December 2013 - Page 4 of 8 - I Hate Working In Retail


Home Depot Sucks – Top Complaints

This is a great sight and really indepth into some stores. Well worth a visit

Home Depot Sucks – Top Complaints


45 Things You’ve Experienced Working In Retail

1. You take pride in your ability to sell, sell, sell.

2. Your greetings and salutations are cheesier than a Hallmark card.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail
And you’ve probably used them when answering your phone or while talking to your friends. Damn you, habits!

3. Your bloodstream is essentially coffee.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

4. You know the real Golden Rule.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

5. A swarm of customers always seem to enter the store right as you were stepping out for a break.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

6. You’re always watching.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

7. Even the smallest tasks consume a lot of energy.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

8. Don’t even get you started on that glitchy credit card machine.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

9. You’re guilty of putting someone down because your day sucks.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

10. New products make you irrationally excited.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

11. You’ve had to babysit for parents while they shop.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

12. You’ve been filled with hope when a customer asks you to hold their items.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

13. Saturdays.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

14. You both hated that one Top 40 song, share the late shift, and are equally inappropriate…

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

15. You’ve had to use every bit of energy to not harm your bossy coworker.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

16. Your relationship with the company’s tech support is thriving.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail
Your computer system was sent from hell to make your life much harder.

17. You’ve had some twisted daydreams about what you would do to certain customers.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

18. You and your friends are on completely different schedules.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

19. How you feel when you greet someone and they respond with, “I’m just looking.”

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

20. You end up having to do way more work than is in your job description.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

21. You know the nightmare that is window displays.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

22. You struggle during the holidays.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

23. You are terrified of pre-teens.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

24. Dealing with a difficult customer on the phone.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

25. Flood of customers, phone’s ringing, and only two people on the floor…

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

26. Inventory.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

27. You can’t be won over easily.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

28. Customers have definitely mistaken you for a therapist.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

29. Customer interactions during the last hour of your shift.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

30. Your manager has called a meeting at 6 a.m.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

31. Sales.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

32. You’re sick of being asked why you’re still working in retail.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

33. You’ve agreed to cover someone’s shift only to wish you’d never been born.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

34. Staff selling competitions.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

35. There are some customer messes that can’t be cleaned.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail
And they will forever be burned into your night terrors.

36. You’re not above breaking your phone in order to avoid being called into work on your day off.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

37. You’ve really had the practice your smile.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

38. Trying to text without your boss seeing you.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

39. You know the customer is most certainly not always right.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

40. Nailing the up sell.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

41. Your typical lunch break.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

42. Dealing with drunk customers.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

43. You hold a grudge when a customer minimizes your average transaction.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

44. Organizing the back room is both infuriating and dangerous.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail

45. Your outlook on life after working in retail.

45 Things You've Experienced Working In Retail
Sourced from


something funny i came across tonight!!!!

The 5 Things Retail Workers Hate About YOU

When I’m not working at Y94 or attending classes at NDSU (Go Bison!) I occasionally pick up a shift at a local retail store. Now that Holiday shopping is in full swing, shopping bad behavior has skyrocketed! Here’s my list of things retail workers hate about shoppers!
The 5 Things Retail Workers Hate About YOU

  • You Leave Products You’re Not Going To Buy Anywhere & Everywhere
    • So at the retail store I work at, it becomes a time suck for me to have to pick up after everyone. Now before you say, that’s your job which it is – think about your behavior for a second. If your kid tried on every piece of clothing in their closet and then just threw it on the floor for you to hang back up would you be annoyed? The answer is yes unless you’re in complete denial. The same applies to you, when you try something on, just take a second to hang it back up on the hanger. We’ll be forever grateful and have more time to actually help you with more important things.
  • You Blame Employees For Things That Aren’t In Our Control
    • Sometimes as much as you think we have all the answers and can just make things happen for you, we can’t and have to rely on other people. I had a customer recently that was looking for a particular item that we currently didn’t have in our store. When I called one of our other stores to find out if they had the product in stock she yelled at me because they were taking too long…Really??? I could have just told you we didn’t have it and said, “good luck”, but I was TRYING to HELP you!
  • You Are Rude
    • When you work in retail you learn quickly that folks with money to burn will often feel they’re in a higher class than those of us that happen to be working. This creates a problem, because a lot of times you try to rub it in our faces how much better off you are than us. We get it, it’s natural to want to show off – but keep the rude comments to a minimum.
  • You Expect Us To Give You A Break…For No Reason
    • If I had a dollar for every time someone said, “…just this once” I wouldn’t have to work in retail anymore ;) Here’s the thing, I would love to give you a break, but I would love to keep my job even more! Here’s an example: We regularly have coupons that people love to use, but as soon as they bring the item (the joys of handling returns) back they expect they’re going to get the coupon back – that’s not how this works! I would love to give it back to you, but I can’t because when you purchased your item I had to rip it up so it wouldn’t be used again. The coupon by-the-way came from the manufacturer of the product, not the store I work at…so it truly is out of my control. Deal with it, I’m sorry.
  • You Think We Know EVERYthing
    • I know a lot of things about the retail store I work at, but I don’t know everything. I sometimes think that people spend a week trying to come up with the most ridiculous questions just to try to stump us. At the particular store I work at, I’m an apparel specialist – when you come to the apparel department and ask me about fishing tackle…yeah, good luck! Instead of getting upset that I don’t have every answer, understand that I’m going to try to find someone that can help you with your particular question – wouldn’t you rather get advice about an impending purchase from an expert anyway???

There you have it – that’s my top 5 list. If you work in retail I’m sure you have ALOT more, comment below with your own list. I would love to see them!
Lauren – The Y-Girl