27 Alarming Barista Confessions


1. Some baristas are just lookin’ for love.

Some baristas are just lookin' for love.

3. Skinny latte lovers be warned.

Skinny latte lovers be warned.

6. Some baristas know they don’t like you before you even order.

Some baristas know they don't like you before you even order.

9. Reminder: Your barista isn’t getting paid a luxurious wage.

Reminder: Your barista isn't getting paid a luxurious wage.

12. Decaf is a weapon baristas will wield mercilessly.

Decaf is a weapon baristas will wield mercilessly.

17. Some customers are just really mean.

Some customers are just really mean.

20. Gotta get those tips, y’all.

Gotta get those tips, y'all.

22. Some baristas need a little more than a double shot to keep them alert.

Some baristas need a little more than a double shot to keep them alert.

24. Bikini baristas exist.

Bikini baristas exist.

25. Knew there was a catch.

Knew there was a catch.

26. “Tall” is not a universal term.

"Tall" is not a universal term.

27. These people are proof there is good in this world.

These people are proof there is good in this world.

Sourced from Buzzfeed.com