Retail Stories Archives - Page 23 of 63 - I Hate Working In Retail


The 11 Worst Things About Working In A Supermarket

No matter how many people tried to warn you, you’ll often find yourself stuck back in your part-time supermarket job after graduation.

Not exactly what you were hoping 3 years of hard work would result in, and time goes on with still no sign of that dream job you were hoping to land.

“Well at least you’ve got a job”, “Think of the money!” come the cries of your friends and family. Though they make valid points, you can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Especially when you find yourself hating certain details of your supermarket job…

1. You walk into work and see this:

Mount Doom

2. The soul-destroying overtime

You find yourself accepting more overtime than you intended to, because you could do with the extra money.


3. The interrogation you face from your family

Their questions are endless and near-impossible to answer. “How’s the job hunt coming?”, “Have you applied to any jobs recently?”, “So, when are you going to get a real job?” A real job? Back. Off.

4. Graduate schemes

The moment the Managers come up to you and say “You’ve worked here a while now, have you thought about getting on the Graduate Scheme to become a Manager?” is the moment you soul completely leaves your body. You know you’ve worked there far too long.

5. Your years of service

And it gets worse when you’re handed that new work badge informing you just how many years of service you’ve clocked up.

6. Seeing old friends

Is there anything worse than seeing an old friend from School who you’ve not seen in a while? Two choices cross your mind: I could greet them with a big smile, or run and hide. Of course, there’s only one option:

7. Realising that they will always shop at your store

You can’t avoid them forever, as much as you try. So you casually assure them that you’re only there part-time while you find a job relating to your degree (do such things exist?).

Meanwhile, they tell you how well everything is going in their life.

8. Seeing them again, months later

You lock eyes, they see you’re still working there, you see that they’ve seen you’re still working there and you just accept the emptiness you’re left feeling.

9. Your Co-Workers:

Everyone has annoying co-workers, but Supermarkets have a particular brand of annoying co-workers. And there are so many of them, like:

Smelly Pete

Every Supermarket has a smelly Pete. Name interchangeable.

The one who thinks they’re hilarious

They will not leave you alone until you acknowledge this hilarity in some way.

The co-worker who just loves fancy dress days.

The couples.

Is there anything more annoying than a workplace romance? Nobody wants to know, everyone has to listen.

10. The Customers:

Customers are the single worst part about working in a Supermarket, whilst also being the whole point. Generally they’re fine and pleasant, but you’ll always remember the ones who weren’t.

Like the ones who complains about everything

Like you’re the owner of the supermarket or something.

The drunk ones

They venture in at 10 AM looking for more alcohol.

The old, obnoxious and inappropriate ones.

No, I don’t wish to listen to your outdated, narrow-minded, unfunny ‘jokes’.

Or the incredibly good looking one

You can never flirt with then because you’re in a disgusting uniform.

But the worst thing is being nice to rude customers

You’re never in the mood, but you have to do it.

11. When friends leave

They’ve finally managed to bag themselves their dream job while you’re stuck there. You’re happy for them, but gutted they’re going – it’s one less person to keep you sane.

But at the end of the day it’s all made worth it when your shift is over and you’ve got time off to do what you want. Definitely going to make the most of it, apply to some jobs, be productive… Blah blah blah.

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The 20 Biggest Hates for Workers at the Grocery Store

1. When someone leaves a cart like this.

You haven’t even made it in the store and the dick moves already abound.

2. When people ignore the “10 Items or Less” sign.

There is a special place in hell reserved for the people who make this dick move.

3. When you just want to buy bread, and someone cart-blocks you.

Seriously, you just had to swerve in front of me? Here, take this coupon for 30% off your next dick move, you dick.

4. When these aren’t stacked correctly.

See how they all fit nicely? That is how they are supposed to look. Plopping yours on top doesn’t save you time, it’s just a major dick move.

