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How Not to Be a Dick to Your Starbucks Barista

Mocha Happens.
Mocha Happens.

There are a number of great customers who step up to a Starbucks counter and treat the person handling their beverage like a human being. I can’t say that it’s a very big number, but they are definitely out there.

What truly boggles the mind is why anyone would treat someone who has access to a decaf button as subhuman.

Below, 12 ways to keep your Starbucks barista from hating you.

1. Step one, hang up the phone.

It is unfathomable how many interactions go on between customers and baristas that don’t actually include any interacting. Being shushed or given the “one-minute” finger just makes a barista want to respond with a finger of their own.

Apologizing to the person on the other end of the phone when you made the life choice to start a phone call while trying to order a coffee makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. If you ignore the existence of the person standing in front of you or make incomprehensible motions with your hands about your ordering needs, know that your drink is probably decaf.

2. Being uncaffeinated does not mean you can be rude.

I get it, mornings are hard, but you know what is even more difficult? The rough task of waking up every day at 3 am, only to face steaming cups of patronization. Just because you haven’t had your coffee yet, doesn’t mean you get to be disrespectful. If you can’t harness a pleasant demeanor early in the morning, it might be time to get a Keurig for home.

3. Don’t hold me accountable for all Starbucks employees.

I know it’s hard to discern the difference between whoever made your drink yesterday and the current person in green that stands before you today in a different Starbucks location. But 90 percent of the time, when you say “You made my drink wrong yesterday,” you’re talking about someone else. My name is not synonymous with Starbucks.

Have a sense of humor. We do.
Have a sense of humor. We do.

4.  While greetings aren’t mandatory, they are strongly encouraged.

When I say “Hi, how are you?”, it’s rude to respond “Grande latte.” Especially in the drive-thru, baristas are usually greeted with some form of grunt or bark. Starting your order with “Give me” isn’t doing you any favors either. Baristas deserve basic manners.

5. Shouting orders from the passenger’s side or through the back window of someone’s car is obnoxious.

Pro tip: if your drink is too difficult for someone else to order, it might be time to tone it down. Otherwise, find a driver with a stronger short-term memory.

6. Don’t talk to us super-slowly like we’re stupid. 

If your drink has more steps than an Ikea assembly, and we ask you to repeat any part of it, DO NOT repeat the entire thing in extreme, patronizing slowness as though English is our second language. Further, once we’ve got it, don’t be that guy who demands that we repeat it back to assure that we “don’t mess it up.”

7. Know that we are humans who occasionally make mistakes.

Part of the Starbucks culture is individualizing drinks to match each and every one of our customers sparkling personalities. That being said, if you request 22 sugars, and we only put in 21, go ahead and put that last one in yourself. We’re only human.

8. Don’t pull money out of your bra, or up from under wherever it is that you were keeping it safe, warm and mildly damp.

Just don’t.

Close enough.
Close enough.

9. We take your name for a reason.

So what’s the deal with that whole writing your name on the cup thing? Well, it is our CEO Howard’s idea of solidifying our connection to our customers while making the drink process run smoothly. Little known fact: Most “incorrect orders” happen when people simply grab the wrong drink. Even if I do use a customer’s name, chances are they’ll still ask me what the drink on the counter is immediately after I not only just announced it and called them by name. While making eye contact.

Also, we don’t always spell it right. We don’t know you after all, and we just heard your name for the first time, possibly while surrounded by coffeeshop clatter. It’s not personal.

10. You don’t need to know the fancy words, but it’d be great if you could at least get a handle on the basics.

“Large caramel” is not a thing.

11. Don’t play favorites.

“Are you new? Is so and so here?” Nope and nope. Choosing favorites hasn’t been a thing since grade school. I’ve been here for months and I will be the one making your drink today. And because we all use the same recipes, it’ll taste the same no matter who makes it.

12. Don’t micromanage the drink-making process.

I probably went ahead and made the drink correctly. Dangling over the counter supervising your drink is unnecessary. Yelling that I’m making it wrong when I’m actually making someone else’s drink is damn near unacceptable.

I am the first to admit that I am human and make mistakes. While the job isn’t rocket science, it comes with its own set of challenges. We are working at what can often times feel like a thankless job, dealing with the sometimes patronizing masses while trying to keep a smile on our faces and pay the rent. And even with all the hurdles, some of us still manage to enjoy what we do.

I’m also aware that some baristas are incompetent or even rude — I’ve worked alongside them. I know that can be frustrating from a customer’s perspective, but please don’t assume we’re all that way. For the most part, we’re just doing our best.

Sourced from


29 Ways to Get Starbucks Baristas to Hate You

Are you a fan of Starbucks? Of course you are, but that doesn’t mean the baristas are fans of YOU. Here are some tips for not being a total d-bag at everyone’s favorite coffee chain, courtesy of Twitter.

2. Go through the drive-thru in a horse mask.

Go through the drive-thru in a horse mask.

3. Demand more caramel.

Demand more caramel.

4. Be SUPER into caramel.

Be SUPER into caramel.

