Life as a Cashier Archives - Page 19 of 30 - I Hate Working In Retail


20 Random Rants From The Grocery Store Checkout Line


1. “You don’t need a candy bar. Stop staring at it. You’re eating healthy today. Oh, God, they’re paying with a check?! Screw it; I’m getting a candy bar.”

2. “Seriously, why does anyone pay with checks these days? I hope they ban them in 2015. We need a national checkbook burning… I should create an event for that on Facebook.”

3. “Why is she staring at me? Doesn’t everyone buy Captain Morgan, condoms, and a pregnancy test all at the same time? It’s called time management, thank you.”

4. “Why are all the guys at the grocery store always married? The single dudes probably come on Saturday nights for beer runs. I need to change my grocery shopping schedule.”

5. “I can’t believe people actually read these tabloids. Wait… Jennifer Aniston is having Stephen King’s baby?! Ok, you can glance at the covers, but don’t let anyone see you. OMG, Lorde is really a man?! Screw it, I’m reading that.“

6. “Kim Kardashian’s secret to weight loss? It’s called exercise, eating right, and cosmetic surgery. I bet Kim has an assistant completely dedicated to managing her waxes. I need that.”

7. “Please, lady behind me, stop audibly raping me with small talk. You’re a schoolteacher? That’s nice. You will literally be out of my life in less than 5 minutes. I have absolutely no use for the information you’re giving me right now.”

8. “I wish I was as skinny as that Vogue mag girl. And her skin is flawless! Why do I still have these thoughts when I know it’s all Photoshopped? I’m an emotional masochist, that’s why. I should find a meeting for that.”

9. “They didn’t put the divider behind their stuff. Now, the clerk’s going to think my stuff is theirs. WTF! … Screw it; I’m not putting a divider down either. Grocery store anarchy… done.”

10. “Really? That’s what you’re buying? Why did you even come here when you could do your grocery shopping at the 7Eleven?”

11. “My kiddo is so much better behaved than that little jerk. I don’t think I like kids, except for mine. Is that weird or just a mother’s instinct thing?”

12. “Please, nobody look at the tampons I’m buying. I don’t think I’ll be able to use them after your eyes have been on them.”

13. “My turn… I feel like I’m on stage and everyone is looking at me now. I think I’m getting checkout anxiety. I hope no one notices the Monistat.”

14. “No, dude, I’m not sliding my reward card until the end. Watching the total price drop makes me feel like I’m on a game show and I feel less guilty about all the crap I’m buying. It’s the highlight of my Thursday night – don’t judge me.”

15. “If my card declines, I’m going to kill myself. How freaking awkward would that be if they had to take all of my food away from me… in front of everybody? Why do I even panic about this anymore? I do a weekly budget! I’m 30-something, mature, and on top of this stuff… oh, thank God it went through.”

16. “I would seriously have to buy like 10 of those grocery tote bags to do my shopping every week. I’m not storing a million tote bags in my car just for this event, which I would end up forgetting in the car anyways. I would literally be a crazy bag lady. Plastic it is.”

17. “Why do they always ask me if I want my milk in a bag? Doesn’t everyone? Am I not supposed to get it in a bag? Am I being wasteful since the carton has a handle? It’s cold and heavy… give me the damn bag and stop making a point about it!”

18. “Thanks so much for referring to me by my last name as you said goodbye, clerk! I totally feel like you know me now. I’m going to pretend you didn’t have to look at my receipt for a minute before addressing me as that kind of ruins the moment.”

19. “I should really let them help me carry this out. I always get too much stuff, but I don’t think a 30-something is supposed to ask for help. Wait, is that a 20-something getting help out?! Who the hell does she think she is?”

20. “I can’t wait to get home and wash my hands.”

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The Struggles Only People Working In Retail Understand

In theory, working in retail is great! From big discounts to being among cute clothes all the time, what else could be better, right? Wrong! The retail-worker struggle is SO incredibly real…

1. You find yourself folding tables even when you’re off the clock. And when you’re in someone else’s store!


2. Trying to take a day off on a black-out date is your worst nightmare. It’d prob be easier to break into the White House.

Get off My Internet

3. And speaking of worst nightmares, Black Friday still haunts your dreams. So. Many. People, So. Much. Mess.

Asian Town

4. You’re used to customers expecting you to have way more power than you do. You don’t like how the jeans fit? Oh, let me go make a few phone calls!


5. Registers only go down when there’s a huge sale, a line out the door and only two of you in the store. Oh, life…

Wiffle Gif

6. You’ve chanted “the customer is always right” in order to keep your cool. WAY easier said than done.


7. You never plan on having any kind of social life from Thanksgiving through New Years. ‘Cause chances are you’ll be in your store more than your house.

Wiffle Gif

8. When your friends complain of being tired, you just chuckle to yourself. You don’t know what tired is until you’ve worked an open-close shift.

