everything and leave with absolutely nothing.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Disney Channel / Via

Oh, really, nothing? I mean, I showed you like 40 pairs of earrings, but still nothing? K.

3. Customers think that they can return a piece of jewelry without you realizing that it’s been worn for months on end.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True

That is tarnished, missing a stone, and the clasp is loose. Did you participate in a triathlon with this ankle bracelet on?

4. The idea of personal space is completely foreign even with a glass counter between you and the customer.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Disney Enterprises / Via

If you lean any further over the counter, the glass will probably actually shatter.

5. When you tell the customer a price and they say, “I’ll definitely be back,” you know they’re lying.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
ABC Family / Via

Hahahahaha, no you won’t, these prices are ridiculous.

6. You start to question whether people understand the difference between a sales associate and a therapist.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
E! / Via

I’m really sorry that your sister is getting divorced. Are you going to buy this necklace for your daughter or not?

7. Taking out heavy trays of jewelry over and over again to the sound of the store’s playlist starts to make you feel like you’re doing a bad workout tape.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Warner Home Video / Via

And after a while you start to choreograph your own to your favorite store songs.

8. You can’t even begin to explain your frustration when you’re helping a customer and someone interrupts you to ask to see something in a case all the way across the store.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
NBC / Via

Seriously? Do manners and patience mean absolutely nothing to you? I’m going to take so much longer to get to you now, if ever.

9. Your customer gets genuinely upset when you don’t have a piece of jewelry that they have come up with in their head.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Comedy Central / Via

Pandora didn’t decide to make a charm with a monkey holding a heart with “Happy Birthday” on it this year, I’m so sorry.

10. And they think that when you don’t have something you can just go into the back and whip it up for them.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Touchstone Pictures / Via

Unfortunately, no, I cannot go into the back and create this item that you wish existed. Also, we get this stuff shipped to us, we don’t have people working in the back making branded jewelry.

11. There are different keys to each display case and you can never figure out which goes to which, despite labels.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
NBC / Via

I’m sorry, I’ll show you that necklace just as soon as I find the one key out of 36 that could fit into this lock.

12. You constantly forget that you are wearing the store’s jewelry and come back to work the next day with the guilt of having it overnight.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
American Zoetrope / Via

But you’ll be damned if you don’t admit how classy you looked with that tennis bracelet on at the dive bar last night.

13. Once you take out a tray of jewelry, the customer thinks that everything is available for picking up and trying on.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
NBC / Via

Nope. Stop, please.

14. When you ask a customer what size ring they are, they usually lie.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Conaco / Via

“I don’t know why this won’t go on, this must be wrong. I’m always a size 6, never an 8!”
Classic denial, constantly wasting everyone’s time.

15. Or they have no idea and you have to measure every single one of their fingers.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Screen Gems / Via

“I totally want this for my pointer finger, but can you measure my pinky, too?”

16. You know that hearing the words, “I’m just looking” really means “I’m about to ask you a million questions in just a minute, so get ready.”

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
The CW / Via


17. Inventory is your idea of hell.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
HBO / Via

Especially if you sell charm bracelets. Counting those little suckers takesforevvvvverrrrrrrrr.

18. You’re constantly asked if you work on commission.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
NBC / Via

Why yes, I do, so can you please buy all of the stuff you just looked at and never, ever return it?

19. Every morning there’s a customer screaming for you to open the store because they NEED to see a piece of jewelry right this second.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
1492 Pictures / Via

You know what, I’m not going to open. It’s 8:58 and I’m going to sit here and sip my coffee for two full minutes and pretend that you don’t exist.

20. And when closing time is fast approaching, there’s always one customer who makes you take out several trays of jewelry at once.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
FOX / Via

The policy is one tray out at a time and you, sir, have managed to make me take out twelve trays with three minutes until closing. What is this black magic?

21. Customers think they’re sly when they try to haggle prices with you.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
NBC / Via

May I remind you that we’re in a shop in the mall, not at a street market? Pay the $200 or byeee.

22. Customers don’t understand that you help hundreds of people just like them every day.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
Nickelodeon / Via

About once a week someone comes in and swears you helped them last month with a piece of jewelry and you know exactly which one it was and who she was and where is the jewelry because now she wants to buy it.


23. You’ve heard the phrase, “So it’s free then, HA!” in response to an item missing its ticket so many times you want to cry.

23 Things Every Jewelry Store Employee Knows To Be True
CBS / Via


Sourced from