5. Demand your honey be mixed into your tea.

Demand your honey be mixed into your tea.

6. Give yourself T. rex arms.

Give yourself T. rex arms.

7. Have a sesquipedalian order.

Have a sesquipedalian order.

8. Ask for this.

Ask for this.



10. Be a perv.

Be a perv.

11. Mess up the lingo.

Mess up the lingo.

12. Think you’re a stand-up comedian.

Think you're a stand-up comedian.

13. Pay with a crap ton of pennies.

Pay with a crap ton of pennies.

14. Be a “bitchy white girl.”

Be a "bitchy white girl."

15. Drop the “DD” bomb.

Drop the "DD" bomb.

16. Bring your whole PC setup.

Bring your whole PC setup.

17. Request a “hot” Frappuccino.

Request a "hot" Frappuccino.

18. Ask for this:

Ask for this:

19. Try to get free drinks because you’re a girl.

Try to get free drinks because you're a girl.

20. Be coy with your coupon.

Be coy with your coupon.

21. Order a pumpkin spice latte.

Order a pumpkin spice latte.

22. Be dramatic about aspartame.

Be dramatic about aspartame.

23. Order a Snickers bar.

Order a Snickers bar.

24. Give the drive-thru person your garbage.

Give the drive-thru person your garbage.

25. Put your garbage ANYWHERE BUT THE TRASH CAN.


26. Be on your iPad.

Be on your iPad.

27. Be demanding and vague.

Be demanding and vague.

28. Order a Frappuccino.

Order a Frappuccino.

29. Be a general pain in the butt.

Be a general pain in the butt.

Sourced from


18 Ways To Be The Annoying Guy In The Coffee Shop



1. Let everyone know you’re important by never taking off your sunglasses and making eye contact with the employee taking your order. Just make sure you find the biggest sunglasses possible. Seriously, if you can make yourself look like an annoyed fly, you’re on the right track.

2. If you’re sitting with someone be sure to talk so loudly people driving by will have to turn up their car’s radio to drown you out.

3. Be sure to watch Netflix in the highest definition possible when it’s the busiest. That way your video will be choppy and it’ll take everyone else 15 minutes to send a 4kb email.

4. Always look over the shoulder of the stranger sitting next to you so you can try to read what’s on their laptop screen. It’s definitely not creepy and plus you’ll learn so much.

5. Don’t ever put your phone on silent. If your phone rings or gets alerts constantly that’s even better. Also don’t use default ringtones. Make sure you download a three-second loop of an annoying hip-hop song that just sounds like distortion.

6. If you get a call instead of a text, answer it and talk so loudly people think you have a hearing problem. Everyone wants to know about your job so make sure they can hear every detail of it.

7. When you really want to double down, answer the call and put it on speakerphone. Who cares if you could just hold the phone up to your ear? Speakerphone is great and definitely intended to be used in a public setting as much as possible.

8. Don’t like coffee? No problem! Get a free cup of tap water and leech off the wi-fi for the next 7 hours! Pull some of the other chairs over to prop your feet upon as well. Live it up!

9. Make sure your funniest friend comes to hang out with you so you can cackle like a hyena every 4-7 seconds. Everyone else will love that so much.

10. When there are multiple open chairs and you don’t have a laptop with you, always take the one next to an outlet. Who cares if someone’s battery is about to die? What if you suddenly decide to buy a Gameboy Advance and need somewhere to charge it?

11. Everyone wants his own soundtrack when studying in a coffee shop, right? Make sure to share your playlist with the world by putting on headphones and cranking up the volume so loud the person next to you has to change spots in order to think.

12. If you want to take bothering people with your music into another stratosphere of annoying, don’t even use headphones. Turn up Ginuwine on iTunes and give everyone the opportunity to jump on that pony.

13. Always order off menu. Come up with the most asinine concoction and if the barista makes any sort of mistake or confuses it, respond like they just spit urine into the casket of your mother.

14. You can always dust off an old classic and make a big deal over the prices. You know, because the 19-year old barista behind the register is definitely the one that came up with the prices on the menu.

15. If you’re writing a script or a screenplay, you HAVE to mention it to anyone that asks if you need anything. It doesn’t matter if it fits organically into the conversation. Try this: Employee: Sir, can I get you anything? You: This screenplay is just emotionally exhausting. I’ve been working on this screenplay for months and I hear there’s some major buzz over my screenplay. I’m writing a screenplay, by the way.

16. Wait until it’s the busiest time of the morning and come in with a list of 37 drinks for everyone in your office. Make sure the note is written as sloppily as possible so you struggle to read it and have to call them to verify almost everything on the list.

17. Don’t just bring your kids, bring your kids and let them snack on chocolate covered coffee beans so they’ll be doing parkour off the walls like the first hour of Spiderman 2.

18. Be sure to treat your table like it’s your own personal office and leave papers, folders, and trash scattered all over the place like you’re in charge of a corporate merger. That’s a lot of documentation just to run a Tumblr account.
Sourced from