Know Your Meme

9. The feeling you get after you watch someone destroy a newly re-folded table is haunting. “But…I worked so hard on that…”

The Urban Daily

10. When you see ‘inventory’ next to your name in the schedule…

Reaction Gifs

11. You pray that no one asks you to check in the back for something. It’s like climbing Mount Everest back there!


12. Your good mood has gone away in two seconds flat. Especially when a customer utters the phrase, “can I see a manager?”

Degrassi Wiki

13. Explaining to your family that you’re going to be late to a holiday meal is tough. In retail, there are no holidays!

Kat in the Hat

14. Even when you see someone destroying a pile of clothes, they ALWAYS refuse to accept help. PLEASE LET SOMEONE HELP YOU FIND YOUR SIZE!!

Pop Sugar

15. No matter what, there’s ALWAYS an influx of customers 15 minutes before you close. Even if it’s the slowest day in history, this never fails.


16. You’ve underestimated how dirty humans really are. Nightly clean ups are mind-opening experiences.

Reaction Gifs

17. Mannequin injuries are no joke. Do you know how hard it is to dress those things?! They’re HEAVY!!

Good Reads

18. The art of hiding your cell phone on the floor is an art you’ve mastered. Psh, as if you could stop me from texting…

Huff Post Teen

19. You’ve heard the store’s playlist so many times, you know the exact order the songs play in. And it takes weeks for them to get out of your head.


20. On-calls are possibly the worst inventions ever. This is 100 percent fact.

Victorious Wiki


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19 Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

1. The Meddling Youths

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: They stroll in and start touching everything, find a crude meaning in otherwise nonsexual objects, scream at nothing, and overall wreak havoc on the store.

2. The Fitting Room Partiers

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: Their job is to transform quiet dressing rooms into clubs, after spending HOURS in them. They only rely on their friends for help and making decisions, and treat you like you’ve got an invisibility cloak on.

3. The Giver, NOT The Taker

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Universal Pictures

Culprit description: They ask for different sizes in everything they try on, ultimately resulting in not buying anything.

4. The Chronic Questioner

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: They ask you and other customers questions about how they look and want “completely honest” answers.

5. The Insane Sales Fighter

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Culprit description: Usually elusive before the semi-annual sale, this customer takes a “gloves-off” approach to markdowns, and nothing can get in their way, not even you.

6. The Child from Hell

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Culprit Description: Uncontrollable, crass, and clinically insane, this child will poop, cry, or throw merch on the ground for attention.

7. And The Overworked Parent

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: This mom or dad has clearly reached the point of no return with their child, and has abandoned all hope for a peaceful shopping day out. The whole time you just want to hand them a Xanax.

8. The Barterer

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Oxygen / Via

Culprit description: If an item is on sale, to them, it can be marked down even moreor they won’t buy it. They act like you can actually cut them a deal. Bye.

9. The Disgruntled Returner

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: From the moment they walk in, they have grown a new disdain for your store. It then is amplified by the fact that you can only give them store credit. That’s when shit really hits the fan.

10. The Squeezer

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: Just so they can say they’re a certain size, they will do anything possible to cram themselves in a dress or pair of jeans that is way too small, and then ask you how they look.

11. The Examiner

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: Every stitch and fiber must be in its place, or they won’t be paying full price, or they better get another garment just like it in immaculate condition.

12. The Complainer

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Columbia Pictures

Culprit description: Everything they try on, no matter how big or small the person is, will have something wrong with it that makes them “look bad.” Their comments are clearly heard across the store.

13. The Horrible Shoplifter

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Culprit description: Their criminal efforts are valiant, but they’re so bad at it, it’s just fun to watch.

14. The Remote Gabber

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: Although not seen in stores, this person will call you asking if you have multiple products, and they don’t skimp on description. Meanwhile, you have a dozen other customers waiting in line.

15. The One Who Has No Idea What a Hanger Is

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Warner Bros. Pictures

Culprit description: They try on EVERYTHING and buy NOTHING, but as a parting gift, you get to hang up each and every item they left on the floor.

16. The Walker and Talker

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Cartoon Network

Culprit description: Their phone might as well be part of their body, because once they look up from texting, they’re talking on the phone. You then deal with the awkwardness of trying to help them and not interrupt.

17. The Entitled One

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered

Culprit description: They know what they want, and your input isn’t it. You are strictly their servant to them.

18. The Shopaholic

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: Every single sales associate knows this shopper, and your monthly commission will be made when he or she walks in out of the blue. They will buy anything and everything.

19. And finally, The Perfect Customer

19 Ridiculous Customers Anyone Who Works In Retail Has Encountered


Culprit description: This person is kind, polite, sincere, and knows how to hang things back up. They’re level-headed, appreciative, and willing to work with you, and ultimately make your job worth it.

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