Confessions of a prior retail worker: Annoying things customers do.
Number 1. What are you doing in the dressing rooms?
My store did not have a dressing room limit, thus, people would more often than not, take in the entire store with them. Then they would leave it there. There, is everywhere.
Business owners, future clothing store founders, if you don’t want your employees to hate you, make a dressing room clothing limit. I recommend 7 articles at a time, and a number system. Not a free come and go as you please system.
It would take me upwards of 25 minutes to clean out one of these dressing room explosions. Not only does this SUCK, but stores like to understaff, so it would be myself, and one other person in an entire department. These two people must help the never ending line of customers, keep all the dressing rooms spotless (Which includes taking the clothes out of the rooms, and then putting them back where they came from, which takes about an hour to do one rack of clothes in a giant store), AND reorganize the entire store all before they can go home. This means, when you make explosion in the dressing room, you make the employees stay on average, 2 hours after they were supposed to be off. Do you like working until 1 am every night?
If there is a clothing rack outside the dressing room, TAKE THEM FROM THE ROOM AND PUT THE DAMN CLOTHES ON IT. This is directly aimed at the women, The men bring their clothes out of the dressing rooms.
Also, if you are one of the people who urinate in the dressing rooms, and then throw a shirt on top so an unsuspecting employee accidentally touches your urine, well, you’re disgusting, and we all hate you. THIS HAPPENS MORE OFTEN THAN IT SHOULD!!

Number 2. Are you usually blatantly rude to complete strangers?
Please try to remember, I don’t know you. I have never met you, and I wouldn’t be talking to you if I didn’t have to ring up your items, or answer your questions, or do something else related to my job. It is also important for you to know, dear grumpy customer, that I most likely was not the cause of your distress. Is it really necessary to act like a 2 year old child? Must you take out your anger on the store or something irrelevant on the employee who did nothing to you? Hey I hate the store more than you do. I stay here for 50 hours a week.
I am not sorry either. I honestly could not possibly care any less that you’re angry about the how the manufacturer of our merchandise in in China, please pay for your things or ask an answerable question so we can move forward and on with our lives. Take a deep breath. You’re in a retail store. It is probably not that big of a deal.

Number 3. ENOUGH with damn stock room
Number 4. I did not memorize every product we have in store

Number 5. Oh, you saw a shirt in the catalog two months ago?
What did it look like? oh It had black and was short sleeve….
Do you remember anything else about it? Oh It was so long ago that you don’t…
[See number 4]
Number 6. So, because you did not see me right away. Is that reason to scream for help?
You walk up to the register, and I happen to be about 8 feet in the other direction, fixing a display one of your fellow slob demons destroyed. The shelf near me slightly covers me from your sight. You have been there for a grand total of 4 seconds. As I begin to come to you to offer my assistance, you hit five seconds, and start to believe you are all alone in the entire store because you did not see me right away. You begin to yell; “Hello?! IS THERE ANYBODY EVEN WORKING HERE? HELLOOO??!!! I NEED HELP HERE!!!”
Is that absolutely necessary? You waited five seconds. That doesn’t even qualify as waiting! I saw you the moment you walked up there! So if you had actually waited maybe ten seconds, you would have known that I was there all along, and you would have seen me get up, and you wouldn’t have had to turn spastic and start having a meltdown. Another customer witnessed that unrequired freak out as well.
Damn. I am embarrased for you.
Then I let you know that I was folding clothes 8 feet away and I watched you walk to the counter, only I have to be polite to you, so I apologise for the 5 second *ahem* I mean, minute wait anyway and start ringing you up.
Inside, I hate you.
Number 7. I can’t do anything about the line
What is it you want me to do anyway? I have to admit I am curious. Is it expected that I build an additional register real quick and call up another co-worker to serve you?
And your rudeness is not going to get you any benefit, so you might as well just shut up and pay for your crap.
Number 8. Must you DESTROY the displays to look at the garment?
When your transporting clothing in your home, and you decide you don’t want to wear the shirt or pair of pants of whatever you have anymore, do you ever toss it on the floor in the middle of your home? Or hang it randomly on a lamp, or door handle?
If I randomly come to you and ask you what size you’re looking for, it is because you have proven to be a slob demon, and I want to prevent you from destroying my area. I will also follow you around to nicely and neatly remove whatever you want from the displays so you can’t ruin them. I am most likely not trying to be extremely helpful, I just want to go home before 2 am.

Number 9: We sold all of our swimsuits in February
How about you stare at me awkwardly in disbelief for 10 seconds before you respond again.
There we go.
No, we have no more swimsuits in the store. No not even in the stockroom…I think it is stupid as well, I have no idea why they do this..Most retail stores have been doing it for as long as I can remember though, so I don’t understand how this is news to you.
Number 10: “Do you know where they sell *Insert random non-department store item here*, or where in the mall do they have *Insert random item here*”.
Think about what you’re expecting of me!!

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