Food Retail Archives - Page 15 of 64 - I Hate Working In Retail


39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

1. When your alarm goes off at 3:30am because you’re opening the store that day.

Bad Robot Productions /

2. When a customer thinks you’re sexually attracted to them just because you asked for their name.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
Trouble Maker Studios /

Dude, I literally have to ask for my job. Not because I want to bone you.

3. When a customer thinks you’re sexually attracted to them because you’ve asked them how their day is.

Lucas Films /

I’m being polite. I don’t actually give a shit how you are.

4. This exchange: “Grande latte for Jamie!” “Is that for me?” “Is your name Jamie?” “No I’m Steve.”


5. When someone asks for a “large ice water, with extra ice”.


6. When someone orders “two shots of espresso over ice, but in a medium cup” and you know they’re going to go fill up their cup with free milk from the condiment bar.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
Mandalay Pictures /

7. When someone takes the sugar or chocolate powder from the condiment bar and keeps it on their table as if its their own personal sugar just for them.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

8. When you spot the impatient person in the back of the queue who you know is going to be a total dick.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
Warner Bros /

9. But then getting that sweet sense of satisfaction you when you secretly give them decaf.

Disney /

10. When someone orders a non-fat, sugar-free drink and then orders a lemon drizzle muffin.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

11. When you ask someone what they want and their answer is: “Hold on, I have a list.”


12. When a customer sits down to talk to you when you’re on your break.


13. When a customer reaches over the counter to grab something instead of asking.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

Sure, it’s not like your hands are disgusting or anything. Please. Touch all of the straws.

14. When you spot someone shoving a giant handful of sugar packets into their handbag.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
Paramount /

15. Trying not to laugh when someone does this while asking for a “sleeve jacket thing” for their drink.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

16. When someone orders a “venti” coffee but you’re not a Starbucks.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

17. When people try to over-pronounce the Italian names for drinks.

MTV / Giphy


“This isn’t Rome, please get a grip.”

18. When people straight up invent drink names: “Hello yes I’d like a grande Mocha Jetachinno.”

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista


19. When a customer is on their mobile, and actually puts up a finger to shush when you dare ask what they want.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista / YouTube

20. Trying to make a drink but you can feel a customer watching your every single move.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

21. And then you fuck it up because they made you nervous.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

22. When a customer tells you an exact temperature they want their milk steamed to.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
Marvel /

“A large, soya, chai tea latte at 143 degrees.”

23. When anyone orders “half-caf”.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
Comedy Central / Giphy

24. When someone takes one sip of their drink and tells you that you made it wrong but YOU KNOW THAT YOU DIDN’T.

25. And then when someone asks for a discounted refill with a cup you know has been sitting in their car for three weeks.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

26. This exchange: “Here’s a large, decaf, cappuccino for Sandra!” “Is it decaf?” “YES.”

This exchange: "Here's a large, decaf, cappuccino for Sandra!" "Is it decaf?" "YES."

27. And this one: “I have a small, non-fat latte for Nicky.” “Is it non-fat?” YES THAT’S JUST WHAT I FUCKING SAID.

28. When a customer leans over the counter and says these dreaded words: “The men’s toilet is blocked.”

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
NBC / Giphy

29. When anyone rearranges the furniture for their “meeting”.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

30. When someone can’t connect to the WiFi and you’re suddenly IT support.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

31. When someone thinks it’s appropriate to bring in McDonalds and casually eat it with their coffee.

When someone thinks it's appropriate to bring in McDonalds and casually eat it with their coffee.

Oh sure. Just do whatever.

32. When someone asks for “extra, extra caramel”.

33. Or for “extra, extra whipped cream.”

Disney / Giphy

34. Or straight-up just orders a cup of whipped cream and a spoon.

35. When someone points to which specific cookie they’d like.


“Third from the back on the left…not that one…not that one… yes.”

36. Or claims their croissant was “stale” despite eating the entire thing and demands a refund.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
The Geffen Film Company / Giphy

37. When a dodgy regular gives you their number.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

38. When you’re out in public after your shift and you overhear someone saying they can smell coffee, and you know it’s you.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista

39. And you then realise that no matter how often you shower, you and your belongings will always smell of espresso and burnt croissants.

HARPO / Giphy

Hang in there, baristas of the world. We know it’s tough.

39 Devastating Moments In The Life Of A Barista
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Things Not To Do as a Chick-Fil-A Guest

Confessions of a Chick-Fil-A Employee

Things Not To Do as a Chick-Fil-A Guest

Because I like to think that not everyone in the world wants to make people hate them, I have compiled a list of things you should not do in a Chick-Fil-A drive-thru in order to keep CFA Team Members from hating you. This list is arranged in no particular order of significance, and is not limited to the below points. I will probably continue this list throughout the rest of my blog posts from now on and forever more, because I’m almost positive that people do increasingly more stupid and annoying things as time continues.

