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11 Unsettling Facts You Should Know About McDonald’s Happy Meals

If you’re like many Americans, the thought of the McDonald’s Happy Meal evokes, well, happiness. It was a wonderful treat as a kid to go to Mickey D’s and get the iconic package that held goodies beyond your wildest imagination. Inside that red box was not only delicious and greasy fried food, but also a toy. What you really wanted wasn’t a burger, but that “101 Dalmatians” figurine (to complete your collection) or those Beanie Babies (even if they were miniature versions).

And that little figurine made all the difference. The McDonald’s staple seems to be one of the best ways to hook kids on fast food at a seriously young age: Forty percent of children ages 2 to 11 ask their parents to take them to McDonald’s at least once a week, and 15 percent of preschoolers ask to go every single day. How has McDonald’s managed to win over Americans kids so thoroughly? Here are 11 facts about the Happy Meal that could help explain.

1. McDonald’s starts aggressive marketing to children at a very young age to develop trust and reliance.

In his book “Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal,” Eric Schlosser explains the mentality behind fast food establishments’ aggressive marketing towards children. According to Schlosser, they try to immediately seek dependance from kids at an extremely young age. Schlosser references another book written by James U. McNeal, called “Kids As Customers,” in which McNeal explains that fast food companies want children to see them as a “mom or dad, grandma or grandpa.” If companies find a way to foster this relationship with a child at a young age, it is more likely that the child will establish belief and trust in the company.

McDonald’s understands this, which is why, at one time on their website, the company asked kids to send Ronald McDonald an email telling him their favorite menu item, favorite book and favorite sports team and even asked them for their names. The site told kids that Ronald McDonald was “the ultimate authority in everything.” A McDonald’s representative told the Huffington Post that it believes Ronald McDonald “helps deliver messages to families on many important subjects such as safety, literacy, and the importance of physical activity and making balanced food choices.”

2. McDonald’s is the largest distributor of toys in the world.

The chain understands that kids love toys, and includes one in 20 percent of all sales. Each year, McDonald’s distributes 1.5 billion toys worldwide. That’s more than Hasbro and Mattel.

3. Because of the toys, McDonald’s is most American kids’ favorite restaurant.

In Technomic’s 2009 Kids And Moms Consumer Trend report, children “overwhelmingly chose McDonald’s as their favorite fast-food restaurant.” In total, 37 percent of kids said it was their first choice. Other surveys hint that McDonald’s toy-toting Happy Meal is the reason for this trend. Eighty-seven percent of six and seven-year-olds and 80 percent of eight and nine-year-olds said they “enjoyed getting a toy with their kids’ meals.”

4. Happy Meals are so enticing that adults sometimes buy them for themselves.

In 1997, McDonald’s introduced the “Teenie Beanie Baby” toy in Happy Meals. During that time, McDonald’s sold about 100 million Happy Meals in one week. In that week, four Teenie Beanie Baby Happy Meals, which are marketed toward children between the ages of three and nine, were sold for every American child in that age group. Even more interesting, many adult Beanie Baby collectors reported buying the meals and keeping the dolls while (maybe) throwing the food away.

5. McDonald’s partners up with almost every entertainment company in a child’s life.

Here are just some of the companies and brands McDonald’s has partnered with for its Happy Meals (some might surprise you): the NBA, the Olympics, Nickelodeon, Barbie, Teletubbies, Transformers, Hello Kitty, Lego and, of course, Disney.

6. But after ten years of working with them, Disney decided partnering with McDonald’s was a pretty bad idea.

As of 2006, Happy Meals no longer feature children’s favorite Disney characters. In explaining its change of heart, Disney said that it was a company “that prides itself on being family friendly” and wanted to “distance itself from fast food,” especially given the food’s links to childhood obesity.

7. San Francisco banned Happy Meals… but McDonald’s found a way around that.

This “Daily Show” video perfectly sums up the failed San Francisco Happy Meal ban.

In December 2011, in an effort to stop incessant junk food marketing to children, San Francisco made the bold move to ban the sale of Happy Meals. People could still purchase a “Happy Meal,” but in order for the meal to include a toy, it had to comply with the city’s nutritional standards. The standards required that such Happy Meals contain “less than 640 milligrams of sodium” and “less than 600 calories” and include “0.5 cups or more of fruits and 0.75 cups or more of vegetables.” At the time, Happy Meals did not meet those requirements.