5. When kids hustle cookies and candy outside the entrance.

I came in here for Triscuits and toilet paper, but now I’m leaving with three boxes of Samoas and a befuddled look of how I got suckered into this dick move once again.

6. When someone wants a price check then decides they don’t want the item after all.

“Oh, I thought the toothpaste was on sale. Never mind, then.” — Mr. Richard Move

7. When a parent lets their kid throw a tantrum.

Awwww hellll no! I know you’ve had a long day, but your kid is literally tearing the store apart. Stop making dick moves, you apparent dick.

8. When someone tries to haggle the price at the register.

Look, this isn’t a bazaar, so stop trying to get a deal on that bag of Kit Kats, OK? Only thing you can get a deal on is being a dick. And guess what? Today it’s free.

9. When the customer at the register in front of you needs to “run and get one thing.”

Really? One thing? Then why did you come back with a ton of stuff and take FIVE MINUTES? Oh, sorry, forgot you were a dick. My bad.

10. When someone asks to jump ahead of you in line, and then takes forever.

They’re asking for rolls of quarters?! Now the checker has to ask the manager, then the manager has to get the key… Then you punch yourself for falling for that dick move once again.

11. When someone uses the self checkout to buy fruits or vegetables.

“OK, let’s see here. Where’s the code on this thing?” — A dick, trying to find a barcode on a single radish.

12. When someone wants to speak with the manager because an item isn’t scanning.

All this does is distract the manager from getting that other dick his roll of quarters. What is up with everybody? Is it National Be a Dick Day?

13. When they’ve run out of these at the register.

How else is the checker supposed to differentiate between my ice cream and bourbon, and that lady’s popsicles and vodka? And no, we are not “together,” thank you very much. Just ring her up so that I can get out of this store of dick moves.

14. When someone has to “check the ripeness” by touching all the fruit.

Go ahead, put your grubby hands on all the nectarines. It’s not like I wanted any, you super dick.

15. When people abuse free samples.

Want to know if you are maker of dick moves? How many of those samples would you take? If you said more than two, congratulations, you are a dick.

16. When people abandon meat products on a shelf ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORE.

That 30-foot walk back to the meat section was too far, huh? That’s why you left this steak oozing blood next to the Oreos?! WHAT A DICK MOVE.

17. When someone forgets their loyalty card and tries to use a phone number instead.

“…9-8-2-1? Still not working? Try 6-3-4… No, scratch that. 6-3-5…” I know your number. Try 1-800-D-I-C-K-M-O-V-E.

18. When someone obviously has a cold and wanders the store.

I get that your prescription isn’t ready, but this is how Outbreak started. So just get your meds and leave as quickly as possible, you sick dick.

19. When people leave their cart in the middle of the aisle.

Where’d they go? To the restroom? Did they get raptured? All I know is that their cart is blocking the cereal aisle, and that whoever left it is a grade-A supreme dick.

20. When someone crop-dusts the aisles.

FML. I guess this can be called a butt-move

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26 things only people working in retail will understand

If you’ve worked in retail for any amount of time you’ve probably developed a smoking habit, cynical attitude and lost hope in humanity.

Dealing with rude customers, annoying managers, and endless shifts all for minimum wage should be recognised as a crime.

These are the things that every retail worker has had to endure in their time.

1. Being expected to stop thieves
You work on the register or in the stock room, but somehow you’re also expected to tackle a 6″5′ fleeing thief. Hire a security guard for Christ’s sake, that’s not in your job description.


2. Customers throwing money on the counter rather than placing it in your outstretched hand.
There is nothing more infuriating than this ignorant a**hole! Clearly seeing your hand waiting to accept the money, they drop their change on the counter and expect you to pick it up, one coin at a time.

f3. When you have to tell a customer their card is declined
The awkward face EVERY retail worker makes at this moment.

468750664. Customers making a mess
You sometimes feel like they are doing this purely to piss you off!

giphy5. Rude customers
There is nothing worse than having to deal with an ignorant customer, struggling maintain that fake smile on your face.