#1: Being greedy.
Let’s get one thing straight: you will never need ten sauces for four nuggets. You don’t even need ten sauces for 24 nuggets. I know CFA sauce is good and you want to go home and put it on all of your sandwiches and pizza and oxygen, but we do sell 8 ounces of the stuff for a reason.
#2: Ridiculous requests.
“Can I get my side salad with no tomatoes?”
“No, actually. No you cannot. Do you want to know why? Because we prep side salads ahead of time, and when someone makes a special request we have to make a brand new one. Do you know that we put one or two cherry tomatoes on our side salads? Do you know that they are small and round and contained enough that they don’t spread contaminating tomato-dust onto anything they touch? Do you know that you have fingers that work just as well as our kitchen staff’s? Do you know how easy it is to pick up that (those) tomato(es) all by yourself? You don’t even have to find a trash can, you can actually throw it out your window. I’m pretty sure it’s not littering when you’re tossing something that grows on the earth anyway. And look, your window is already open! You don’t even have to go to the work of pressing a button to get rid of those nasty little things. Unless you have an abnormal and extreme allergy and any form of slight contact with itty bitty tomatoes is life threatening to you, I think you can handle this one yourself.”
In a perfect world, that would be my answer to that question.
#3: Not using your ears.
When I ask, “What would you like to drink?” There are many proper responses, but one of them is not “Yes.”
#4: Not knowing the difference between a meal and an entree.
In case anyone is confused, a meal comes with a side and a drink. An entree does not. So when you say, “I want a number one meal with no drink,” you actually just sound uneducated and obnoxious. However, I would prefer you saying something like that to saying, “I want five sandwiches just the entrees, and two fries and a cole slaw and two fruit cups… and five cokes.” Because you know what just happened? I just rang up all those entrees and sides by themselves like you told me to, and now because of those cokes I have to cancel everything, hack into my super-mind that can memorize everything you just said, and re-ring every single thing. While being very angry.
#5: Asking for your shake in a bag.
“Wait, what? That actually happens?” Yes, yes it does. And don’t bother trying to come up with a good reason as to why anyone would desire their shake in a bag, because I have tried and there is no logical answer. They always fall back on the same thing… “It’s easier to carry.” But, um… I don’t really think that’s true. I’m fairly certain you can wrap your hand around a cup just as easily as you can carry a bag. Both options take one hand and no brains. But one is normal, and one creates an irritating and difficult situation and then probably causes you to spill something. I’ll let you figure out which is which.
#6: Having a car full of annoying friends.
If I can’t get mad at you for having 48094238902347 friends piled into your car screaming and laughing and yelling “LOL OHMYGAWD,” then you can’t get mad at me for setting your house on fire in the middle of the night… slash, not understanding your order at all.
#7: Coming in at 9:59pm:
Or anytime after 9:45ish.
#8: Changing your drink mid-order:
When you start saying things like, “I want a number one with a doctor pepper,” here’s what happens: I hit a couple buttons and then make a doctor pepper. Then I pat myself on the back for being nice and efficient. But OH WAIT, efficiency means nothing when you have a fickle guest. “Actually, can I have a sweet tea instead of a doctor pepper?” I’ll say “Absolutely” but in my head I’m strangling you, because now what am I supposed to do with this mother trucking doctor pepper?
#9: Being slow.
I know you have 12 kids and that’s really cool, but it’s a lot cooler when you don’t sit at the window after I give you your massive order and hand out each meal individually to your entire family before driving away. I also love it when you don’t take five years counting out seven dollars in change whilst at the window. It’s called planning ahead, people.
#10: Thinking that my arms are 15 feet long.
If I had to estimate, I’d say they are around three feet long, probably less. So when you park a mile away from the window and expect me to hand you your food, you’ll understand when I crunch it all up and throw it like a football instead.#11: Cell phones.
It’s fine if you want to talk on your cell phone instead of listening to me repeating your order. It’s especially fine when I charge you for the wrong thing because you weren’t listening. It’s even more fine when you get pissed at me because youweren’t listening.

#12: Forgetting where you are.
If you ask me for “McNuggets” or “Arby’s Sauce,” I will assume you are mentally handicapped and/or tell you to go get your seeing eye dog before coming back. Probably not. But I’ll dream about it every night until people start being more aware of their surroundings.

#13: “Can I add five shakes to that?”

#14: Polynesian sauce.
It’s pronounced like pol-ee-nee-shen. Not polyester sauce, asian sauce, polynaise sauce, pedestrian sauce, and most certainly not pomeranian sauce.

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Chipotle Workers Walk Out Mid-Day Because They Work In ‘Sweatshop Conditions’


The fast food establishment’s staff was so fed up with their working conditions that they simply turned off the lights, closed the door and walked out. The restaurant remained closed for hours on Wednesday.

A tweet from the Daily Collegian showed a paper sign on the door that read,

Ask our corporate offices why their employees are forced to work in borderline sweatshop conditions… People > Profits.

Chipotle spokesman Chris Arnold issued a statement, saying that a minority of the staff chose to speak for them all.

He said,

A few employees quit, locking out a majority of others who are enthusiastic to return to work.

Brian Healy, the restaurant’s manager, told State College that the working conditions were truly disgraceful. The Mexican food chain markets itself as transparent, fair and progressive. On the contrary, Healy called conditions at the restaurant “heinous.”

He said,

I just want to see people treated better. We’re not trying to start a strike or anything like that.

The restaurant reportedly re-opened its doors later that day. The incident happened just days after fast food workers picketed for better wages in three dozen cities across the country.


Photo Courtesy: Twitter


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