However, McDonald’s must have had some pretty savvy lawyers, because they figured out a way to allow parents to purchase Happy Meals — toy included. San Francisco’s ban could not prohibit the chain from selling toys, so if your child wanted a toy, you could just pay an extra 10 cents for it. And McDonald’s required the purchase of a Happy Meal in order to buy a toy.

8. The “healthier” Happy Meals at McDonald’s are still pretty bad for kids.

The company has always struggled to find a balance between offering tasty fast food that appeals to kids and healthier options that will satisfy health-conscious parents. And it looks like their “healthy changes” still just aren’t good enough when you look at their nutritional values. In 2011, McDonald’s added apples to every package while removing the caramel sauce and reduced the french fry offering from 2.4 oz. to 1.1 oz. A McDonald’s representative told the Huffington Post that the automatic inclusion of apple slices, smaller fries and the option of choosing fat-free milk makes the “most popular Happy Meals have an average of 20 percent fewer calories than [the] most popular meals previously.”

However, the meals still round out to about 600 calories, which experts say is way too much for small children. Also, public health experts say that while they are satisfied with McDonald’s adding apples to every meal, they are concerned that the company is “health washing” kids by “rebranding” the Happy Meal foods as “healthy” when, in reality, they are just “less unhealthy.”

9. The Happy Meals in other countries don’t seem that much healthier.

The McDonald’s restaurants in America aren’t the only ones pushing fattening junk food on young children. Happy Meals in other countries are also relatively unhealthy. For example, in Italy, a child can get a “Pizzarotto,” which is a mini-calzone stuffed with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. In Thailand, kids have the option of munching on a pork burger, a meat with a higher calorie count and higher fat content than beef.

10. Now, McDonald’s is trying to become your kid’s favorite reading material.

In their latest effort to stay on American kids’ radars, for two weeks in November 2013, McDonald’s swapped the toys in their Happy Meals for books. The company also announced they were planning to distribute a digital book every month on their website, HappyMeal.com. The digital book elicited the most criticism from those who felt the company needed to curtail its marketing efforts toward children since, according to Sriram Madhusoodanan, a national organizer with Corporate Accountability International, “kids tend to interact much longer with a brand in cyberspace than they might do otherwise.”

11. Good news: Today, Happy Meal sales have declined. Bad news: Kids are now just buying off the Dollar Menu.

It seems that while the Happy Meal changes in portion size and side options have resulted in fewer calories and an inherently “healthier” meal, they have also led to a decline in sales. In 2011, an NPD Group report stated that Happy Meal sales (along with other child meal sales) were down six percent, from 1.3 billion to 1.2 billion orders. While health and dietary concerns could account for a portion of this decline, the report doesn’t state that overall visits by children to fast food restaurants have declined at all. This means that parents could be realizing that it’s cheaper to just order their kids’ food off the dollar menu or split a large meal among family members.

In which case, McDonald’s wins yet again: Kids may not care about the toys anymore, but they still care about getting their hands on some fast food.

Correction: A previous version of this post incorrectly stated that Disney still sells McDonald’s food in its theme parks. It does not.

 The Huffington Post  | by  Renee Jacques

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14 Fast Food and Restaurant Employees Confess the One Item You Should Never Order

The following question was posed on Reddit:

“Fast food workers of Reddit, what should we NOT order at your restaurant? Why not?”

While it’s important to know that none of these claims have been verified, we do recommend bookmarking this thread. Just in case. Tons of answers were submitted, we picked the most curious below.

Anything McCafé at McDonald’s

“I work for Mcdonald’s and make sure everyone that matters to me never orders anything that comes out of the ‘McCafe’ machine as these are routinely neglected, in practically all the McDonalds. Not only are staff not properly trained in its cleaning and maintenance, at almost every McDonalds I’ve had experience with, the managers in charge of training them don’t know fuck all either…All McCafe beverages run through a horrifically dirty machine – we’re talking 5+ inches of uncleaned, liquid bullshit making up its inside parts”

Do. Not. Order. Hot Dogs. At. Baseball. Games. Period.

“I used to work in a baseball park concession stand. The short answer is not to order anything, but if you absolutely have to buy something, don’t buy the hotdogs.

