cashier life Archives - Page 3 of 3 - I Hate Working In Retail




It’s 3pm on a Saturday afternoon and I still haven’t eaten since breakfast (a Yorkie from the vending machine, if you must know). I’ve been standing at the front of the fitting rooms for three hours, and two girls have just run off without buying any one of the 12 items they’ve been taking selfies in.

A lady hands me back a white T-shirt with a slog of orange foundation around the neckline, as another customer suggests she purchase it at a discounted price. Still, it could have emerged with a much worse stain on it. So much worse. I am talking about shit. Yes, shit. But more on that later. Fancy a job in retail?

I’ve worked at a flagship women’s high-street retailer for two years now and still, every day, the general public find refreshing new ways to leave me without words. I’m certain none of my friends are the ‘general public’. Because I know none of them are the kind of people who don’t know to stand on the right hand side of the escalator. Or who’d ask me where the bikinis are while standing in the swimwear section.

They can’t be the people who refuse to see the clearly marked fitting rooms. I’m sure that nobody I know has ever attempted to try on clothes at a till point.

And I really, REALLY hope that they are not the kind of people who poo not once, but twice, in a changing room – or, as one of my colleagues once had to deal with, wrap up their turd in the clothes that they have just tried on and then brazenly hand it all back to a shop assistant, who will uncover it one minute later and have her day, if not year, ruined.

I hope they don’t include my friends, but but you just don’t know, do you?


To be honest, I can forgive this sort of naivety, or desperation if you will. It is customer complaints that I am not mentally equipped to cope with. I can deal with difficult situations, but I will never be able to fathom the insane levels of frustration that some shoppers feel over bits of fabric.

How happy I would be to have a day off work to peruse a shopping centre at my leisure. To even have a taste of what they are used to. Forgive me for pointing out that there is more to life than the correct size in a dress that you only knew existed several minutes ago.

When you grow old and reflect upon your life, you will not look back and think, ‘This was great, but I really wish they’d had those shoes in a size 6.’ Let it go, people. Stop shouting at me!

If you don’t have any complaints to make, but you do fancy some special treatment, I’ve got a fail-safe tip: Pretend to be from head office. When you enter the store, stand and look at the window displays for a bit first, but make sure to put your hand on your hip and nod at them. This will begin to incite fear in the staff.

Bring a well-dressed friend along and only ever converse with each other when facing mannequins. That alone is enough to make me radio a manager. Then, when heading for the tills or the fitting room, try to spy some mess. Give it a bloody good looking at in front of someone who works there. Et voila! Super-smiley staff and extra helpful service. Trust me.

Now that I’ve given you this valuable advice, do not give up the jig by asking why we don’t sell styles that everyone stopped wearing years ago. We do not sell fishtail skirts, elasticated waist belts or shrugs. Nobody is going to go to the stock room to look for them. ‘Do you think I could find them anywhere else?’ Only if you have the means to travel back to the ’00s. Soz. (NB: To the lady that asked where our bootcut brown corduroys are, I would not have let you buy them, even if we did sell them.)

If you do ever feel compelled to yell at a member of staff, please weigh up the circumstances and think about who has the most right to be frustrated. Yes, it is very hot in here, but I’m trapped here for nine hours and you are free to leave at any time. One particularly hot day earlier this summer, I had a delightful woman accuse me of trying to kill her mum because I had no control over the air con. No, I do not want your mother to die on the shop floor. No, that would not look good.

When I’m not on trial for attempted murder, I am accused of lying, false advertising (I am sorry you found it in the sale section, but the tag clearly shows it isn’t on sale) or the classic utterance of ‘bitch’ when I refuse a dodgy refund when it’s ripped to shreds.

If you do have a genuine complaint to make and wish to be taken seriously, I recommend looking like you’re going to spend a lot. Great leniences will be made, I promise. The best way to do this is pick up a ridiculous amount of items to try on, but make sure you leave off almost all of the hangers. Rich people HATE hangers. Try it.

When a shift finally ends, it’s nice to head to the closest bar. But no, I’m not quite free yet, because regardless of what genre the venue is supposed to play, they’ve managed to slip in at least one of the songs I’ve had to listen to at least 20 times today already. The closest place for me to get an end-of-shift cocktail has the actual real-life same album as my store. Awful. ‘Oh my God, I love this one!’ your friends shout. I did, a long time ago, before it induced mental images of bright lights and shiny white floors…

The redeeming thing about these frustrating occurrences is that a large team of people around you are experiencing the exact same thing. Regardless of the fact that it’s a forced environment for friendship and you aren’t sure if you’d be friends ‘on the outside’, there is serious bonding to be had over shared experiences of being shouted at and treated like crap.

