WTF Archives - Page 6 of 20 - I Hate Working In Retail


Poundstretcher staff detoured to casino to stick day’s takings on red for one spin of roulette wheel

Two budget shop workers who tried to stretch the day’s takings by gambling it on a roulette table resigned on the spot after losing the lot.

“Grossly stupid” duo Kieron Trott, 19, and Christopher Cameron, 48, were supposed to bank the £3,380 taken by the Poundstretcher branch in Pallion Retail Park, in Sunderland, that day, but decided they wanted to feel what “gambling on red” was like instead.

The gamble not only cost them their jobs, but landed them in court where they each pleaded guilty to theft by employee.

In scenes “almost like something out of a comedy” according to Cameron’s defence lawyer Ian Cassidy, the pair took the cash to a casino but kept landing on black and blew the money within minutes, after being left in charge of the store.

They then phoned their boss and calmly told her to call the police before resigning last October.

Mr Cassidy told Sunderland Magistrates Court said Cameron had never even been to a casino before.

He said: “Part of the routine is to check the cash that has been taken that day.

“They are joking saying what would it be like if we took this money and gambled it. Unbelievably, they persuaded themselves to do this.

“They were seen transferring the cash into chips then go to the table saying red?’ and ‘yes’. Lo and behold it came up on black.”
Jason Smith, defending Trott, said: “It was an act of gross stupidity. They were saying ‘let’s go and do this, we might make some money’.

“How that would work is beyond me.”

Lee Poppett, prosecuting, said: “At 9pm she received a call from Mr Trott stating that she needed to come back to the store because they had gambled away the takings.

“She believed it was a form of joke, but Mr Trott said ‘I’m not joking, call the police’.

Trott and Cameron are in the process of repaying the money.  Trott, of Washington, Sunderland, and Cameron of Hendon, Tyne and Wear, were handed 12-month community orders and were told to pay £110 each in costs.

Trott, was told to carry out 100 hours unpaid work, while Cameron will have to do 66 hours.


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Camera Catches Customer Taking A Dump in Grocery Store Aisle

This nasty bitch forgot forgot to scratch her paws on the store floor before taking a dump. Seriously it reminds me of one of the dogs I walk! Though they have all been trained to have better manners and would never shit in a grocery store aisle!

Sourced from



Snake Pops Out Of A Cabinet At Lowe’s Bites Customer On The Head


Imagine you’re hanging out in a nice, dry, safe room away from all the worries of the world. Suddenly, someone throws a door open to the big, scary world. Wouldn’t you want to bite that interloper right on the head? If you were a snake, totally, as one surprised Lowe’s customer found out after accidentally intruding on a snake’s privacy in the store.

A customer shopping at a Lowe’s store in Mississippi got a bite on the head over the weekend, after opening a cabinet and finding a chicken snake passing the time inside, the police chief told The Clarion-Ledger.

WTVA reported that the snake jumped out at that time to take a snap at the shopper.

Though a customer was taken to a local hospital, there was no further information about the shopper’s condition or details the incident from police, though a Lowe’s spokesperson did acknowledge the incident had occurred.

“All I can share is that we’re currently investigating the incident,” she said.

Chicken snakes (also known as black rat snakes, corn snakes or pilot snakes) are nonvenemous, and are usually between three and five feet long. When they aren’t nibbling on people’s heads from a cabinet, they dine on rodents and birds for the most part.

*Thanks for the tip, Joe!

Sourced from consumerist