The Struggles Only People Working In Retail Understand
In theory, working in retail is great! From big discounts to being among cute clothes all the time, what else could be better, right? Wrong! The retail-worker struggle is SO incredibly real…
1. You find yourself folding tables even when you’re off the clock. And when you’re in someone else’s store!
2. Trying to take a day off on a black-out date is your worst nightmare. It’d prob be easier to break into the White House.
3. And speaking of worst nightmares, Black Friday still haunts your dreams. So. Many. People, So. Much. Mess.
4. You’re used to customers expecting you to have way more power than you do. You don’t like how the jeans fit? Oh, let me go make a few phone calls!
5. Registers only go down when there’s a huge sale, a line out the door and only two of you in the store. Oh, life…
6. You’ve chanted “the customer is always right” in order to keep your cool. WAY easier said than done.
7. You never plan on having any kind of social life from Thanksgiving through New Years. ‘Cause chances are you’ll be in your store more than your house.
8. When your friends complain of being tired, you just chuckle to yourself. You don’t know what tired is until you’ve worked an open-close shift.
9. The feeling you get after you watch someone destroy a newly re-folded table is haunting. “But…I worked so hard on that…”
10. When you see ‘inventory’ next to your name in the schedule…
11. You pray that no one asks you to check in the back for something. It’s like climbing Mount Everest back there!
12. Your good mood has gone away in two seconds flat. Especially when a customer utters the phrase, “can I see a manager?”
13. Explaining to your family that you’re going to be late to a holiday meal is tough. In retail, there are no holidays!
14. Even when you see someone destroying a pile of clothes, they ALWAYS refuse to accept help. PLEASE LET SOMEONE HELP YOU FIND YOUR SIZE!!
15. No matter what, there’s ALWAYS an influx of customers 15 minutes before you close. Even if it’s the slowest day in history, this never fails.
16. You’ve underestimated how dirty humans really are. Nightly clean ups are mind-opening experiences.
17. Mannequin injuries are no joke. Do you know how hard it is to dress those things?! They’re HEAVY!!
18. The art of hiding your cell phone on the floor is an art you’ve mastered. Psh, as if you could stop me from texting…
19. You’ve heard the store’s playlist so many times, you know the exact order the songs play in. And it takes weeks for them to get out of your head.
20. On-calls are possibly the worst inventions ever. This is 100 percent fact.
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