16 Types Of People You Meet While Working As A Cashier
3. The customer who’s in a rush to go nowhere.

Warner Bros. Pictures / Via cdn4.teen.com
Don’t blame me for your poor time management skills.
5. The rich kid who spends more in one day than you make in a month.

The CW / Via cdn29.elitedaily.com
“Would you be kind enough to leave enough for my student loans in the tip jar?”
6. The “I’m ready to check out, but let me grab one more thing while you ring that up” customer.

Fox Searchlight Pictures / Via tumblr.com
…so you’re not ready.
7. The customer who asks if every item within arm’s reach is on sale.

ABC / Via giphy.com
“No sir, for the 80th time, only items with sale tags…ARE ON SALE!”
8. The customer who wants to speak to the manager.
10. The “Maybe I should take my business elsewhere!” frequent shopper.

11. The last-minute holiday shopper whose goal in life is to make your shift misrable.

20th Century Fox
12. The “I want your opinion. Does this look good on me?” customer.

E! / Via media.giphy.com
If it means you’ll buy it, of course you look great!
15. The group of friends that’s had one too many.

HBO / Via ed_wp-content_v2.s3.amazonaws.com
Pleeeeease don’t puke in the fitting rooms! I beg you!
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