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15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

1. You order croissants in a French accent.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

2. You complain about prices.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

We didn’t make them up. We also didn’t decide what we paid, or what you tip.

3. You don’t wait for your drink to be called.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

Is this a small cappuccino? No, it’s a large iced latte. So, similar.

4. You order gross drinks that shouldn’t exist.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

A large breve is 16oz of cream and espresso. Would you like your heart attack for here or to go?

5. You make a point of not going to Starbucks, then order in Starbucks lingo.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

Can I get a grande mocha frappuccino? Why, yes, across the street at Starbucks.

6. You ask silly questions.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

How big is an 12oz cup? There’s no way to answer that without making you feel like an idiot.

7. You don’t look at the menu till you get to the register.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

The rest of the line hates you, too.

8. You stop for coffee when you’re running late to work, and you’re mad when things don’t move fast enough.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

Too bad you can’t have this sweet barista gig with coffee at your fingertips.

9. You’re mad at me when the cafe is out of things like iced decaf or whipped cream.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

You got me, I ate all the whipped cream and dumped the coffee down the drain.

10. You round to the next dollar on credit card tips.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

A 16 cent tip?! That’s a solid 4 cents each for me and my coworkers, after taxes. Yay!

11. You’re on the phone while ordering.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

No. Just… no.

12. You ask me to break a 50 dollar bill, then don’t tip.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

13. You ask why the customer ahead of you got a free coffee.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

Hint: they always tip and/or I want to bang them.

14. You have dumb nicknames for coffee.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

We don’t serve joe, java, brew, mud, or wakey juice. Can I interest you in coffee?

15. You don’t actually like coffee.

15 Signs Your Barista Hates You

Adding sugar, flavors, milk, and syrup at once to your coffee means you are lying to yourself about your love of coffee.

Sourced from



Coffee shops function as surrogate offices. As places to meet people and jitter together while discussing poetry or something. But the more people get comfortable with their favorite cafe, the more they abuse the place, treating it like their living room sans the sweet bean bag chairs. And stuck playing Mom in that over-caffeinated living room is some poor barista who’s forced to be nice to your dumb ass because you provide tips. The following 10 behaviors are surefire ways to seriously piss off these hard-working bean-grinders… and, if you’re a culprit, you might be getting more than just coffee and milk in that double, soy half-caff latte.

1. Ordering like you’re at Starbucks
Outside of Starbucks, the word “grande” is reserved for burritos, and the word “venti” is baby talk. And if you order a macchiato at an authentic coffee shop, you’re not gonna get a jug of hot milk & coffee w/ enough caramel to make the spoon stick up. You’re getting a shot of espresso w/ a little milk in it. Go ahead and complain… you’ll go from pissing off the barista to making his day because you refuse to believe in a world outside of your bubble.
2. Leaving your dishes on the serving counter
You may be trying to be helpful, but by ignoring the gigantic bus tub with the “DISHES HERE” sign in bold, you’re creating a mess. The barista has to clear off the counter before finishing whatever drink he’s making, then scrub the counter down because you just soiled it.
3. Talking on your phone in line…
… or anywhere, really. If it’s an important call, go outside. It’s not. Nobody gives a crap about what you ate for breakfast. Nobody wants to hear you baby-talking to your dog on the answering machine. And nobody wants to wait extra-long for their drink because you’re too busy gabbing to pay attention and act like a human being.
4. Ordering overcomplicated milk combinations
Pick a milk and stick with it. Want soy? Fine. Want half & half? Fine. But don’t be the d-bag who orders 1/3 skim, 1/3 soy, 1/3 whole milk, then gets impatient when it takes extra time to make because you’re dominating the steamers… because you’re 100% a pain in the ass.
5. Ordering nothing but water and staying all day
You’ve seen this dude. He’ll park at a six-top table, grab a glass of water, then unload the contents of a backpack on all six spaces at the table, plug his computer into an outlet three tables away (creating a tripping hazard), then sit there all day drinking water like a camel. When he leaves, the table’s covered in empty glasses, torn paper, and crumbs from the snacks he packed from home. Somebody has to clean up after him. That person’s not very happy.
6. Dumping liquids in the trash
Once again ignoring the gigantic “DISHES HERE” sign, these folks think a trash bag is a sink. At the end of the shift, when baristas take out the trash as the last task of the evening, these bags’ll eventually rip (if they’re biodegradable bags, it’s almost guaranteed), leaving a trail of rank coffee and garbage streaked across the freshly cleaned floor. They’ll then spend every stroke of the mop trying to figure out who you are and plotting their revenge.
7. Bringing out your guitar
No. No no no. Never. No guitar, no ukulele, no violin, no nothing. Don’t even tap on the table. You are the worst person on the face of the Earth.
8. Tipping a nickel
Baristas do amazing things, typically for minimum wage. They wake you up in the morning. They toast your bagel. They pretend to like you. They make dainty floral designs on your foam. Yet some people see fit to tip them a nickel and, even worse, make sure the barista is looking as they put the change in the jar just so they can see how generous Daddy Warbucks really is. If this is you, don’t be surprised if that floral design soon becomes an “F U” design.
9. Imagining you have a real, non-customer-service relationship
Sometimes, a customer can forge a real amazing friendship w/ a barista. Maybe they’ll even hook up. But just because you see somebody every day at their place of work doesn’t mean you should get them a BFF locket. Or stalk them on Facebook. Or call them. Or spend your daily existence cornering them at the counter where they’re paid to be polite to you. If this person is your friend, they’ll give you their number.
10. Making a ghetto latte
We get it. Times are tough. But there’s nothing more obnoxious than ordering a shot of espresso, then requesting ice to put in it (after tipping that shiny new nickel), then going over to the cream and making yourself the poor-man’s latte, spilling cream and sugar all over the place in the process. You get a nasty, heavy-cream latte for a discounted price. The barista gets a crappy tip and the task of cleaning up your mess… right after he fills up the cream for the fifth time since you got there.


“Barista Wrist” Is a Real Injury You Can Get From Making Too Many Lattes

Jonathan Lin/Flickr
Coffee shop workers can fall victim to repetitive strain injury, or “barista wrist.”

Add this to the reasons your Starbucks barista secretly hates you: barista elbow. Apparently, making complicated lattes and other coffee drinks is more than just annoying (what’s so bad about regular coffee?); it also can be bad for your health.


An increasing number of coffee shop employees are developing elbow, wrist, and other joint problems due to the repetitive stresses such as lifting large gallons of milk and stamping espresso. One of the most common issues is repetitive strain injury.

See also: 5 Things Your Barista Really Doesn’t Want You to Do

Recently, the New York Post interviewed a former Starbucks employee who developed “medical epicondylitis” from working as a barista. The 23-year-old had to wear a brace for six months, though the pain from her injury eventually caused her to quit her job altogether.

A certified hand specialist told the paper that she’s seen “all kinds of barista injuries,” which tend to be chronic in nature.

“The motions involved in making and serving coffee are far more dangerous than the average person knows,” the Post writes.

Dangerous? Sounds a little dramatic though one Australian newspaper reports that Christine Joy D’Amico, 52, won $555,720 US in court for injuries she got while making coffee at Madeleine’s Cafe.

Some cafes and coffeehouses have moved to building ergonomically correct bars to help their employees avoid injury but until Starbucks invests in that technology, we’ll just make sure to tip a little extra to cover our barista’s pain and suffering.


Sourced from