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24 Experiences You Only Have At Asian Supermarkets

Only in an Asian supermarket

1. When you walk into one, you are met with a dangerously pungent mystery smell.

When you walk into one, you are met with a dangerously pungent mystery smell.

2. (That you can only blame on the unfortunate mixture of dried fish and durian fruit.)

(That you can only blame on the unfortunate mixture of dried fish and durian fruit.)

3. You’ve plucked “fresh” produce from cardboard boxes.

Or, if they’re slightly a more upscale establishment, plastic containers.

4. And it doesn’t even matter if they’re fresh. They’re ridiculously cheap.

And it doesn't even matter if they're fresh. They're ridiculously cheap.

5. You’ve had to stand idly by with the shopping cart as your mother expertly selects one bundle of bok choy over another.

You've had to stand idly by with the shopping cart as your mother expertly selects one bundle of bok choy over another.

6. You’ve seen it all and nothing fazes you.

7. Well…not always.

Well...not always.

8. You can purchase fine pottery in the same vicinity as live octopus and fermented duck eggs.

You can purchase fine pottery in the same vicinity as live octopus and fermented duck eggs.

9. But you have to maneuver those aisles carefully ‘cause you know the consequences.

But you have to maneuver those aisles carefully 'cause you know the consequences.

And they’re not playing.

10. You’ve witnessed a butcher dismember and package an entire duck in literally under 10 seconds.

11. You’ve watched your mother lift and sling a 70-pound bag of rice like a fucking champ.

You've watched your mother lift and sling a 70-pound bag of rice like a fucking champ.

(You’ve tried and struggled.)

12. You and your family have been buying the same groceries your entire life, and you still don’t quite know what they are.

You and your family have been buying the same groceries your entire life, and you still don't quite know what they are.

I don’t know what you call these, but when you sautée them, it’s fucking delicious.

13. You’re extremely grateful of establishments that have a slightly higher standard of order and cleanliness.

14. Because when it’s Saturday afternoon and all the families are out, it is every-man-for-himself anarchy.

Because when it's Saturday afternoon and all the families are out, it is every-man-for-himself anarchy.

As a kid, you were always assigned to watch the cart at HQ while your parents ran back and forth.

15. You used to watch the live crabs crawl all over each other and wonder how they haven’t figured out how to escape.

You used to watch the live crabs crawl all over each other and wonder how they haven't figured out how to escape.

16. You’ve accepted that presentation means nothing.

You've accepted that presentation means nothing.

17. Except those moments when they mean everything (and no one else around you quite notices or cares).

Except those moments when they mean everything (and no one else around you quite notices or cares).

18. You rarely need to exchange a single word with the cashier.

You rarely need to exchange a single word with the cashier.

No small talk here: strictly business.

19. And there is usually no scanner because they somehow know the prices of EVERYTHING OFF TOP.

24 Experiences You Only Have At Asian Supermarkets


20. But that’s OK: Your total will always be under $100, and you have a trunkload of food.

But that's OK: Your total will always be under $100, and you have a trunkload of food.

21. Somehow, to this day, most Asian supermarkets are still cash only.

Somehow, to this day, most Asian supermarkets are still cash only.

(But let’s be real: No matter how big, most stores still don’t want to pay that credit card processing fee.)

22. You and your family have been going to the same local grocer for years now, and you’ve accepted its quirks.

You and your family have been going to the same local grocer for years now, and you've accepted its quirks.

23. Because it has what you really want.

Because it has what you really want.


24. And so much more.

And so much more.

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Revolting Facts About McDonald’s Big Mac.  Did You Know?

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49 Products You’ll Never Look At The Same Way Again

1. The first lip balms were based on human ear wax.

2. Ikea products are actually named based on a system. Beds, for example, are named after places in Norway.

3. And it’s been estimated that 1 in 10 European babies is conceived in an Ikea bed.

4. The Quaker Oats man is named Larry.

5. The Cap’n Crunch guy’s full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch (and he isn’t really a captain).

6. Electric vibrators were invented over a decade before the electric iron and vacuum cleaner, because priorities.

7. A chemical originally found in human sperm is used to prevent wrinkles and therefore you can get a facial* with it.

8. The first commercial toilet paper was made from manila-infused hemp sheets, although people preferred to wipe with pages from the Sears catalogue instead.

9. “Skunked” beer isn’t caused by a change in temperature, but by a change in light exposure.

10. One of Sony’s first products was an electronic rice cooker.

11. And one of Sharp’s was a mechanical pencil, from which the brand took its name.

12. Chicken McNuggets come in exactly four shapes and they all have names: bell, bone, ball, and boot.

13. For a limited time, Canadian McDonalds are selling something called the McLobster.

14. Lysol used to be marketed as a feminine hygiene product.

15. And Kotex was originally manufactured as bandage material during World War I.

16. Amazon’s logo features an arrow pointing from A to Z to show that it sells everything from A to Z.

17. The best-selling products at Wal-Mart are bananas.

18. Clairol once manufactured a “Touch of Yogurt” shampoo.

19. And Colgate attempted to sell the world on “kitchen entrees.”

20. Pepsi A.M. was a valiant stab at creating a breakfast soda that never took off.

21. Pepsi was originally called “Brad’s Drink” after its founder, Caleb Bradham.

22. Wrigley’s Chewing Gum was the first product to feature a supermarket barcode, in 1974.

23. Texas Pete hot sauce is made in North Carolina.

24. Because it’s so processed, American cheese can’t actually be marketed as “cheese” and instead has to go by “cheese product” and the like.

25. Oreos don’t contain any dairy and are actually vegan.

26. Since white strips wouldn’t be invented for another two thousand years or so, ancient Romans used urine as a teeth-whitening agent.

27. WD40 is called that because it took the company 40 attempts to get the formulation (which stands for “Water Displacement”) right.

28. The inventor of Vaseline claimed to have eaten a spoonful of it every day.

29. Pam cooking spray is thought to be an acronym for “Product of Arthur Meyerhoff,” who was one of its inventors.

30. Q-Tips were originally called “Baby Gays.”

31. The formula for Silly Putty was originally concocted to provide synthetic rubber to the military.

32. Nutella was popularized during World War II because chocolate supplies were extremely limited due to rationing, and so the brand’s founder used hazelnut paste to make the supply last.

33. Cheerios were originally called Cheerioats.

34. Play-Doh began its life as wallpaper cleaner.

35. The man who invented the Pringles can was cremated and buried in one.

36. Nike shoes were first conceived on a waffle iron.

37. The first Apple logo featured Sir Isaac Newton.

38. The glue on the back of postage stamps (British ones, at least) contains 5.9 calories.

39. Barbie’s real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

40. Mattel briefly released Growing Up Skipper, a doll that grew breasts when you twisted its arm. The tagline was “She’s two dolls in one for twice as much fun!

41. Pizza Hut perfume is real.

42. Can openers weren’t invented until about 50 years after the invention of canned food, making them incredibly difficult to open in the meantime.

43. All of the letters in the word “typewriter” can be found on the same row on a QWERTY keyboard. (Same with “Alaska.”)

44. Mayonnaise can be used to suffocate head lice.

45. Pez dispensers were originally designed to look like cigarette lighters and marketed to encourage people to quit smoking.

46. Rogaine was originally meant to treat high blood pressure, before people noticed that its side effect was hair growth in men.

47. Starbucks’ Trenta-size cup is larger than the average adult human stomach.

48. And the coffee company is named for a character in Moby-Dick (although it was almost named “Pequod” after the whaling ship in the book).

49. Magnums have the same length and base circumference as regular condoms.

Sourced From Buzzfeed.Com

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