Life as a Server Archives - Page 4 of 23 - I Hate Working In Retail


Retail Workers Share Their Worst Blunders At The Cash Register

The service industry has plenty of drama, long hours, and busy work to put anyone on edge.

In a recent Reddit thread, a lot of whipper-snappers confessed they’ve made some horrible blunderson the job, like overcharging customers thousands of dollars because they were panicked.

Since it’s nearly Friday the 13th (and a slow news day), we’ve picked out a few of their hilarious highlights, edited for clarity, and reprinted them here.

  • “It was my second job ever and I charged $500 over the actual total. I started freaking out and getting hives from the anxiety. I had a long line and thought it was irreversible. The couple wasn’t even mad that it happened, they just wanted their money back.” —weusedtodream


  • “I worked in a busy restaurant full of tourists eating lobster. I ran a family’s Visa through for $4,150. Mortified.”—cherryb0mbr


  • “Somehow the cafeteria near me deposited $300 into my account, around the same time they gave me a refund. Guess they entered too many zeroes.”—Massive Response 


  • “I accidentally charged a woman for a printer twice while working at Best Buy in high school … I told my immediate supervisor, who shrugged it off. F— them.”—Ruddose


  • “Worked at Quizno’s. Typed too fast. Charged $173 for subs. Had to make a few calls to resolve that.”—adanceparty


And on the flipside … 


  • “When I went to buy a season of ‘Lost’ on Blu Ray somehow it came up as a Justin Bieber CD for $9.99. Cashier was too busy talking to notice.”—Trotwood 


  • “I worked at a store like Best Buy and sold five office grade printers for the price of one. Never told anyone.”—Jagbag13


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The 12 Stages of a Server’s Day

1. You work a late shift so you get to sleep in!

2. And somehow you STILL oversleep.

3. But you manage to pull up to work right on time.

4. Even though it’s slow as hell…

5. So you catch up with your coworkers…

6. Until it’s time to get to work.

7. You’re pulling in tips left and right, and feeling good…

8. But a few hours later, your feet are killing, and you’ve had enough.

9. Finally the last customers pay up and leave…

10. But you can’t leave until you’re done cleaning up.

11. At last, it’s time to go home.

12. Shit, you made bank tonight!

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6 Problems Everyone In Retail Knows

Problems we’ve all experienced while working in the wonderful world of retail!


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