17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

1. You feel like you’re constantly repeating yourself telling all your friends you can’t go out because you work weekends.

But somehow they never remember.

2. And then they ask why can’t you take a day of holiday or switch shifts.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

Because I want to save my holiday days for going on holiday and not for being hungover after your sub-standard party. Burn.

3. People tell you to “man-up” and just work hungover.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand
Columbia Pictures Corporation

“Sorry your night out will not be fun enough to justify that much pain.”

4. Though quite often you accidentally get drunk and have to work hungover.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand
Channel 4

And it is the actual worst.

Unless you are like a paramedic in which case I really hope you don’t do this.

5. There is no one to celebrate with when your version of the weekend comes round.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

6. And if you do persuade someone to go out on your version of a Friday night it can be a bit dull.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

Pubs really lack atmosphere on a Sunday night.

7. And forget about finding someone to go to a boozy brunch with.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

8. The unbelievable envy you feel when you check your Instagram at work and see all your friends hanging out without you.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand
Paramount pictures

Usually having brunch. You deserve to have more brunch in your life.

9. You quite often spend your days off on your own.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

10. And because there is literally no one to hang out with you actually do responsible boring stuff.

Having non-hungover midweek days off is very useful when it comes to admin. But this is still not worth working weekends for.

11. Or more often you just watch quite a lot of day time TV.

Or more often you just watch quite a lot of day time TV.


Who needs people to hang out with when Jeremy Kyle is on?

12. Work parties always seem to be on a Friday.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

Which means you have to choose between being sober for the work party, or openly showing your boss that you will be working hungover.

13. It feels like you found your soulmate when you find someone who can hang out with you on your days off.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand
Columbia Pictures

The chances of finding someone who works the exact weird hours as you is pretty impossible, so your new best friend is probably unemployed.

14. There’s a cruel irony when bank holidays fall on days you already have off.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand
Warner Brothers

15. You can get quite resentful about having to take time off to go to other people’s weddings.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand
Universal Pictures

But if you don’t like them that much you can use work as an excuse not to go.

16. You feel personally offended whenever anyone tells you to “enjoy your weekend.”

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand


17. You have to restrain yourself when people get happy about it being Friday.

17 Struggles Everyone Who Works On The Weekend Will Understand

Check your Monday-to-Friday privilege people.