How Much Has Working Retail Destroyed Your Will To Live?
Check off all the things that have destroyed your soul!

- 1 Did you use to smile… before you worked retail?
- 2 Have you ever considered stabbing your eyes out halfway through a shift?
- 3 When someone asks to see the manager do you want to throw them through a window like that little girl in “Matilda?”
- 4 Have you run out of ways to not give a shit when someone says that “the other place is cheaper?”
- 5 When you meet a new employee do you feel the need to say “I used to be like you… happy… and full of life.”
- 6 Does it literally BOGGLE your mind every day how people think it’s okay to shop past closing time?
- 7 Do you have nightmares about dressing rooms filled with discarded clothes?
- 8 Does the mere thought of Christmas music make you want to go to the North Pole and beat the shit out of Santa?
- 9 If you never heard another Christmas song for the rest of your life would you be fine with that?
- 10 Do you feel the same way when a customer spends five minutes digging for change but just pays with bills anyway?
- 11 Do you come dangerously close to losing your mind when a customer says “your job must be really easy!”
- 12 Do you refer to several times of the day as “Fuck this shit o’clock?”
- 13 Do you want to tabletop every person who just throws their money on the counter at you?
- 14 Does the word “inventory” crush your soul?
- 15 When something doesn’t scan and the customer says “it must be free!” Do you want to give them a free slap in the face?
- 16 Have weekends lost their meaning?
- 17 When something comes out to $20.22 and a customer hands you two $20 bills do you want to smash an expensive
- 18 Do you know what a “clopen” (close/open) is?
- 19 Does hearing the word “clopen” make you went to just end it all right now?
- 20 When you say “hi” do a customer and they ignore you do you automatically assume they’re an asshole?
- 21 Does it amaze you ever second of every day how customers don’t realize that CLOSED DOORS mean WE’RE NOT OPEN?
- 22 Do you have a strong distaste for the human race?
- 23 Have you been yelled at so much you don’t even register it anymore?
- 24 Do you want to slap the damn phone out of people who come to the register with it?
- 25 Do you wish that people could get the simple concept that being a douchebag will not solve any problems ever?
- 26 Does the mere thought of mystery shoppers bring a chill down your spine?
- 27 Does the “I just made those $100. How’d I do?” joke make you want to jump into a damn canyon?
- 28 Is the only thing keeping you from snapping the fact that there’s no Netflix in jail?
- 29 When there’s too many people in line while you’re at the register, do you think to yourself that the world needs a new plague?
- 30 But, at the end of the day, do you feel like a better human because you have had to deal with the worst of humanity?
What did you score????????
Sourced from
More From I Hate Working in Retail
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