22jCQ276. Customers letting their kids run wild and free
If you must go shopping with your complete family, for the love of God, please don’t bring them all up to the register to pay. Believe it or not, only one person is needed for this mighty task.


7. Dealing with “cute” couple fights over who is paying.
Just give me the money. Go enact your strange financial foreplay somewhere else.

giphy8. Wandering off in the middle of a transaction
Someone sees cousin Mary enter the store and leaves during the transaction to catch up on the last thirty years.

giphy9. Customers blaming you for stuff out of your control
Someone freaks out at you because the price isn’t what it says on the label. They seem to feel like your job is also to MAKE the prices, but this is actually not the case. Find someone else to take out your frustration of being overcharged €2 on.

544239_348765011900240_436290346_n10. The fake laugh and smile you’ve mastered
Everybody has their fake retail smile. It gets harder and harder to maintain the longer you work there!


11. People paying you with a mountain of change
Yes, we don’t mind taking your change but within bloody reason. We don’t want to count 2000 1c coins when there’s a queue of 10 people behind you!


12. The Customer is almost NEVER right!
Vehemently arguing that a product is overpriced, only for us to show you that you were actually looking at the completely wrong label, or you hadn’t realised that the price was in EURO, not pound sterling!

giphy13. You and your friends work completely different shifts
The little fun you used to have in work has been taken away from you by your manager. Now you’re stuck working with the employees your least compatible with, in order to ensure you’re never happy at work.

giphy14. “Can I pay part card/part cash?”
WHY do you have to be so awkward? You really shouldn’t have to divide up a subtotal of €15 by cash and card.


15. Customers who move at an obnoxiously slow pace when there is a massive queue behind them
Anybody who moves THAT slow clearly is doing it on purpose. I don’t care how old you are. Shift it sister!


16. A half hour break is simply not enough for the hell you have to put up with each day
Time doesn’t seem to apply during working hours. 30 minutes break is a totally different amount of time than 30 minutes on the register.


17. You agree to cover someone’s shift and immediately wish you could go back in time to change your decision
“Why did I just do that?” The worst part is that the other person never returns the favour.


18. A customer has mistaken you for a qualified therapist
We don’t want to hear about your life struggles at 5pm on a Tuesday evening. Just take your purchases and head for the exit please.

19. People entering the shop and meandering around the store at closing time!
Are these people actually serious? Despite what they might think, we actually do have other things to do and would like to leave when our shift ends. If you want to wander aimlessly around the store at closing time, please pay me extra for allowing you to do do.

tumblr_mmwl07l8gx1rt9ukxo1_50020. Trying to text without your boss seeing you
Texting your friends under the register that you’ll need them to pick you up a copious amount of alcohol to forget about your job for the briefest of moments, without your boss catching you.

anigif_enhanced-buzz-11572-1381172380-921. Having to deal with drunk or high customers
The worst of the worst. Slurring their words and gazing hopelessly into your eyes. The stink of alcohol pouring into your nostrils as you try your best to deal with their dire antics.

giphy22. Telling a customer that there is in fact a queue in your store
Yes, there is actually a line that you must enter, not just burst your way to the head of the register. And then they get pissy with you for telling them nicely.


23. The terribly annoying retail jokes that we hear ALL the time
You’ll immediately recognise these. “Do you take cash?” Haha good one! Yes, we do actually accept cash… Now hand it over.

giphy24. Infuriating “witty” retorts from customers
when an item doesn’t scan: “It must be free.” Or even worse. You’ve endured a 3 hour blitz of customers and are enjoying your first sip of water and the temporary silence, when you here: “Oh you must need something to do?!”


25. You’re not above breaking your phone in order to avoid being called into work on your day off
You’ve thought about it. Either turning your phone off or pinging it off a wall because you just give up. Nothing is worse than going into that place on your day off.


26. Your outlook on life has completely changed after working in retail
You’ve developed a cynical attitude and your hope for humanity is completely drained.


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