The 23 Types of Customers All Retail Workers Hate -


The 23 Types of Customers All Retail Workers Hate

Working in retail is a tough old slog, but when these customers walk into your store, you know that your day is going to get a hell of a lot worse

1. The one who says: “It’s such a beautiful day outside, shame you have to be in here all day!”


2. The one who insists you check in the back for an item you definitely don’t have23+types+of+customers+retail+staff+can%26%238217%3Bt+stand

There is no magical portal back there. Trust me.

3. The one who can’t part ways with their mobile phone


I am not a self-scanner, I’d quite like it if you acknowledged that there is an actual person standing in front of you.

4. The discount obsessive


I’m sorry I haven’t memorised every single sale item we have on and FYI there’s a big queue forming behind you. Online shopping was made for people like you.

5. The over-sharer


Lady, I’m just here for your shopping not your issues with your best friend’s new fling.

6. The large group of hormonal teenagers


They all smell of Lynx and Clearasil.

7. The one who just wants to tell you that products are so much cheaper in a different shop


I don’t get customers who do this. Send an angry Tweet or something because there’s nothing I can do about it.

8. The one who’s here for all their Christmas shopping



9. The stingy one


They’re pleasant until you tell them how much they owe and suddenly they don’t want five boxes of Shreddies any more.

10. The stingy one who clearly doesn’t need to be stingy


I can see your Rolex and Gucci shades. There’s no need for you to cause a riot over a 2p price difference.

11. The one who comments on EVERYTHING you do


“You should be more careful with those eggs”.

Okay then….

12. The one who just wants to see you fail


You’re staring at me just WAITING for me to make a wrong move. Get a life.

13. The clumsy one


“Clean-up needed in aisle 6″. You don’t say.

14. The one who chucks their change at you


My hand wasn’t stretched out so you can drop your coins all over the counter. I am not a fountain.

15. The one in a rush


The worst part about the hurrier is that once they are at the till they’ll realise they’ve forgotten something, leaving a pile of shopping where they once stood and a crazy train of angry customers behind them.

16. The one who comes in FIVE MINUTES before closing time


You are the worst kind of human.

17. Kids on a a sugar high


AKA why birth control was invented.

18. The customer who thinks you guys are friends


Yes you come here every day but I’m not adding you on Facebook, sorry.

19. The customer you fancy


ARGH this is awkward. How can I look hot in this stupid uniform?

20. The one whose card doesn’t work and they just stare at you


I do not operate all of technology. If there’s a card/machine fail there’s not that much I can do.

21. The one who seems to be holding a house party in the fitting rooms


Here’s a thought: why don’t you go trash your own place.

22. The one who requests giant bags and gift wrapping for an item that costs like £2


23. The PDA customers


Is it really necessary to smooch by the till? I don’t think so.

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