Before working in retail, I didn’t know how close it was possible to be to another human being, while still only knowing each other by ‘babe’ (the general term among my fellow troupers, those shopping assistants too tired to remember names).

Sometimes it can be hard to deal with £68 in cash being thrust upon your counter instead of into your palm, leaving you to fumble around in the pennies and feel like trash. As you scrape up each coin, it’s nice to have someone standing by you with a sideways glance that just says, ‘I know.’

Anyway, I’ve got to go. There’s a customer begging for cash off that dirty t-shirt.


Sourced from


The Reasons Working in Retail Will Drive You to Madness

To be successful, you need to persevere to achieve your goals.  Just kidding, it’s all about who you know – and you can’t deny that fact.  So what happens when losers like me don’t have the right connections?  Well, the world is full of throw-away jobs, and they will be your primary source of income until you gain friends in high places.  But for now, you’re stuck faking a smile to people who spend a fortune and drive away in a brand new Porsche.

4) Mingling with the 1% 

This doesn’t apply to the majority of retail stores, but it’s certainly something that you’ll have to deal with if you’re like me.  I currently work at a popular designer clothing store, which I won’t name for the sake of my employment.  The mall that I work at is in an affluent area, so every five or so cars you see will be a Mercedes or a Lexus, with a few Ferraris and Maseratis thrown in for good measure.  The place reeks of money.

These rich people come into my store already carrying Nordstrom and Louis Vuitton bags, and then they go on to spend more money in one transaction than I make in two months.   When I first witnessed this, I thought to myself, “Wow, it must be nice to be that well off.”  But after a few thousand times, my thought process shifted to “I’ll never be that successful.  I’m such a goddamned failure.”  However, this doesn’t mean the 1% are arrogant pricks like you’d expect.  Some of the nicest customers I’ve encountered were among this demographic.  The only reason I hate interacting with them is because their mere existence makes me feel like a waste of life.  It many not sound like something that will affect you, but after a while, you’ll be reaching for the nearest bottle of booze and the nearest gun after every shift.

3) Dealing with Terrible Human Beings

Bad customers are a mainstay in the universe.  It doesn’t matter whether you work at Wal-Mart or Prada, you’re going to encounter the annoying bastards who think it’s your fault that the company charges so much.  I refer to them as Price Nazis.  These people are mad that they can’t get a discount on a DVD, or a reduced price on a t-shirt that they clearly sabotaged and claim it was like that when they found it.

They’re going to vent this unparalleled rage upon you, and there’s nothing you can do but tell them “I’m sorry, we can’t do that.”  When you say this, it will only make them angrier.  They’ll ask to speak with your manager, who will tell them the exact same thing.  If you’re lucky, they’ll just roll their eyes and storm out of the store.  If you’re not lucky, they’ll throw every single curse word in the English language at you, brag about how much better they are than you because you’re still working in retail, and they might even approach other customers and loudly tell them that your customer service is horrible.  I’m not exaggerating, because I’ve seen it before.

On a similar vein as the Price Nazis, the Discount Fetishists love nothing more than grabbing everything in the store, shoving it in your face and asking for a discount.  When you say no, they get a look in their eye resembling someone who just learned they have colon cancer.  When you direct them to the sale section of the store, they don’t bother looking for anything because to them, a mark-down is just not the same as a discount.  Eventually, they’ll leave without annoying you further – unless they’re the Barterers.

The name is pretty self-explanatory for these people.  They’ll continue to try to convince you to bring the prices down.  Some of them will even try to offer services in exchange for your coveted employee discount.  One customer in particular seriously offered me a pair of Beats headphones if I bought some items for him with my discount.  I obviously declined his offer, and sternly told him to go find someone who is dumb enough to risk their job over such a meager bribe.  Honestly, there are only a handful of people I’d risk my employment for,  and they are Mila Kunis, Scarlett Johanssen, Mila Kunis and Mila Kunis.

2) Insane Hours

If you’re unlucky enough to have open availability, you are going to be scheduled for shifts that can literally kill you.  Last month, I worked from 4pm-1am one night rearranging the store.  The next day I had to come in at 5am to finish what we started doing the previous night.  I live roughly 25 miles away from my store, so I have to leave about an hour early to beat the morning commute traffic on I-880.  So that meant I had to wake up at 3:30am to get to work on time.  Do the math.  I seriously was only able to get a half hour of sleep that night before I had to wake up and get ready again.  And I’m not the only one who has to deal with this.  One of my managers lives A FUCKING HOUR away from our store, so you can imagine the how awesomely horrible her days are.

