Clothes Shop Sets Up Retro Games Consoles To Amuse Bored Boyfriends

Picture the scene, lads. It’s a Saturday afternoon. You’re out with your Mrs in some sh*tty shopping centre and the last thing you want to do is sit and watch her try on shoes. You need a release, a lifeline, a helping hand. For most of us, there’s nowhere to turn in such a situation, but the game has now most certainly changed forever.
If you shop at Urban Outfitters, you may have been saved from the horror of Saturday afternoon shopping, because the lads over at their Nottingham store have done us all a favour by installing retro games consoles for bored boyfriends, husbands and men everywhere to have a play on whilst they wait for their other halves. That’s not to say the ladies can’t have a go either, but come on, they’re looking at shoes and sh*t, aren’t they?
According to reports online, the consoles have been popping up in Urban Outfitters’ larger stores around the UK, meaning more and more lads are tasting salvation by the day.
Everyone loves a game of Pac-Man on a Saturday afternoon, don’t they?
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