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4 Things You Learn From Working In Foodservice



Now, I know this topic has been somewhat belabored, and I myself have read more than a few lists of “#serverprobs” but there is a reason that food service employees everywhere continue to share their grievances with the world: they are a largely under-appreciated group. Now a college student in the midst of my fifth summer in the food business, I have learned some important things about people and how to interact with them…

1. People Are Not Observant

I’ve worked at a local sandwich/coffee shop for four summers now, and time and time again I have seen this proved true. Even though we clearly have a specific part of the counter where customers are supposed to place their order (you know, by the cash register maybe?!), they prefer to attempt to place their orders with the girls in the kitchen instead of the girl at the register (note: our register is a giant white iMac..pretty hard to miss). Oh and did I mention the girls in the kitchen are usually busy preparing food? Yes, let me just stop right in the middle of making three sandwiches at once just so I can take your order…NOT. It got so aggravating, especially in the summer when the shop is busy, that we hung signs pointing to the register saying “please place your order this way”. Do you think people pay any attention to those? No. Of course not. Additionally, there is a box of detailed sandwich menus in plain sight on the counter available for people to read, yet the amount of times people don’t see them is astounding. Our new greeting has become “Hi! How are you? We have sandwich menus here if you’d like one” and the customer usually looks blankly around and then goes, “Oh! I was looking for one!” Well, maybe you should have looked in the BOX THAT SAYS “MENUS” ON IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. Has everyone suddenly become illiterate? It seems entirely possible.

2. People Think They Are Funny

This one doesn’t need much explanation. If I had a dollar for every time someone walks into the shop and, upon taking in our display of desserts and entrees, remarks “I’ll have one of everything!” with a little laugh, I’d be financially set for the rest of my life. Of course, every time I hear this I’m obligated to laugh good-naturedly while inwardly my eyes are rolling back into my head. Another popular remark is, “My god, how do you stay so skinny working here? If I worked here I’d eat everything.” Well, number one: I do eat a lot of things, and number two: talking about weight is weird. I know they just mean it as a light-hearted comment but really, there is no good way to respond to this. Time for another exasperatedly good-natured laugh. Sigh.

3. People Are Careless

Now before I begin this one, let me first present a disclaimer: a large percentage of customers ARE in fact friendly and respectful; by no means are they all disrespectful. However, there are those people every once in awhile who really just grind your gears. One occurrence that really irks me is when I’m on register and people question me about money. Say the order comes to $9.50, and the customer hands me a ten-dollar bill. I ring the order through and return the correct change, which is 50 cents. The customer then says, “Oh, didn’t I give you a twenty?” No, no you did not. He persists. Yes, yes sir I am sure you gave me a ten. This honestly bothers me to no end, so much so that I have gotten into the habit of saying “Out of ten?” or whatever amount they pay with, so that I am not accused of giving incorrect change. Keep track of your money, people; don’t blame me for it and then give me a dirty look even though I did nothing wrong!

4. People Are Not Always Respectful

I can’t even begin to count the number of times my coworkers and I have put together a massive order of sandwiches and salads totaling upwards of $65 only to receive zero tip from the customer. I understand that we are not a fine dining restaurant, but think about it: in a restaurant you would have tipped the waitress at least $9.75, yet you can’t leave us even fifty cents? It just baffles me sometimes how unappreciative people can be. I remember one specific instance in which a customer called ten minutes before closing needing a quart of ice cream, and I politely let her know we were about to close, but if she could get to the store before closing, then we were happy to help. She said she lived close by was on her way-and did not arrive for at least twenty minutes. We literally kept the store open late solely for her, and when she finally waltzed in she took her sweet time and left no tip. Really? Well there you have it, just a few tidbits from the endless wealth of knowledge (read: exasperation) I have gained from working in the food business. Of course, I haven’t only gained negative experiences; there have been plenty of positive ones as well. These are just some of the ones that stick out the most. So next time you go out to eat, whether it be at a five-star restaurant or at a small local coffee shop-please, just be friendly to the servers, and if they are friendly in return, think about leaving a few cents behind! When you appreciate us, we appreciate you. Good vibes am I right? #serverprobs

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20 Soul-Crushing Moments Every Server Dreads

1. “This won’t be a problem, will it?”

We all need separate checks and we all need to be out of here in the next 5 minutes… #serverproblems #ServerProbz

2. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

The face I make when a table comes on 10 minutes before closing #serverproblems

3. When people forget you are a human being.

When a guest cuts me off with their drink order when I’m trying to introduce myself lol #serverlife

4. When you check the weather report for the upcoming schedule.

5. The scariest 10 seconds of any shift.

6. When you know they mean well, but you genuinely don’t know if you can muster up another giggle.

There’s always that one comedic genius at every table who says this…#serverproblems

7. “I’ll remember what T.F.H. stands for.” (Literally one minute later: ????!?!??!?!?!)

