i hate retail Archives - I Hate Working In Retail


16 infuriating things about working in retail

WORKING IN RETAIL can be really tough.  Yes, there are days when your co-workers are sound and your customers are lovely, but all too often that is not the case.

Sometimes people are jerks, sometimes your boss needs to get stuffed and sometimes the job is a pain.

Here are 16 infuriating things about working in retail.

People trying things on just for a laugh


Oh yeah.  Go ahead, have your gas craic trying on loads of stuff.

It doesn’t matter that I’ll have to tidy it all up, put it on hangers and put it out on the floor again.  As long as you have your fun!

People carelessly pulling apart your carefully folded piles of clothing





No matter what shop you work in, no matter what kind of security you have, you will know the shoplifters, and they will be a pain in the ass.

Customers shouting at you over things that have nothing to do with you


I’m sorry that the article of clothing you purchased in an entirely different shop didn’t work out for you, but kindly stop spitting in my face!

Power hungry managers


They should never have been allowed to be in charge of anything, let alone you.

Being forced to do pointless things by your boss


Purely so they can wield the aforementioned power.

People trying to return things that had clearly been worn


It’s covered in makeup and it stinks of cigarettes.  Do they think you’re stupid or something?



Every day, you are forced to spend ages arranging clothing in order of size, only for it to be immediately messed up when customers got involved.



Not only do you have to work, but you have to work the busiest, most panicked, hectic days of the year.

Customers who ignore the fact that it’s past closing time


They don’t care that the shop just closed, they want to try on 17 items.

Staff meetings



Not being allowed to use certain lifts/escalators/entrances



God forbid that a customer should see you using the same doors as them.  They might forget for a moment that they’re better than you.

People leaving their rubbish in the changing rooms


People are gross.

Having to watch people buy lovely things while you scramble together pennies to buy a sandwich


It’s tough.  It just is.

Pointless tasks foisted on you simply because you’re not allowed to stand still


People who shout at you about consumer law when they clearly haven’t a notion


Do you work in retail?  Do you need to vent?  Tell us about your pain in the comments.


Sourced from dailyedge.ie


17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses

1. You compulsively fold items that are ruining the appearance of a display.

You compulsively fold items that are ruining the appearance of a display.

You’re not happy until the display looks like this, tbh.

2. You fold your clothes at home like this:

This is what retail does to you… You start folding your clothes like you do with the clothes at work

3. You’ll even use a clipboard…

Started packing and I’m using a clipboard as a folding board. Working at Express taught me well

4. … or paper fold your clothes.

Paper folded my tops. This is what model store does to you.

5. You smile – and sometimes greet – random people without realizing it.

17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses

6. When you’re at a bookstore, you put books back in the correct section.

When you're at a bookstore, you put books back in the correct section.

Even if you’re not the one who initially pulled it out.

7. You’re always adjusting hangers so they’re all facing the same way.

You're always adjusting hangers so they're all facing the same way.

8. And you’ll even make sure the spacing is just right.

Working in retail has left me with a compulsive need to space hangers out in my own house #tkmaxxstyle

9. Oh, and you do the same thing at home.

Oh, and you do the same thing at home.

Omar Villegas / Buzzfeed

Be honest, there’s one hanger that’s killing you right now.

10. When you take a certain size off the rack, you put it back where you got it.

When you take a certain size off the rack, you put it back where you got it.

It’s not rocket science, right?!

11. You try not to show up right before closing time. If you do, you feel terrible about it.

17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses

12. If you find an item that doesn’t face the right way, you fix it. Retail heaven looks like this:

A supermarket in a small town in Somerset, England

13. You die inside when people can’t bag your items correctly.

Haha the chick who bagged my groceries should not work at fry’s!

14. When you’re finished trying stuff on in the dressing room, you put everything back on hangers before you exit.

17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses

And the person working the dressing room will love you for it.

15. When you enter the store, you wait to see if the associates greet you within 10 seconds.

17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses
Paramount / Via reactiongifs.com

You don’t really want to chat, you just want to see if they’ll do it.

16. After you try on a pair of shoes, you put them back the way you got them.

Tennis shoes or a box of crayons?

17. And if you return something, you always make sure you didn’t leave anything behind.

Someone just returned a pair of shoes and we found underwear in the box

Why do you do it? Because you’ve been there.

17 Reflexes Every Retail Worker Never Loses

And it’s your little way of telling your fellow retail workers: I feel your pain.

Sourced from buzzfeed.com