There is no reason to be physically and mentally tormented to such a degree.  The only silver lining for this situation is a bigger paycheck, so tha–oh wait, retail pays CLOSE TO NOTHING.  In exchange for years being taken off of your life due to sleep deprivation, you get just enough money to pay the bills.  Sometimes.

1) No Future

If everything I’ve already mentioned isn’t enough to make you snap, this one certainly will.  Every entry-level employer will tell you “this isn’t a job, it’s a career!”  If you don’t feel the powerful urge to punch them in the throat when they say this, congratulations, you’re fucking insane.  It’s a safe bet that the employees don’t want to work there, and none of them see it as a career.  This applies to all retail stores, to fast-food restaurants, and any other job that doesn’t require a college degree.  Seriously, the next time you find yourself at one of these locations, observe the employees.  Do they seem like they truly enjoy being there?

And don’t think it’s any better for the managers and bosses.  I’ll guarantee that exactly none of them grew up with the goal of becoming the manager or the district head-honcho.  While their pay might be somewhat decent, the amount of work they have to endure just isn’t worth it.  But the worst part?  This is their CAREER.  This is what defines them.  If they were to be killed by a drunk driver tomorrow, the newspapers would say “Target Store Manager Killed In Car Accident.,” or “Macy’s Employee Hit By Car.”  It doesn’t matter if they’ve been there for years and worked their asses off to move up, they’ll still be ridiculed for not having “a real job.”

Now imagine how it is for us regular employees.  If I were to be killed while employed at my current job, my family would probably feel shame for my lack of accomplishments rather than sorrow.

So the moral of this story: go to college.


Sourced from


10 Ways to Take Revenge On Employers that Make You Work on Thanksgiving

In dishonor of Wal-Mart, Best Buy, K-Mart (it’s like Wal-Mart, but even more depressing), Sears, Bass Pro Shops, Dick Sporting Goods, The Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Staples, Office Depot, Michaels, Big Lots, Kohls, JC Penney and Toys R Us staying open on Thanksgiving we decided to run a truncated theme for the first three days of Thanksgiving week: Crappy Holidays.  And, seriously, Staples and Office Depot?  Who in the F is buying office supplies on Thanksgiving?  “Oh no, honey, I forgot to buy enough butter for the mash potatoes!  Quick, run to Office Depot and get an ink cartridge so I can type and print an apology note to our relatives!”

So, for those of you that are forced to work on Thanksgiving by one of these fine retailers, here are some creative (or not-so-creative) ways to get even with your heartless corporate machine of an employer.

Don't Flush Your Dumps

10. Don’t Flush Your Dumps: Because any customer using a retailer’s public restroom to take a dump on Thanksgiving deserves to walk into a big smelly surprise

Don't Flush Your Dumps

9. Don’t wash your hands after taking said dump: And then immediately walk up to customers and shake their hand. “Sir, on behalf of Walmart, I’d like to thank you for using our store on this uniquely American holiday, forcing me to work instead of spending time with my family. Also, you should know that your hand is now infected with my butt.”


Don't Flush Your Dumps

8. Softcore Porn on the Display TVs: Hey, Best Buy, consider this your going out of business present! And why softcore and not hardcore? Because, while offensive, some people might enjoy the hardcore stuff, but nobody enjoys softcore, Cinemax stuff.


Don't Flush Your Dumps

7. If someone says “happy thanksgiving” reply dryly with, “I’m Native American, and I don’t think it’s appropriate to celebrate the only time you guys were kind of nice to us over the last 500+ years.”


Don't Flush Your Dumps6. Hide all the PlayStation 4s and Xbox Ones before the black friday customers come in. In your face, Gamers!


Don't Flush Your Dumps

5. If you are stationed at a checkout counter, do not cover your mouth when coughing.


Don't Flush Your Dumps

4. If your store is in a liberal leaning city, get on the intercom and start ranting about how it’s that Kenyan Obama’s fault for making Americans work on Thanksgiving.


Don't Flush Your Dumps

3. If you are in a conservative leaning city, get on the intercom and explain to the customers that your employer is ran by a group of communists from China, the former USSR and Cuba who force their employees to work on uniquely American holidays, such as the 4th of July and Thanksgiving.


Don't Flush Your Dumps

2. Prank Call your Boss: Why should you have to work on a holiday while your boss gets to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving dinner with his family? I suggest you shoot him a call on his house phone and tell him the store has been robbed or that his teenage daughter is pregnant.


Don't Flush Your Dumps

1. Slowly walk up to a customer’s young child, look the child dead in the eye and say, “Santa isn’t real. It’s just your parents buying stuff from stores like this and writing “Santa” on the card. Also, it’s just your fat mom who eats the cookies and drinks the milk that you thought Santa was taking down.”


Sourced from