Chicken scratch & abbreviations. The busier I am the worse it gets. #serverproblems #serverlife

9. When a table says they’re ready, but then asks you to stand there for five minutes as they read the menu in front of you.


10. Feeling like such a creeper when it’s slow.

11. Finding out you’re waiting on this guy.

13. When you have to write a novel in the POS and you’re in the weeds.

My reaction when a customer adds like 100 modifications to their food. #ServerProblems

14. Realizing you’re sporting your unwanted ~signature scent~.

You know it’s been a long night at the social house when… #ServerProblems

15. No, but really, WHYYYY?

Happened to me and I immediately wanted to drop kick an old man skankasaurus in the face #serverlife #bartenderlife

16. When you seriously cannot take the heat.

17. LOL not gonna happen.

Right when you have drinks up, food in the window, quadruple sat, & a line out the door with no host #serverproblems

18. This “threat.”

19. When a table orders something that was 86’d while you were standing there.

20. And waking up, hours after your shift, in a cold sweat.


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23 Struggles Of Working In The Fast Food Industry

1. When some customers act all high and mighty simply because you have to take their order.

Yes, I’m making this food for you. No, you can’t treat me like shit.

2. When people use the drive-thru to empty out their piggy banks, leaving you with $15 dollars in coins.

Sir, I’ve got another order coming in over the headset, I have to make three milkshakes for you, and now I have to count all of this change. No.

3. When your chain restaurant adds new items to the menu, and everything’s place on the register changes.

Nickelodeon / Via

“1-1-3 used to mean ‘Snickers Blizzard,’ but now it’s ‘6-piece chicken nuggets.’ Damn.”

4. Playing “rock, paper, scissors” with your coworkers to see who has to take out the trash versus clean the bathrooms.

NBC / Via

5. When people ask “what toppings are on that type of burger” and you turn around and guess based on what the board’s picture looks like.

6. Not being able to hear someone ordering from the drive-thru because their engine is too loud.

Paramount Pictures / Via

And they don’t turn off their engine no matter how many times you ask, so you defeatedly say, “please pull up.”

7. That goes double for the people who speak so softly when ordering, and you basically have to guess what they want.

Did they say “grilled chicken sandwich” or “large fry?” Ugh. I’ll just give them both.

8. When customers complain about their fries being cold despite them just coming out of the fryer.

ABC / Via

9. Or when they keep changing their orders after you put them in the register.

So you don’t want that crispy chicken anymore, or?

10. Even worse is when they get their food and then complain, saying, “I didn’t want cheese on my sandwich.”

NBC / Via

Then maybe you should have told me “no cheese.”

11. Having to stand on your feet for at least eight hours at a time and not being able to lean on the counter.

Disney / Via

Your back hurts, your feet are sore, and now you’re basically seeing spots.

12. When the customers forget how to form a single file line, and all hell breaks loose.

Columbia Pictures / Via

I will not be your teacher. Follow simple first-grade rules and learn how to form a line.

13. Or when they actually form a line but the first customer has no idea what they want.

Nickelodeon / Via

“I can help whoever is next AND READY.”

14. Waiting those painfully long six minutes for the deep fryer to cook that crispy chicken sandwich you need ASAP.

NBC / Via

I know you’re hungry, ma’am, but I can’t give you your sandwich right now unless you want it to be frozen solid.

15. Always being sticky, sweaty, and greasy when you get home.

Ah, what a glorious, sexy job.

16. Having to listen to the customer’s wrath when you tell them you’re out of a certain item.

Buena Vista Pictures / Via

Hellllllll no.

17. Trying to sneak a loose fry or chicken finger when your manager isn’t around… and failing.

Fox / Via

18. When someone comes to the drive-thru JUST as the kitchen is about to close and orders a gargantuan amount of crispy chicken sandwiches.

DreamWorks / Via

Kitchen: “Nope. Just tell them we’re out.”
You: “Sorry. We just ran out.”

19. Before working in fast food: smooth skin. After working in fast food: acne galore.

Disney / Via

And it doesn’t matter how old you are.

20. Always smelling like grease and fast food, no matter how many showers you take.

The CW / Via

21. The same goes for your work clothes, which are kept in a separate pile so their stench doesn’t contaminate your other belongings.

Disney / Via

22. Emptying your pockets at night and tallying up a whole 37 cents in tips. Wooh!

20th Century Fox / Via

So, basically just the change someone left at the drive-thru as they drove away.

23. And foregoing the daily urge to quit every time you have to clean up someone’s spilled drink or throw up off the floor.

Nickelodeon / Via

Bonus points to you for surviving if the spill was on a carpeted area.

But, hey, at least you have amazing coworkers to go through these ups and downs with.

Illumination Entertainment / Via

‘Cause someone’s gotta do the dirty work, and none do it better than you.

NBC / Via


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