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Horny Teen Caught Making Love to Stuffed Horse in Walmart Bedding Dept

Horny Teen Caught Making Love to Stuffed Horse in Walmart Bedding Dept12

Teen boys: there’s no telling where their libidos might take them. Nineteen-year-old Floridian Sean Johnson’s took him to the stuffed animal section of a Tampa-area Walmart, then to its bedding department, then back to the stuffed animal section, and then to jail.

Yesterday, Johnson was observed removing a stuffed horse from the shelf of the Brooksville, Fla., Walmart, taking it to the store’s beds, and using it to masturbate. When he was finished, he allegedly put the now-semen-covered toy back on the shelf, and exited. He was promptly arrested in the parking lot.

The police report, via the Smoking Gun, reads:

Officers of the Brooksville Police Department Patrol Divisiion responded to Walmart in reference to an indecent exposure complaint. Store Loss Prevention observed JOHNSON acting suspiciously by constantly looking around. They observed him select a stuffed horse toy and go to the bedding department. JOHNSON was then observed masturbate (sic) using the stuffed animal. He then put the toy that was now covered in ejaculate back on the shelf with other items. As a result the items were contaminated and unsellable.

He was charged with indecent exposure and released from Hernando County Jail on $1500 bond last night.

Update:  Click here to see the plush horse in question. Released by the following day. 

Sourced from


25 things Cashiers hate….

As a cashier for a small grocery store….these are just a few of my pet peeves. They are all things I’m sure you’ve seen cashiers frown or rant over. Please share and elighten others on how to respect hardworking cashiers!

1. People putting their full cart of items up on the belt getting rung out only to realize they’ve forgotten their wallet or checkbook. As a courtesy to the customers and to the cashier, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look for your wallet BEFORE you leave home or get out of your car at the store!

2. Who even still WRITES checks?! It’s called cash or your debit/credit card that’s LINKED to your checking account! It’s 2014 people! Get with technology. Besides, most stores run your check electronically or will print it for you now so PLEASE! You don’t have to fill the whole thing out! Just sign it!

3. The one thing that irritates cashiers the most are the people who come up to the register and start yakking away on their cell phones or to someone they know while the cashier is ringing up their purchase. Please be courteous and get off your goddamn cell phone. Tell the person you’ll call them back or talk to them another time. It’s rude and impolite, especially when the cashier is trying to make friendly conversation with you!

4. Another thing that irritates me are old people that take their sweet ass time in line. They will give you their life story, while counting all of their items in their cart, while slowly proceeding to place their items on the belt, and also take FOREVER to count their money!

5. Okay so I will admit I have food stamps. But what irritates me are those that I’m pretty sure really don’t need them and are the ones who keep several large bills in their wallets, and/or don’t keep track of their balance on their EBT card. They buy buy buy and then get to the register and ask you to check their balance. Then they slow down the line by cutting off at a certain amount and the rest of the groceries have to go back on the shelf.

6. Registers that never want to cooperate with cashiers. Let’s leave it at that.

7. People who bring in loose change to use towards a purchase. PLEASE PEOPLE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ROLL YOUR CHANGE OR USE A COINSTAR MACHINE OR TAKE IT TO THE BANK! I don’t want to count out twenty dollars worth of quarters!!!

8. Stock boys who don’t do their job and then you have to do double duty…

9. Parents who treat their kids like crap in the store. Seriously, if I see one more parents hit their kid…how would you feel if someone berated and degraded you?

10. People who expect you to bag your groceries for them when you work at a Bag-It-Yourself store. Don’t put the bags or boxes in the cart and expect me to fill them. Also, DONT stand there and bag or box your shit while I’m ringing you out. That’s what the tables are for.

11.People asking for directions, the date, or the time. Like I seriously have the time myself to tell you this?

12. People paying for a purchase below 20.00 with a fifty or hundred dollar bill when they clearly have the right amount of money in their wallet. Do I look like an ATM to you when I have little to nothing in my drawer? break your large bills elsewhere! preferably the bank!

13. Those annoying plastic bags for produce and meat. People tie huge knots in them and you cant scan the meat or count produce items individually.

14. People that leave their crap behind. Double check before you leave…i dont want to run after you Ninja-style to hand you something you forgot.

15. People that leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot instead of properly placing them in the cart corral! Lazy and dangerous!

16. How stupid are to not notice that the box, bag, or container is leaking all over your stuff? Have you no decency?

17. When someone just had to go and mess up your stocking rotation. Take from the top box, NOT THE MIDDLE OR BOTTOM ONE. Old before new people.

18. I’m not your maid. Don’t ask me to throw shit away for you at the register. Do that with the garbage can that is sitting five feet away.

19. People who place their money on the register belt or little shelf instead placing it into the cashier’s waiting and open hand. It’s hard to pick change up off that shit!

20. If you change your mind about something, PUT IT BACK WHERE IT BELONGS. Lazy and stupid. If it’s a cold item, PUT IT BACK IN THE COLD SECTION.

21. I just hate stupid people in general. Like drunk and/or high people with the munchies.

22. People who buy in bulk and put everything on the belt instead of handing one of the items and telling you how many you have. It’s called a quantity button for a reason people!

23. Do not make jokes about having just printed off your fifty dollar bill that morning when we hold it up to the light or mark it with the marker. It’s not funny, we’ve heard it a hundred times, and if I’m pissed enough I can technically decline your bill since you’ve admitted to forgery.