Do not. Buy. The Hot Dogs.

They made it out of the package okay, and might even have been edible after we finished grilling them – and then they went into the water. We kept three pans of water at the back of the grill that held the hot dogs. Any hot dogs left at the end of the day went back into the fridge, and came out again the next day. Me and the other cook put our feet down on throwing out the water and old hotdogs after two full days, but the management didn’t want to let us.”

On steak and beans at Taco Bell

“I worked at taco bell a little bit ago and I warn everyone to stay away from both the beans, and the steak. The beans start out looking like cat food, and the directions are, ‘Add water and stir until you can’t see white anymore.’ The steak was just the worst on dish duty. If it would sit too long it would become like hair gel. It was the worst.”

On Wendy’s chili

“I used to work at Wendy’s. The meat used in the chili, yeah that comes from the meat on the grill top that expires and dries up that’s put in to a warming drawer until you have enough for a batch of chili, which we first freeze and then thaw the next day. Also if the chili sitting in the warmer doesn’t sell fast enough we just added hot water to it to mix it up.”

For the love of God, don’t order anything off the Starbucks “Secret Menu”

“Former starbucks worker here. Please don’t order anything off the ‘Secret Menu’. It doesn’t exist. If you want a snickerdoodle, nuttella, or captain crunch frappuchino (or whatever other overly sugery thing someone has since come out with), know the base drink and the modifications, and order that. If you just say the name, it’s up to the barista to come up with what’s in the drink, and it may not be what the last barista you ordered from put in there.”

On movie theatre popcorn

“I worked at a theater, don’t get popcorn for the first showing- that’s all just last night’s popcorn put into giant garbage bags and then reheated in the warmers in the morning.

Oh yeah and remember that sticky floor in the aisle of the theater? Well what do you think would happen if you had that at your house. YES THAT’S HOW YOU GET ANTS… and cockroaches, and everything else. Plus it’s in the dark most of the time. It’s like a bug buffet once the lights go out and the movie starts.”

Skip the pasta at Panera, stick to the sandwiches

“Panera- pasta; it’s all microwaved, this includes Mac and cheese. Smoothies/frozen drinks- nasty base crap that smells and it’s sticky. Cupcakes/coffee cakes- all come frozen. Best items are the real sandwhich/ salads. Real ingredients and usually fresh.”

Always ask for “fresh” chicken nuggets at McDonald’s

“I used to work at McDonalds. If you order, especially chicken nuggets, just ask for them fresh. Otherwise they’ve been just sitting in their container in the heat. They have a timer, but 9/10 times when that timer goes off, people just reset the timer instead of making new ones. This could go on until all the nuggets are sold.”

Steer clear of beans at Taco Johns

“Taco Johns reporting for all you midwesterners. I would steer clear of the beans, at least outside of peak hours, because they sit on the hot table for a long long time and when they dry out, just add water. Everything else is pretty solid though. Worked there a couple years back in 2007-2009 and still love going back to get my fix.”

BBQ Sandwiches at KFC

“Worked at KFC for ~4 years. The BBQ sandwich is actually made from chicken too old and stale to give to the homeless shelters, so they soak it in BBQ sauce until it can be pulled and then they keep it on the heater for a month.

I still order it through”

The quesarito at Chipotle. Mostly because everyone will hate you.

“It backs up the line like no other. If it’s not busy, you’re fine but PLEASE do not order a quesorito during our peak hours. Employees will hate you. The people behind you in line will hate you. Everyone will hate you. There’s nothing wrong with it health/sanitation wise, but too few people order it for our damned managers to rearrange and optimize our food line for quesorito production.”

The eggs at Einstein’s

“I worked at Einstein’s bagel place which is basically fast food. Don’t order anything with eggs, they aren’t real eggs and if business is slow they could have been sitting in a container for hours after they are microwaved.”

On gas station Slurpees

“Gas station slurpee’s. The amount of mold in those machines would crush your childhood to a pulp.”

The doughnuts at Dunkin (Warning: this will break your heart)

“Currently employed at Dunkin doughnuts and it’s sad but true all the doughnuts and baked goods there come to us frozen.”

Read more at Read more at foodbeast.com

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Cleaning underneath the conveyer belt at a till in a UK supermarket. GROSS!!!!!!!

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