Are you an ill-mannered customer? Do associates gather after you leave a store to release their pent-up frustrations about your inappropriate behavior? You probably would not know how irritable some customer interactions could be if you have not been on the employee’s end of those theoretical questions. At least one of these actions provided will make you want to rethink your behavioral approach as a customer. If you have had the pleasure of working in retail, as a simple warning, these points may strike a nerve or bad memories: be prepared for flashbacks.

1. Ignoring an Associate’s Greeting.
Sales associates are human beings and they deserve a response when welcoming you into a store. Lisa Webster, a store manager of Lucky Brand Jeans, pleads, “I would love customers to understand the feeling of rejection us associates get when being ignored. I am being genuine and I still get dismissed.” Sometimes, a little acknowledgment can go a long way.
2. Erroneously Using the: “Just Looking,” Phrase.
Be a unique consumer, stray away from pushing associates away by saying, “just looking.” Unless you, plan on literally just looking at what the store has to offer, then this phrase becomes erroneous and improperly used. Even more importantly, if you know exactly what you are looking for when you go into a store, SAY SO. Associates are trained and qualified to assist customers with all store-related needs—they are there at your own expense, so use them!
3. Refusing Help.
You, as a customer, are the sole reason for the sales associate’s existence within the store. They are strictly there to make sales and help customers. Therefore, by refusing assistance you are hindering them from doing their job. Need an item out of reach? Looking for a size? Cannot decide between a skinny jean and a bootleg? If an associate asks if they can help you, allow it. Accept it. Enjoy it. It will only make your shopping experience that much easier. Associates do not bite.
4. Discrediting Associate Advice and Opinions.
Ever hear of the expression, “A mother knows her child?” Well, here is a new one, “a retail associate knows his or her product.” Not only do the associates know their product, but they know a lot about customers as well. Chances are the associate has seen a customer with similar wants and needs as yours, and knows how to go about satisfying those needs. Listen to and respect the associate’s advice and opinions. Associates are experts of their store—and should be treated as such.
5. Leaving Fitting Rooms in Upheaval.
This should go without saying: clean up after yourself. It is understood that some products are going to be left behind in the shopping frenzy, but it should not seem as if a tornado occurred after you leave a store. Somebody—an associate—has to do maintenance, and if that associate is tending to your mess for an hour, then he or she will miss out on helping other customers.
6. Arguing with Associates Over Company Policy.
In retail stores, employees often have no control over company policies such as returns and sales. These policies are often created and enforced by corporate—who are responsible for employee termination. Sales associates and customer service personnel are only enforcing policies that they have been told they have to uphold in order to keep their job. Next time a 30-day return policy has you arguing with a sales associate, take a step back, breathe, and think about it. Take the issues up with the appropriate personnel.
7. Attempting to Haggle Prices.
This is not a market. This is not a yard sale. This is not Pawn Stars. This is retail. Prices are predetermined, and again, not usually in the control of the sales associates. If employees say it is “priced as marked,” and you do not like the price, then keep walking. If a shirt seems worthier at the price marked with 30% off, then come back next season when it is on clearance and hope that your size is still in stock. In most retail stores, there are coupons, there are sales, but there is no haggling.
8. Letting the Kids Run Wild.
The retailing world is not a child’s playground. Other customers may find your children running around a store disruptive or dangerous. On top of the annoying factor, there is the risk of merchandise getting damaged in the process. For your own best interest, keep the kids calm and in eyesight.
9. Interrupting an Associate
Yes, associates are salespeople. This does not discredit the importance of what they have to say. There is no need to cut them off. Out of respect, let them finish. In the end, it will almost always help you. Danielle Cohen, a lead cashier at American Eagle, shares insight, “I get cut off by customers way too frequently. Getting interrupted when speaking should not be a daily thing!”
10. Staying After Closing Time.
The hours of retail locations are made for a reason, and are usually more than acceptable. It may seem that staying ten minutes after closing time is not a big deal, but in the world of retail employees, those ten minutes makes all the difference. There is still cleaning to be done, folding to be perfected, paperwork to be filled out, deposits to be made, and the list goes on. The associates on a closing shift have been in the store for hours already and are looking at another long sixty minutes of the closing process. Typically, these associates have families, homework, or beds they want to get home to. Do the polite thing, put pending merchandise on hold until the next morning, or wrap up the purchase. An accurate assumption could be made that your feet and wallets could use a break as well.
-Corinne Kuey
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