24. When I’m looking for the produce code for a fruit or vegetable on my paper, don’t tell me “oh it’s a peach, or, they’re 99 cents a pound”. I know which goddamn fruit it is and/or how much they are, not only is that condescending but profoundly unhelpful.

25. When “trying to get rid of your change”, do not hold out a handful and tell the cashier to pick through it to find what they need. I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain how impolite this is, and you’re wasting everyone’s time.

That’s all I have to rant about for now! But believe you me, if you reblog this, you will open everyone’s eyes and maybe us hardworking cashiers will earn a little respect!

Sourced from


33 Reasons Why Retail Work Sucks

Retail Work Sucks 01


“Hi, what can I do for you?”

“Hi, I’m fine thanks…”

I never asked.


Customers coming in two minutes before we close, asking for ‘two minutes’ of our time… and than taking up half an hour of it. Don’t worry, I didn’t want to go home or anything.


The customer is always right.

Fuck off. No, they’re not. Rarely. If at all.


Grabbing a cigarette and your lighter and just as you head out towards the door out through the shop on your way for your first cigarette in four hours, and some fucking old boy stops you and asks you if you can help him. Really?


Being deliberately ignored or belittled because I’m a woman in a male-orientated industry. I might be a Barbie blonde but I know more than most of them in here mate, and I will not hesitate to humiliate you if I can. Subtly, you know. In a way that I canKEEP my job.


“Have a nice holiday, sir!”

“You too!”

Yeah, I’m not going anywhere. Cheers for reminding me of that douschebag.


Having a foreign customer whose English is so bad, you’ll never be able to understand what they want in a million years, but they won’t leave. At all. For ages. And you have a queue, and they are all looking at you and it’s embarrassing. Just fuck off. Come back with someone English.


Having to use the toilet after my male boss has emptied his asshole in there. Honestly, women work here mate. Your toilet is right next-door to mine, and no amount of that nasty, cheap air freshener is getting rid of what crawled up inside you and died. Show some fucking respect.


Reatil work sucks 05You know when you just don’t click with a customer? You hate them for no apparent reason and you’re pretty sure they hate you too? And then you have to serve them. And it takes forever. And neither of you want to talk so it’s just like that horrible awkward silence? Yeah that ruins my day.


Nature calling right in the middle of serving a long and complicated customer. Or you know, when you really need to fart except you know it’s either gonna stink, or make the loudest, funniest noise. And if it stinks, it’s not like you can blame it on the customer because they know it wasn’t them…


“Thanks for your help!”

I didn’t actually do anything but cheers for making me feel appreciated buddy.


Serving a customer wearing a burkha and not being allowed to laugh.


Customer’s kid’s. Full stop.


Those wankers that get my hopes up and make me think they are going to buy something and then say they are just ‘shopping around’ and cripple my confidence.


People that ask if it’s ‘just the two of you’ when referring to myself and my other colleague on the shop floor. No, there’s a hidden fairy standing right behind you, you fucking plonker. Yes, it’s just us. Wait in silence or get the fuck out.


People that are rude for what appears to be no apparent reason. I don’t know who pissed you off today, but I’ve only just starting talking to you so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me. Remove the stick from your anus and treat me with a bit of respect. Otherwise I will spit in your proverbial burger.

Retail work sucks 06


Those awful jokes. That stupid laugh I have to do. For fucks sake.


Customer’s that you’ve been ‘working on’ for what feels like hours leaving the store and then coming back and being served by another colleague. It’s OK, I didn’t need that commission. Thanks for wasting my time. I hope your cat starves this week. Just like mine will.


Going into a DIFFERENT store on my lunch break, and being asked if I work in THATstore. Yes, of course I do. The fact that the massive logo on the back of my t-shirt doesn’t give the game away at all…


Similarly, being asked work-related questions on the journey home because of said uniform.


“Haven’t you got one out back?”

Yeah hang on, let me go out there and shit you out a new one. Just because you clicked your fingers. What do you think I am? One of Santa’s elves? Prick.

Retail Work Sucks 02


Those magical days where you’re meant to finish early…. but you never do because you get stuck with that hour-long sodding customer right at the end. You can’t pass it over to anyone else either, because they’re conveniently busy doing other shit.


Similarly, getting stuck with the village idiot at the end of your shift.


When your work colleagues get to go home early. Fuckers. Oh and all those convenient dental trips they keep going on. Really buddy, your teeth don’t look that bad to me.


I think my boss wants to sleep with me.


I’m pretty sure most of the other work colleagues do too. Well, maybe most. I am one of two girls, and she’s just had a baby!


Customers that smell. BO, last night’s alcohol, bad breath, too much cologne, piss…

Retail Work Sucks 08


Noticing that weird mole on their face and being transfixed by it for the entire conversation. Your’e pretty sure they know too.


Oh yeah, and my eyes are up here dickhead. Those are my breasts.


When you know the lights are on but no-one’s home. They’re never gonna understand what you’re saying.


Those people that get all up in my grid and infect my personal space – those people really piss me off. Stop getting so close, are you trying to be in me? Take a step back buddy, or I’ll make you.

Retail Work Sucks 07


The one that knows everything – really? If you know everything, fuck off and stop wasting my time. Seriously, just fuck off. You’re wrong anyway.


The mobile-phoner’s. Get off your phone and talk to me you cretin. Manners cost nothing, don’t you know? Oh, and rude people. Have I mentioned rude people?


Sourced from