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20 Random Rants From The Grocery Store Checkout Line


1. “You don’t need a candy bar. Stop staring at it. You’re eating healthy today. Oh, God, they’re paying with a check?! Screw it; I’m getting a candy bar.”

2. “Seriously, why does anyone pay with checks these days? I hope they ban them in 2015. We need a national checkbook burning… I should create an event for that on Facebook.”

3. “Why is she staring at me? Doesn’t everyone buy Captain Morgan, condoms, and a pregnancy test all at the same time? It’s called time management, thank you.”

4. “Why are all the guys at the grocery store always married? The single dudes probably come on Saturday nights for beer runs. I need to change my grocery shopping schedule.”

5. “I can’t believe people actually read these tabloids. Wait… Jennifer Aniston is having Stephen King’s baby?! Ok, you can glance at the covers, but don’t let anyone see you. OMG, Lorde is really a man?! Screw it, I’m reading that.“

6. “Kim Kardashian’s secret to weight loss? It’s called exercise, eating right, and cosmetic surgery. I bet Kim has an assistant completely dedicated to managing her waxes. I need that.”

7. “Please, lady behind me, stop audibly raping me with small talk. You’re a schoolteacher? That’s nice. You will literally be out of my life in less than 5 minutes. I have absolutely no use for the information you’re giving me right now.”

8. “I wish I was as skinny as that Vogue mag girl. And her skin is flawless! Why do I still have these thoughts when I know it’s all Photoshopped? I’m an emotional masochist, that’s why. I should find a meeting for that.”

9. “They didn’t put the divider behind their stuff. Now, the clerk’s going to think my stuff is theirs. WTF! … Screw it; I’m not putting a divider down either. Grocery store anarchy… done.”

10. “Really? That’s what you’re buying? Why did you even come here when you could do your grocery shopping at the 7Eleven?”

11. “My kiddo is so much better behaved than that little jerk. I don’t think I like kids, except for mine. Is that weird or just a mother’s instinct thing?”

12. “Please, nobody look at the tampons I’m buying. I don’t think I’ll be able to use them after your eyes have been on them.”

13. “My turn… I feel like I’m on stage and everyone is looking at me now. I think I’m getting checkout anxiety. I hope no one notices the Monistat.”

14. “No, dude, I’m not sliding my reward card until the end. Watching the total price drop makes me feel like I’m on a game show and I feel less guilty about all the crap I’m buying. It’s the highlight of my Thursday night – don’t judge me.”

15. “If my card declines, I’m going to kill myself. How freaking awkward would that be if they had to take all of my food away from me… in front of everybody? Why do I even panic about this anymore? I do a weekly budget! I’m 30-something, mature, and on top of this stuff… oh, thank God it went through.”

16. “I would seriously have to buy like 10 of those grocery tote bags to do my shopping every week. I’m not storing a million tote bags in my car just for this event, which I would end up forgetting in the car anyways. I would literally be a crazy bag lady. Plastic it is.”

17. “Why do they always ask me if I want my milk in a bag? Doesn’t everyone? Am I not supposed to get it in a bag? Am I being wasteful since the carton has a handle? It’s cold and heavy… give me the damn bag and stop making a point about it!”

18. “Thanks so much for referring to me by my last name as you said goodbye, clerk! I totally feel like you know me now. I’m going to pretend you didn’t have to look at my receipt for a minute before addressing me as that kind of ruins the moment.”

19. “I should really let them help me carry this out. I always get too much stuff, but I don’t think a 30-something is supposed to ask for help. Wait, is that a 20-something getting help out?! Who the hell does she think she is?”

20. “I can’t wait to get home and wash my hands.”

Sourced from thoughtcatalog.com


23 Secrets Retail Workers Won’t Tell You

1. Holidays are not the most wonderful time of the year.

Between late nights doing inventory and rude customers, it’s a virtual never-ending hell scape of sadness and despair.

2. You have to force yourself to smile every time you ask a customer, “Do you need any help?”

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You

Asking the same question dozens of times a day, every day starts to wear thin.

3. If you work at a clothing store the majority of your paycheck goes toward buying the store’s merchandise.

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You

Because of course you have to “look” the part.

4. Few things are more stressful than when a new line or collection comes in.

The entire staff will be unpacking boxes, setting up displays, and dressing mannequins until 4 a.m.

5. Headsets are great for gossip and shit-talking.

It’s an inside thing.

6. You’ve faked being “the manager” just to keep a bad situation from getting worse.

7. Comfortable shoes and breaks are both worth their weight in gold.

When you’re on your feet eight-plus hours a day these things are precious.

8. Even when you’re not at work, you still obsessively fold, rearrange, and organize clothes.

Work habits die hard.

9. It secretly drives you nuts that the manager checks your bags every time you leave the store (i.e. loss prevention.)

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You
The CW

For the last time YOU ARE NOT A THIEF!

10. You loathe the fact that most customers assume “the back” is a huge archive of unlimited items in every size, color, and variation.

You loathe the fact that most customers assume "the back" is a huge archive of unlimited items in every size, color, and variation.

“Can you just check for me? I drove a block to get here.”

11. But you secretly don’t mind going back there sometimes to take a much-needed break from the action.

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You

You know damn well you don’t have any more size 9s, but you’ll check anyway.

12. At least once a shift a customer asks or implies if you can “hook it up.”

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You

“The item didn’t scan so it must be free riiight?”

13. The break room is small, overcrowded, and almost always messy, but you definitely make the most out of your time there.

You would be surprised as to what can be accomplished in 15 minutes.

14. Co-workers are the best part of your job.

The inside jokes and shared struggle with them make the job bearable.

15. Every time a customer starts to write a check, you die a little inside.

All that’s required is a photo ID, a passport, your past three electric bills, and a credit check.

16. Outside of the usual piles of clothes and hangers, you have found unspeakable messes in the fitting rooms.

Yes caca, urine, and pads. Yes, pads to name a few.

17. It fills you with rage when people shoplift so openly.

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You
20th Century FOX

For the most part most stores don’t let you confront shoplifters directly, so in essence you have to sit back and let them steal.

18. Sometimes no customers is actually worse than too many customers.

At least the time goes by quickly when you’re busy.

19. The satellite radio station your store has on repeat secretly drives you insane, and you have every single song memorized.

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You

A person can only take so many dance remixes of Miley Cyrus songs.

20. Dressing a mannequin from head-to-toe is a hell of a lot harder than it looks.

Compression shirts? Really!?

21. Your spirit gets dampened when a customer approaches the register with a ton of items and a handful of coupons.

23 Secrets Retail Workers Won't Tell You

Coupon hoarders are the worst.

22. Your soul is secretly and thoroughly crushed when a customer undoes four hours worth of folding and setting in under 30 seconds.

23. In the end you realize everyone should work retail at least once in their lives.

Few other jobs teach you more about how to interact with, treat, and respect people.

Sourced from Buzzfeed.com


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